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Haiku / Bo Burnham

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I saw a rainbow
On the day my grandma died
Fuckin' lesbian

Bo Burnham's Haiku in "haikus / sonnet / Shakespeare"

For fifteen cents a day
You can feed an African
They eat pennies

Bo Burnham's Haiku in "haikus / sonnet / Shakespeare"

Old peoples' skin sags
Because it's being pulled towards
The underworld

Bo Burnham's Haiku in "haikus / sonnet / Shakespeare"

"Do unto others
As you would have them do to you"
Said the rapist

Bo Burnham's Haiku in "haikus / sonnet / Shakespeare"

My aunt used to say
"Slow and steady wins the race"
She died in a fire

Bo Burnham's Haiku in "haikus / sonnet / Shakespeare"

Even if he is
Your friend, never, ever call
An Asian person

Bo Burnham's Haiku in "haikus / sonnet / Shakespeare"

Bono, if you want
To help poor people, sell your
Tinted shades, you cunt

Bo Burnham's Haiku in "haikus / sonnet / Shakespeare"
