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(Top- 2010, Bottom- 2020) Never change, Shibisu.

Season One

  • Yuri's introduction to Bam. With her FOOT!
  • After Bam manages to summon the spirit of Black March from the her sword, she immediately submits to Bam as her new master because he's attractive. Yuri gets pissed because the Black March always rejected her no matter how many times she asked and theorizes that she must have a preference for good-looking guys. The Black March immediately confirms this.
  • Almost all of Shibisu's reactions in both the comic and the anime- but especially in the anime, fall solidly into here.
  • Khun's "Requirements To Becoming A Jahad Princess's Friend" plan in Volume 1 chapter 34.
    'Oh my, you're so thin.'
    • The listing of the "credits". Basically, Khun came up with the whole entire plan and the equipment. Bam provided the spoon.
    • And Ship's attempt to re-enact Aguero's plan with Anaak. It didn't work out well.
  • Endorsi questions Bam on why he is so obsessed with Rachel and is told that that his heart goes where it wills, making the scene almost like Bam is rejecting a love confession. Lampshaded when the other two regulars in the circle simultaneously say "Dumped", which earns them a Death Glare.
  • When Anaak tries to talk to Black March, she goes to Shibisu after realising Black March will only listen to a man. When Black March refuses to communicate with Shibisu, Anaak's response is to question if Shibisu is actually a man.
  • Anaak is the illegal daughter of Endorsi's adopted sister, making them technically family. They both deny this connection... until Anaak kicks Endorsi off a ledge in the test and Endorsi grabs her leg, pulling them both down.
    Endorsi: You're my only niece, so help me out!
    Anaak: I have plenty of aunts, so just give up and die!
  • Chibi Rak
    Khun: Where's your daddy?
  • When Bam, Khun, and Rak sit together after the Hide and Seek test, the background randomly changes to a scene from Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The characters lampshade the change, but the lack of mention afterward makes it BLAM moment.
  • When Mauchi objects to being disqualified and is beat up, Khun announces that he also objects to the results - and claims that Mauchi hasn't been beat up enough yet.
  • Ship never agreed to take part in the special examination for Bam. He was forced into it, when after Anaak agreed to take part in the test, she grabbed his shirt and dragged him screaming offstage.

Season Two

  • When Yuri asks Repellista to find Bam, she starts with what seems to be an emotional motivational speech, but her reasons quickly devolve into: HE IS A TOTAL HOTTIE! Cue a nosebleed that would put many a male to shame.
    • Maschenny's Big "SHUT UP!" to the Royal Guards.
      Royal Guards: FOR THE GLORY OF ZA-
      Khun Maschenny Jahad: SHUT IT, YOU FANATICS!
  • When Viole catches up to Wangnan, he grabs him by the little horns on the back of his neck before tossing him to the ground.
  • When Yeon and Ja suck up to Viole, Ja calls her a team killer and backs her into a corner. Under pressure, her only reply is "I HAVE BIGGER BREASTS THAN YOU!" Beat. Ja wants to prove that as a man, he is well endowed, but gets stopped as Yeon, Akraptor, and Kang activate their weapons.
    • Yeon realising that Viole is actually a guy.
    • It got lost in translation but even Love thought Viole was a girl. Cue sweatdrop upon realisation.
    • And in the same chapter, SIU rubs in his disposition of Viewer Gender Confusion with Nia.
  • Yeon announces that she will be cooking instead of Viole, and Miseng starts crying.
    • A bit Hilarious in Hindsight, but Ehwa had learnt how to barbecue. Remember what Wangnan wanted to make her do after she burned him in her first appearance? Wangnan got his wish.
  • Volume 2 chapter 29 - at the beginning of the test, even Viole is looking on amazed at the sea. Considering his usually reclusive nature, may double as heartwarming for some.
    • Not long after, Ehwa, Prince, Horyang, and Viole's looks of Oh, Crap! when Zygeana flips over. If you look closely, Horyang squashes Prince as he backs off.
    • In the following chapter, Viole and Prince ride Horyang to safety while Ehwa swims. The reason why she didn't get to ride was because Viole thought it'd be 'rude to interupt'.
      Viole: "That's because you were swimming with such effort..."
  • Most of The Suspicious Arcade chapter. Highlights include Blueberry note  scaring Quant by popping out of nowhere, Quant losing ten times in a row to Blueberry in a game (followed by Blueberry using Quant's dead character to practice combo moves), Quant losing all his money after losing to Blueberry in more games, and finally Quant being shot down by Blueberry's death-star.
  • The amount of places Quant's face pops up. On Administator Love's punch machine, on various snacks and drinks and it's likely not going to be just those. He seems to have numerous endorsements.
  • The completely random panel with Wangnan as a chicken in the 28th floor test as he tries to convince Quaetro that he is Chirpy, his pet bird. It must be seen to be believed.
  • The gossips. Especially the one about Viole becoming the underground junk food supplier in the group.
  • Ran and Nobic argue a lot. Ran does not like Nobic note . This gets to the point where Ran accidentally breaks Aguero's lighthouse when he shouts at Nobic to shut up. The look on Aguero's face was gold.
    Ran: "Not my fault."
    • Ran ranks how 'bothersome' the people he meets are, and by default, considers no one 'not bothersome'. He considers Nobic 'Too Bothersome', the second highest level, but not 'Wants To Kill' only because he likes Nobic's cooking.
    • Nobic makes excuses to fight Ran every time someone joins Aguero's team. Edin Dan makes the mistake of accepting Nobic's challenge while the others forfeited and gets flattened in one shot. The kicker comes when Aguero gathers his team for a talk, but finds them dressed in clothes denoting their 'rank' within the team. The best part: Nobic intended to give the second place shirt to Ran, but since he lost, Ran was wearing a shirt way too large for him while Nobic wears a shirt several sizes too small. Edin Dan, despite the others forfeiting, was last place.
  • Three might be a magic number, but... *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* go five little stars lighting up. And, even with five, he can still out-power what you can do with your three fireballs, pumpkin. Oops. The Blitz family: Butt Monkeys forever... once they've opened their mouths to boast, that is.
  • In the previous chapter, Wangnan and the others discus what they are going to wear when they meet Horyang's friend Cassano. This turns into a Brick Joke in the next chapter when Wangnan, Prince, and Ehwa turn up wearing Horyang's coat. It looks like Ehwa even got to wear pink, just as she wanted.
  • Sigh... Ran and Nobic mistake Horyang for Cassano just because he 'fits' their description: wing and bandages. Both of them note that the Devil of the Right Arm, "Cassano", but actually Horyang, had gained some weight. Horyang was not pleased.
    • When fighting him, Ran refers to him as "fat/chubbynote  Devil of the Right Arm."
  • When Khun shows up, Bam plays up his role as a Slayer to try and intimidate Khun into leaving safely, and Khun's reaction to it.
    • Basically, Khun literally criticizes Viole's acting skills, comparing them to 'some third-rate fantasy pulp' note . Yup, Khun Aguero Agnes just called FUG's Slayer Candidate a bad actor in the face.
    • This moment also serves as a Call-Back to Khun's first chat with Bam on the second floor.
  • On the way to the Workshop Battle, Wangnan fantasizing about meeting Endorsi.
    • In the following chapter, Wangnan and Dan fanboy over Endorsi during her TV interview. Khun Aguero's reaction sums it up.
      Wangnan/Dan: "Beau.Ti.Ful. An.Dro.Ssi! An.Dro.Ssi. I. Love. You!"
      Khun (thinking): "Wow... it's so embarrassing that I can't even handle it. Seriously, who likes that sort of thing?
      *Wangnan and Dan continue fanboying*
      Khun (thinking): "... Oh right, my team does... Maybe I should just quit..."
  • "Jue Viole Grace (Slayer Candidate), installing a bomb." FUG would be proud.
    • There's something funny about 'Traveller' making Viole install a bomb to destroy the Workshop's Blue Dog Patrols, when, according to his own words, only Jahad's Princess or Jue Viole Grace could defeat by themselves. But no, he's not here, so the guy who saved his life should help him set up a trap to destroy them.
      • It only gets better when you realize he has Jue Viole Grace setting up the bombs for the patrol, with their plan failing because a Jahad Princess kills it instead. (And they're even friends!) Traveller gave three options on how to kill it, and without knowing took all three (Bomb trap, Viole, and Endorsi).
  • Endorsi attacks Viole and Traveller, and Viole tells Traveller to throw all his explosives at Endorsi. Traveller tells Viole that he can't because they're anti-tank bombs. Viole's response? "There's a tank coming."
    • Doubles the funny when you realize that Endorsi probably took that comment as a jab at her weight.
    • In the Line Webtoon translation, she DID. She was pretty pissed at that remark.
  • Chang flipping Khun off after he and Quatro get sent up.
  • Nobic getting impaled by Anaak's spear (Which was aimed at Ran) Made even funnier by the fact that Ran likely did this on purpose.
  • "Freakin' hax punching octopus bastard." Notice the Octopus flexing its muscles.
  • One of the competitors in the Workshop Battle is named Gas Bill.
  • This little bit in 169.
    Beta: "Didn't you say you guys weren't Viole's friends?"
    Rak: "I am his friend. This turtle is his wife."
    Ehwa: "Please don't make up unnecessary details."
    • In general, Beta wandering around and asking people if they are Bam's friends only to get replies such as "He's my prey!" "Do you think a child of the 10 Honourable Families would be friends with an FUG agent?!" "He's my rival!", prompting him to leave to go find other people who might be Bam's friends. Everyone he asked was actually on Bam's side.
  • While FUG members are usually ruthless, even Rachel's team is uncomfortable when Hwaryun orders Daniel to perform a Groin Attack, to the point where he actually apologizes to the enemy.
  • More fun times with Hwaryun: after meeting Hoaquin, in an arc where characters keep hyping up the Slayer Candidate and a chapter where Rachel's team almost universally kisses up to him, the one thing Hwaryun takes away from it?
    Hwaryun (thinking): "He's short!"
  • The Hostage Rescue team encounters J.M. who seeks to avenge his brother Hesse. J.M. starts off by attacking Novik, before turning to deal with the others... Only Novik wasn't remotely as beaten as he thought and promptly beats the crap out of J.M. All Sachi notes is that Novik appears to have some anger issues (perhaps from getting Worfed so often?
  • In Season 2 Episode 230, Rachel actually admits she's used to being hated, which can come off as Leaning on the Fourth Wall due to the fandom's opinion of her.
  • When Garam Jahad and her companions are being hunted by Hell Joe, David's Seer powers tell him that a powerful ally will come to save them after Garam reaches a location and says certain words. Not having any idea what she's doing, she repeats the words David told her to, saying that she will forgive everything and start everything seriously if he just helps her this once. When she is then answered by Urek Mazino, she reacts with a horrified gape and collapses on the floor, realizing she basically just gave a Love Confession to a guy she considers an Abhorrent Admirer.
  • In the first Grand Quest, the Big Breeder gives Khun an easy opponent so he can clear the quest before Bam can escape the Fruit of Good and Evil. This fails because Khun is the type to solve difficult problems while agonizing over easy ones that are potentially Schmuck Bait, causing him to waste time worrying that the opponent is hiding her true power.
  • At the start of the Last Station, Hwaryun allows White/Hoaquin to absorb his last clone/Albelda due to the entire Squadron of Jahad's Army waiting for them at the last stop. Except that, unlike his other siblings, she's still conscious inside of Hoaquin's head ala Piccolo and Nail-style. Hijinks ensue.
    Clone: [In his head] What do you mean it's all 'sorted out'?! You still have to rescue the regulars that left the train!
    White: ...Urgh, fine! But stop buzzing away in my ear like that! (It's annoying)
    Clone: *BZZZT*!!
    White: AHHH!
