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Funny / The Last Man on Earth

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  • Phil fakes crying hysterically to tell Carol that the problem with the two of them repopulating would mean that their kids would have to have sex with each other, and therefore, he says:
    I'm gonna have to have sex with Melissa! (fake sobbing)
  • Watching Phil's indecision when he tries to drive Todd out to the desert and leave him out there. The way he screams is perfect, you can see his conscience winning and how much he really hates the fact that he's too nice of a person to actually go through with killing Todd.
  • Carol's loud, awkward sex talks.
  • Phil tries to pose as his own recently arrived twin brother to get around being shunned by the community. The deception lasts about fifteen seconds, and no one buys it for even the smallest fraction of that time.
  • In a Deleted Scene, when Gail and Erica try to make amends with a jealous Carol over their brief relationship with Phil, she half-heartedly apologizes for carving the word “whore” on time side of Gail’s car and expresses no surprise when Gail says that has actually happened to her before.
  • Before reaching Malibu, Phil tells Carol about how great the beaches are. Cut to a beach full of whale carcasses.
  • Carol killing Will Ferrell with one word: "Boo!"
  • Tandy threatening to kill all of them just after they all agree to forgive him.
  • The dramatic buildup as Tandy confronts the Big Fun Todd about hiding something from the others and then reveals it is a freezer of bacon.
  • Carol's remark in 'A Real Live Wire": (referring to Melissa) "She's as stubborn as a mule that refuses to reproduce." ...biologically, mules cannot reproduce.
  • Phil-2's Mundane Solution for the wire. Turn the solar panels off.
  • After Tandy's "he without sin throw the first stone" speech causes everyone to argue with each other, Tandy casually chucks a rock at the window.
  • Carol's list of reasons not to have a baby include "no Disneyland" and "whale carcasses".
  • After Tandy's brother Mike lands back on Earth, the first thing he does when arriving on land is to ecstatically hold sand on his hands. Then he finds a discarded condom and shakes it off in disgust.
  • Mike hallucinating his brother Phil as a child insulting him the way little kids do.
  • Pat has one thing he likes to do on land. Playing tennis.
  • Tandy finally reunites with his long lost brother and how does he greet him? With a punch to the groin over a childhood incident.
  • Tandy wakes up to find that Mike had shaved off the entire right half of his body. Made funnier by keeping the reveal from the audience as long as possible.
  • The Miller brothers finally resolve their issues with each other, but the heartwarming moment is broken when a bag of flour falls on Phil's head due to Mike, not having expected they'd make up, having rigged the flour beforehand.
  • The way in which Phil and Mike drive the others crazy with a single karaoke song, sung for hours on end.
    • Todd's totally not angry breakdancing after Phil insists that Mike, not Todd, marry and impregnate Carol.
  • While the group tries to go somewhere after leaving Malibu and when reduced to two cars, they all went in one car while leaving Tandy in the bus. They stated how they would rather be away from Tandy driving and prefer to be in a different car. Unfortunately, the car they went to broke down, causing them to scream.
  • The group leave Malibu and head towards San Francisco, when they finally reach it...
    They reach San Francisco completely burnt to the ground
    Tandy: Oh farts.
    As for the reason why San Fran was burnt? Tandy set off fireworks in a firework factory two years ago.
  • When they first enter the building and get ready for pizza, the power went out, causing them to yell "No!!"
  • Phil playing a song for Lewis on the guitar... by slapping on the body of the guitar, since he doesn't actually know how to play.
  • Melissa's very inappropriate role play to seduce Todd by acting out a scene from The Shawshank Redemption. Complete with her having dug a tunnel through a wall.
    • Todd's weary sigh before he begrudgingly adopts a Morgan Freeman voice.
  • Melissa is missing and Todd is at his wit's end, Gail is trapped in an elevator and no-one knows it, Carol thinks she drove Gail away, and Phil spends most of the episode in an incredibly realistic dinosaur costume, the mouth of which moves every time Phil speaks.
  • The group breaking into Cher's home and stumbling upon her body in bed was horrifying. However, Carol's comment about Cher "still looking radiant" in death was hilarious.
  • The flashback to the outbreak of the virus first revealing that in 2018, the President of the United States is Mike Pence. There is then a series of newscasts showing how each person in the line of succession becomes President only to die with a string of somber state funerals.
    • This also means something happened to Donald Trump for Pence to be president. All signs point to him being impeached.
  • Pamela trying to teach her dog to say "milk".
  • Tandy tries to bond with Jasper by giving him one of his Companion Cube balls. Jasper throws the ball over the edge of the parking garage, where it gets run over by Erica, with Tandy reacting in horror.
  • Tandy's tests to prove to Gail that he can deliver Carol's baby safely. First he tries to put on surgical gloves in less than five seconds, which come out ill-fitted. Next he catches baby dolls shot out of a pitching machine. And finally, he tries to remove a doll from a Jell-O mold without breaking it; not only does the mold breaks, but the doll slips from his hands and falls as he tries to slap it on the butt.
  • The season 4 premiere continues the shows long tradition of offing a big name star, with Jack Black capped before he even utters a full sentence.
  • In a great bit of Black Comedy, Tandy asks for "a moment of silent prayer while I decapitate Pat with a shovel" while seeking to make sure his Made of Iron opponent is really dead.
  • "Gender Friender" finally reveals Erica's last name: Dundee. Naturally, Tandy is over the moon with the reveal.
