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Funny / Even Stevens

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  • The opening credits culminates with Ren and Louis fighting over the TV, complete with a Shout-Out to Star Wars, which results in the TV blowing up.
  • While Louis is trying to rally a bunch of classmates, he ends up going on a tangent and delivering the following line;
    Louis: And is it fair, that Pluto has to sleep in a doghouse, and wear a leash, while Goofy, who is also a dog, gets to drive around in a car and play golf with Mickey!?
  • The Musical Episode. Also counts as a Bizarro Episode.
  • In The Movie, a batshit crazy Ren chasing Louis down. At one point, a crew member of the show Family Fakeout worries that Ren is really going to hurt Louis, but Miles says she won't hurt him. Take a wild guess what Ren says after he says that.
    I'm gonna hurt you, Louis!
    • Also doubles as a Moment of Awesome, given that the whole thing was a setup; while the island's power was out, Twitty and Tawny caught up to the family and told them what was up, then they got a rival prank TV show to set up everything so it looks like Ren killed Louis by pushing him off a cliff.
  • Eileen: While I was climbing a tree, I punched a squirrel.
    Donnie: Mother!
    • To put it into perspective, this was after Louis admitted to cheating in a competition to his father. Donnie and Ren promptly admit that they cheated in their competitions too. Eileen admits the above, and then hangs a lampshade on it.
    Eileen: I know it has nothing to do with cheating...but it really isn't nice!
  • This hilarious exchange:
    Louis: Ren is up to something, and the question is what?
    Twitty: Well, she's a girl, and girls do weird things. Hey, that's a great song title! (strumming guitar) ♩Girls do... weird things!♩
    Louis: (ignoring him) So what have we got? A mysterious yellow feather. Japanese phone call... in the closet. Yes, I got it! Okay, look, Big Bird feather - Big Bird, was on the run from Japanese spies, right? When Ren found Big Bird in our closet!
    Twitty: Louis, forget it, okay? You are never gonna bust Ren.
    Louis: You know, Ren gets me every time I do something, okay? And now, Little Miss Perfect has been running around the house all weird, and it's payback time.
    Twitty: ♩It's pay-back time! It's pay-back time!♩
    Louis: Okay, now look, I'm going to show you something-
    Louis: (smirking) Louis is cool.
    (Louis tackles Twitty to the ground)
