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Funny / Vanoss Gaming And Company Drawing Games

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  • Wildcat’s character was made fun of since his character's unibrow made it looked like a skateboard.
    • Later in the game, when Wildcat points to himself in an attempt to allude to the word "unibrow", but the Panda, Vanoss and Moo put "dumbass", "retard", and "idiot" respectively and simultaneously. Panda later adds "Fortnite" to the mix.
    • Vanoss also points to Wildcat later on, this time the word was "skateboarder".
    • From the same video, Panda did not realize that he mistook "Hercules" for "Achilles", until Wildcat pointed out.
    Tyler: It's not Achilles, it's Hercules, you stupid bitch.
  • Moo failing to spell "Charlie Chaplin". Twice. In the exact same way.
  • Nogla has everyone try to guess the word "screen"... with the answer being literally the one thing he wrote.
  • In a later video, Nogla does it again with the word "stop sign"...only for Basically calling him out for his stupidity:
    Basically: Can you not be fucking stupid?!
    • How does Nogla react?
    Basically: Why do you got to write letters on it, man?!
    • Nogla's take on Sherlock Holmes somehow manages to eclipse it. Not only does no one get it—but as Wildcat points out, no one even tried to make a guess.
    Terroriser: The game almost kicked me because I did nothing but watch that disaster …
  • At one point in a session, Vanoss draws a surprisingly good (but slightly deformed) Homer Simpson.
    • He does it again in a later video, this time with more emphasis on "deformed".
    • It has become a running gag to have them (mostly Vanoss) randomly draw Homer Simpson, and try to incorporate him into the word somehow. They also look more disturbing every time. Vanoss' videos even have a "Homers Drawn" counter.
  • Mini having everyone guess the word "tricycle"... by literally drawing a three-wheeled cycle.
    Tyler: (Laughs) That's not how you make...!
    Mini: I know! It's a little bit abstract! It's abstract art, okay?
    Kryoz: Are you fucking retarded!?
    Mini: It's abstract art, okay? It's different! It's... Picasso! It's Picasso!
    Tyler: A tricycle isn't a bike for three people!
    Mini: I'm aware! It's definitely abstract!
    SMii7Y: Bullshit!
  • SMii7Y's word is "harbor" and when he says that he is gonna take the offensive route with it (namely drawing the Pearl Harbor attack), Kryoz immediately pops in, presuming what the actual word is:
    Kryoz: Oh, is it the N-word?
    (everyone laughs)
    Tyler: John, don't do it. You just see John pop in with...It fits! It fits! Are you sure it's not?
  • Mini guessed the word "coin" first, but he got it so quick that he didn't even realize it until the round was over.
  • While in the middle of a session, a random player who is also named Marcel joins the game... while on mobile. He proceeds to crudely draw, but because he's on mobile, he starts glitching until he ends up painting the whole screen black. Then he gives up and leaves right when everyone else was ready to kick him. The word he was trying to draw? Tampon!
  • Vanoss misspelling "nuggets" as "nuggers", prompting some shocked laughs from everyone, especially Jiggly.
    Jiggly: Wow, Evan!? WOOOOOOOOOW!!!
  • Nogla's word is "Communism" and instead of drawing, he decides to sing the USSR national anthem, confident that his friends will figure it out. Nobody gets it and they kick Nogla out of annoyance.
  • When Nogla gets the word barrel, he attempts to draw a gun barrel, however it ends up looking more like a deformed nose and only Basically gets the word in the last few seconds.
  • Ohmwrecker's word is "wizard" and he gets the bright idea to draw the wizard's pointy hat and robes white. When everyone makes fun on him for it, Ohm screeches a Big "SHUT UP!".
  • Kryoz's word is "Nintendo Switch" and when Terroriser guesses it early on, Kryoz opts to draw it as birds on a tree instead. Smii7y absentmindedly blurts out that it's a Switch before realizing that that's the answer.
  • During "The Vanoss hotel is now open for business" on Nogla's channel, one could notice at 7:30 a HUGE slew of censored text in the chat that's not really shown in other channels. It's not until "Fish Hanson has entered the chat..." that we find out just what started the curse laden rant. Turns out that Vanoss got the word "Miner", and drew an arrow at Terroriser with the hint "sounds like one." Nogla's response? Unleash every offensive (and weird) thing he has in the chat on Brian.
    • For reference, the list of words that Nogla threw at Brian? "loser, nerd, asshole, dick, cunt, focker, bollix, dickhead, bitch, bee-yatch, mick, micker, paddle, potato, racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot"
  • Marcel once worked as a balloon artist, NOT a clown.
    Marcel: Fuck you, you piece of shit. Fuck you, you bastard! I WAS NEVER ONE OF THESE!
  • Shortly after he joined Vanoss and Terroriser in Folklore Hunters, Mr. Sark plays for the first time. One moment in particular includes one of his drawings; his word is "dock".
    Wildcat: (After being the first to guess correctly) I'm ashamed that I got this this quickly.
    Panda: [Cackling]
    Vanoss: I don't get it.
  • Moo gets the word 'graduation' and decides to draw the album cover of Graduation, only to accidentally draw the cannon in such a phallic way that it has to be censored in Vanoss' video.
    Moo: There's like a teddy bear, got shot out of the cannon.
    Vanoss: Or being scarred!
    Moo: Ignore the cannon! (begins scribbling it out) The cannon was a bad idea!
    Vanoss: Now it's a hairy—
    Moo: AAAGH!
  • Nogla's infamous guess "Monocle Gentlesir" sends the crew into hysterics.
    Wildcat: You've just been bamboozled by Monocle Gentlesir! May misfortune fall upon you and yours!

    Gartic Phone 
  • The first session was a blast through and through, whether seeing the guy's (especially Delirious') attempts at drawing and losing their mind while doing so, or DeadSquirrel being the Butt-Monkey subject of the drawings. Here's Delirious' live-stream of the session.
    • When discussing how the game works, the phrase "Squirrel is a bitch" was thrown out as a suggestion by Toonz. Naturally, one person decided to use said prompt to start off, with certain subjects devolving into the same phrase when Squirrel gets involved despite not starting as such, much to his chagrin.
    • Nut-based innuendo's are a magnet of trouble and humiliation for Squirrel. One particular album featuring him starts off with Squirrel protecting his nuts (acorns) but devolves into keeping his nuts in a cage (first innocently, second not-so-innocently) to "banging" a door, with an explicit drawing courtesy of Jihi finishing off the album and sending everyone into hysterics.
    • The huge disparity between both Jihi and Squirrel's art of Bugs Bunny, with Jihi's being a well made and accurate depiction of the character, while Squirrel's is nothing like the "iconic" Bugs Bunny. Lampshaded by both Cartoonz and Anthony.
      Cartoonz: The fact that it showed up right after the word(s) "The iconic Bugs Bunny".
      Anthony: I like how it's right after Jihi, the artist master, and then fuckin' Squirrel with the crack-headed bunny.
    • Delirious decides to interpret Cartoonz's "poop on the internet" image as Squirrel's YouTube channel. The following gems include Jihi's drawing of Squirrel's own video titled: "My Friends are Bullies" and the very appropriate follow-up "Squirrel's next video". Delirious was already laughing at what he done, but laughed even harder at the results that went into place.
  • Delirious introducing this game to Vanoss and a few others left them declaring done for due to how much they laugh over the resulting drawings.
    Terroriser: Oh fuck, my cheeks. I don't think is gonna be played much anymore.
    Nogla: Yeah, we might be done with
    • The creation of "Irish SpongeBob".
    • Wildcat isn't here for this session, but that didn't stop the others from subjecting them to the fate of their drawings, with the final collection of drawing, previously being "Demonitized video", being the absolute kicker: Cat Porn on YouTube.
      Delirious: Aaaaand we got demonetized video, we did it!
  • What started as an attempt at depicting Bryce, Toonz, and Delirious as The Powerpuff Girls quickly derails into the following prompt: "Jihi draws hentai". And Jihi herself delivered, with the result being her character drawing an ahegao face while sporting a pricelessly smug grin directed towards the viewer.
  • Terroriser and Smii7y were late for one session, so Delirious devised a plan for everybody to feature the absentee's in their drawings, with plenty of them getting rather sexual. Hearing Terroriser going from incredibly confused to increasingly fed up with both the groups mockery and their feigning of ignorance over the "coincidental" scenarios is all kinds of side-splitting. Not that it stops him from contributing to the album, to which he lampshades at the end.
    • Smii7y's final drawing of one album, which features Terroriser masturbating at the thought of the former. Smii7y draws the line at recreating the scenario, instead drawing his defiance in signature form.
      "I'm not drawing that." -Smii7y
      Smii7y: Yeah, no...
      Terroriser: You say "no", yet here I am going "Oh yes, lemme put a bit of shading of his dick in my mouth".
    • Terroriser's prompt "The Joker goes to the fair". Aside from being the most consistent of them all and the only prompt alongside Smii7y's to not feature Terroriser and Smii7y to start (a fact that was lampshaded by Delirious), the album ends on the Joker greeting a lady with "We live in a society, wanna fuck?"
