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Haiku / The Flash (2014)

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Fastest man alive
Saves his city in a flash
Now run, Barry, run!

Locked Out of the Loop?
Everyone knows who's the Flash!
But Iris doesn't!

Barry ran so fast
He went back to the Friendzone
Time travel sucks, eh?

Arrow Crossover
How many superheroes
until Justice League?

Iris, know nothing
Everyone keeping secrets
From her little head

Reverse-Flash: "To me,
you've been dead for centuries.
I'll guarantee it."

— Tropers/Rehberre

The Eobard Thawne:
Wants to kill the Flash, and yet
Nobody knows why.

— Tropers/Rehberre

"Oh, I'm not The Flash.
Some might say I'm the reverse."
Now, Wells, make your move.

— Tropers/Rehberre

Iris knows the truth.
Should have been honest with her.
Now she is pissed.

Grodd hates banana
Joe's forever traumatized
Way to go, Cisco...

Captain Cold wins like,
A Magnificent Bastard.
It is Just as Planned!

Thawne is gonna win
There is no one fast enough
Eddie makes his Choice.

— Tropers/Ellowen (Inspired by Wild Card)

Infinite Crisis
and Legacy Characters
First True Comic Show

I'm the Future Flash,
My ascension is at hand.
Iris dies tonight.
