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Headscratchers / Degrassi Junior High

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  • In "Trust Me", if Snake's parents' taillight had been broken for a week how come Snake didn't notice it in all that time, when they back it into the driveway so that the rear of the car's facing the house? Especially since he was looking for a way to stop Joey from joyriding it - "Look, the taillight's broken, we're bound to get pulled over" might've worked better than just "come on, Joey!"
  • In one episode, Wheels brings up John Lennon as another rock star with glasses, to which Joey and Snake dismiss as "some guy from the sixties". Then why is a poster of the Sgt. Pepper album clearly visible in Joey's basement when they record a demo?
  • If Stephanie Kaye is the Alpha Bitch, and especially if she thinks Liz is weird, then why is she so friendly with the alternative, punky Spike? In any other scenario, Steph would think of Spike as a weird outsider and probably make snide remarks, and Spike would return the favor with a middle finger.
  • When Spike acts like a complete asshole towards Shane and refuses to let him see his own daughter because of her crappy family life, she's justified and in the future becomes Happily Married to a different man while Shane's life is utter hell. But when Wheels acts like a complete asshole like Spike because of his crappy family life, Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse and he gets arrested for it. I understand Double Standards exist and all, but the fact that Spike gets away with what Wheels gets arrested over is irritating as hell.
    • The real headscratcher here would be the attempt at a comparison between Spike being a "complete asshole" (a questionable assessment) to Wheels drunk driving and killing a child. This also ignores the fact that Shane ignored Spike for months after finding out she got pregnant, that he didn't take the entire thing seriously enough in general, which was why Spike was angry at him. There is no Double Standard here, except in the way Spike as a character is assessed by the fandom.
