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Funny / Octavius King

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3D Monster Maze

  • The completely serious and emotionless way that the police officer reads out someone's encounter with the T-Rex:
    According to a report, "A dinosaur, an actual live dinosaur. Holy sh*t, it's an actual live T-Rex with f*cking teeth and it's taken my arm. Oh god my arm, I'm bleeding."
  • Horace's undignified reaction to the T-Rex's Mighty Roar:

The Dark Room

  • The cavalcade of questions Octy has when The Guardian wakes him up in the middle of the night:
    What are you doing in my bedroom? Why are you wearing shoulder pads? Why do they have terrifying spikes on them? Have I wandered into a sex dungeon? ...again?
  • "Good old text adventure games. You can't beat 'em... unfortunately"
    • Which leads to this exchange:
      Octavius: Why would I want to grab a gorilla's balls? Can we just lay out the reasoning behind this?
      JJ: Because you want to, and that is not a lie!
      The Guardian: It's true; I've seen you hanging around the gorilla enclosure, saying 'Come to me, you silverback bastard', yes
    • And for fans of Rule of Three:
      The Guardian: grabbed a gorilla's balls
      Octavius: I KNOW!
      The Guardian: Your choices are suspect
  • "...I will punch you in organs you don't know you have"
  • Honestly, almost anything The Guardian says is a candidate here.

History of Sonic The Hedgehog

Duke Nukem Forever

  • Three lines that remind us just how weird Octy's world really is:
    Squishes, the police have me on file; they could be round at any moment! I don't want to run the risk of killing or sleeping with another video game character, okay? I'm not even sure if either is legal!

Charlie's Angels

I. M. Meen

  • Octy getting so bored of correcting grammar that he attempts to solve a puzzle by smooshing the keyboard against his chest.

Alternative Title(s): Octav1us Kitten
