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As emotional This Is Us is, there are some moments which prove that they can be light-hearted at times.

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     Season 1 
  • The pilot has a heavily pregnant Rebecca wearing a shirt, and a sexy bra over the shirt. She's about to have sex with a naked Jack, then she says her water has broke.
  • Also in the Pilot features a rather narmy moment where Kate is measuring herself, but she falls over.
  • Randall wants to play the piano for the girls in their school, thinking he'll be good. It doesn't end up how he envisioned it to be, and he even lampshades this.
    Randall: You know how in movies, somebody’s bad at something but they don’t wanna be. And so they set their mind to it. And then we see this montage where they are practicing and practicing. And then comes the big moment, and they’re amazing, and everybody cheers.
    William: I think I’ve seen a few movies like that, yeah.
    Randall: I think I skipped the montage.
  • Kevin calls Randall and after doing their three cheer, Kevin said that he should go back to whoring himself to studios and Randall reassures him with these words.
    Randall: Mom and Dad raised no whores. (Beat) Except once, during Kate's eyeliner phase.
  • The Christmas Episode. Kate has just had sex with Toby upstairs in Randall's house, the two are coming down the stairs and the two are caught by Beth.
  • Miguel trying to put on the Christmas lights, and does so successfully.
  • When young Kate is having her appendix out, there's a Funny Background Event of Kevin standing in the background, clutching his side.

     Season 2 
  • Randall getting so stoked when they get into their hotel room he goes on about how they can have loud adult sex without their kids around and wonders what else they could do. He goes from deciding what food to eat in bed, wanting to have sex in the shower, to finding a movie to watch.
    Randall: I hope they have that Hugh Grant, Meryl Streep movie that sounds like a black lady.
    • Beth breaks the news that she thinks she might be pregnant and tells her husband she's bugging out and needs him to calm her down. Randalls face is the epitome of confused followed by a small, "...uh".
  • Randall is seen playing with a baby, we think he has adopted the baby, only to be revealed to be the neighbors' baby.
  • The Teenage Pearson kids are at the movies with Rebecca. Randall is sitting next to Rebecca, and Kevin makes a snarky comment saying that maybe Randall will finally make his move.
  • This very meta conversation:
    Beth: That's some white people level repression.
    Randall: Well, I was raised by white people.
    Beth: Everybody knows.
  • Kevin admitted to Rebecca that, in the midst of his heartfelt apology at his father's tree, he's not sure he's at the right tree.
  • In "That’ll Be The Day", Kevin and Randall are doing some construction work in the apartment building Randall and Beth bought. Kevin and Randall are walking side by side and have exposed their musclular arms (Randall actually rolled the sleeves of his t-shirt and Kevin was just wearing a vest). Kevin is seen using a sledgehammer tearing down a wall, and some of the female residents decide to watch him work, whilst Randall had to do some of the harder work, and nobody is watching him. As the scene cuts between Kevin and Randall, the number of women watching Kevin had somewhat increased.
  • Beth accidentally killing her kids' lizard, Mr. McGiggles, in the episode "Super Bowl Sunday".
    Beth: He ain't giggling now.

    Season 3 
  • Beth and Zoe's screaming match over Zoe sleeping with Kevin, while outside Kevin awkwardly tries to keep the kids distracted with the fight clearly audible. Including Kevin bringing up the time he dated Jennifer Love Hewitt, while Zoe thinks the Party of Five cast member he slept with is Neve Campbell.
  • Jack and Rebecca's first date, coming off soon after the Steelers' epic 1972 playoff win off of Franco Harris' "Immaculate Reception." Naturally, everyone is talking about the game. When Rebecca is asked, she replies "What game?" Jack immediately says "new to America."
    • Even funnier to realize that die-hard Steelers fan Rebecca once knew nothing about football.
  • After Kate's IVF equipment is revealed in front of Rebecca, Toby makes a desperate attempt to cover for it: "I'm a heroin addict."
  • Under anesthesia for the IVF surgery, Kate finds herself meeting both her younger personas.
    Kate: (seeing teen self grabbing some treats) Oh, you shouldn't eat those.
    Teen!Kate: Yeah, I can see that.
  • In a Crosses the Line Twice kind of way, Randall is completely unfazed to learn Jack's brother is still alive because all the other drama he's been through in the last couple years has numbed him to it.
  • Madison proudly presents a cocktail she invented for Kate's graduation called a "commence-mint." When she tells the bartender how to make it...
    "You mean a mojito?"
    "Just serve it!"

    Season 4 
  • Kevin wrapping up a movie shoot with M. Night Shyamalan.
    Kevin: Thanks for this and sorry about all the "I see dead people" jokes.
  • We finally see the time that Kevin and Sophie got him casually dropping the reveal at the end of a heartfelt message to Rebecca and asking for some money. And mind you, he’s just 18 years old.
  • Kate's boyfriend Mark meets the rest of the family, and as the siblings are loudly arguing in the next room, he understandably has to ask Miguel "So who are you again?"
  • Kevin leaves an old publicity photo on Sophie's mother's grave, and just as you're shaking your head at the show's usual egocentric Protagonist-Centered Morality, he comes back into frame muttering about how weird that is and takes it back.
  • Rebecca finally makes it to Joni Mitchell's old house, and finds the gate is open.
    Kevin: If TMZ reports that I broke into Joni Mitchell's house with my mom...actually, that could play.
  • As Kevin is moping over Zoe's recent Instagram posts, Nicky tries to "zoom in" on the photo, resulting in the dreaded double-tap and leaving Kevin fretting about social media norms that just seem ridiculous to Nicky.
  • Basically anything that comes out of Nicky’s mouth from here to the end of the series. He is a very dry-humored individual.

    Season 5 
  • In a flashback to the day the Big 3 were born, Jack & Rebecca are seen as they set off to the hospital, with Jack reassuring his wife that they have everything they need - he’s even packed a razor in case Rebecca decides she hates his beard & wants him to shave it off. Cue Rebecca reassuring Jack that she loves his beard, and making him promise to never shave it into a goatee or a moustache.
  • Toby's mostly serious story about dealing with his depression gets one funny gem with his reaction to the doctor telling him to take it "one day at a time." "Fantastic TV show, terrible answer to my question." Then he and Miguel agree the reboot is even better, and Miguel even claims to have started the movement to get it Uncancelled. "You don't cancel Rita Moreno!"
  • Present day Mark is such a loser that he still has a Myspace page in 2021.

     Season 6 
  • Kevin's former producer shares how the studio wants to reboot The Manny with Kevin now the dad. He relates how Kevin's career isn't that good as "I went to see your movie in theater and after the first 90 minutes, I was licking the seats in hopes of getting Covid."
    • When Kevin turns it down, his producer sighs "Thank God."
  • Randall and Beth hit the roof when they realize Deja went four states over to see her boyfriend.
    Randall: Should we go back to having her Zoom-schooled?
    Beth: I think that's more punishing us.
  • Rebecca at speed dating has to be seen to be believed. It is the first time she is putting herself out there and she just cant stop referencing Jack's death, exactly HOW he died, the house fire, losing almost everything and "but he saved the dog!".
  • In a Thanksgiving flashback, Rebecca rails at her mom being so judgemental and looking down at Jack. Jack tries to talk to her about it, relating her mom is moving across the country. Rebecca starts gushing to her mother how much she loves her and will miss her. They then turn around and berate Jack for breaking the confidence to talk about this.
    • Even better, Jack looks to Rebecca's dad, whose reaction makes it clear he's A)on his own and B) no sense trying to figure out the dynamic of Rebecca and her mom.
  • Jack and Rebecca are having a nice dinner out with Rebecca indulging in some drinks. They then get a call from their babysitter, who's been locked in a room by the kids. This leads to Jack figuring out who did it and being the stern father...while Rebecca is still totally drunk and eating ice cream.

  • Milo, Mandy and Sterling playing Never Have I Ever, which revealed that Sterling has had sex dreams about Mandy.
  • Milo and Mandy rapping the The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song.
  • After The Reveal that a faulty crockpot was the cause of the Pearson house catching fire and directly causing Jack's death, many fans decided to boycott crockpots. Before the Super Bowl episode, a commercial aired with Milo Ventimiglia reassuring fans that Crockpots are okay to use (and showed him using one) and after the commercial aired, #CrockpotsAreInnocent appeared on screen. What’s even funnier that Crockpot created a Twitter account to plead their innocence.
  • In the Paley Center special, Mandy Moore recalls how the initial trailer went viral on YouTube, and insists that it was because you can briefly see someone's bare butt near the beginning.
  • She’s also recounted how she talked the crew out of using an older actress for the present day Rebecca, which she’s come to regret as every day of shooting for the present day scenes requires her to go through a three hour makeup job to appear to be in her 70s.
  • When Sterling K. Brown hosted Saturday Night Live, he proceeded to get tearful and choked up throughout his monologue, obviously parodying the show's weepy tendencies.
