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Funny / Outbreak

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  • "Why are we flying so low?"
  • And, of course, "With all due respect, fuck you. Sir."
  • Anybody who's ever been in the military had a snicker at the scene where Dustin Hoffman's character basically browbeats a flight controller into changing his flight plan to Cedar Creek.
  • Sam and Major Salt putting the fear of God into the would-be Obstructive Bureaucrat at the Federal export clearance office by announcing at the top of their lungs that they've just come from Cedar Creek - "SITE OF THE VIRAL INFECTION!" - after which Sam earnestly clasps the man's hands and leans in to explain what they need.
    Sam: Shall I cough on you, George?
  • As Sam explains to the little girl why the CDC needs her monkey friend, he offers to let her punch him in the nose if he hurts Betsy: "A serious punch... for a very serious nose." In the novelization, she follows through.
  • The quarantine breacher that tries to shoot a military grade copter with a hunting rifle. Even the pilots are flabbergasted of how dumb it is before shooting him to uphold the quarantine.
