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Fridge / Power Rangers Dino Fury

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Fridge Brilliance

  • The would-be Rafkonian colonizers have weapons that can fall even a powered up Sporix Beast. This would be the result of growing up on stories of their homeworld's fall and creating technology to face them again if it ever came to it.
  • Dino Fury leading into the thirtieth anniversary feels all the more fitting considering a lot of tropes and callbacks to past seasons:
    • A violet Ranger-like swordsman as the villain who turns out to be a father and husband harkens to Mystic Force but not brainwashed.
    • J-Borg was produced by Hartford Robotics.
    • Lord Zedd's back in business.
    • The dinosaur based team goes into space next season not unlike how the Zordon Era started with Dinosaurs and ended with a space-themed team.
    • Zayto losing his old team before finding one of his old friends and Earthlings to help him out gives off Andros vibes.
    • Izzy is the first Ranger to have been gender-bent from her Super Sentai counterpart since Taylor of Wild Force, the tenth season. To the point they took the time to show why she doesn't have a skirt for adapted Ryusoulger footage.
  • The word "Void" is quite fitting for the villains. For Void Knight, it was to fill the void left by his wife's coma and loss of his daughter. For Void Queen, it was to fill the void left by her daughter's apparent passing by way of her revenge on all humankind. Even moreso when the franchise refers to them as the "Void Family."
    • Void Knight and Void Queen’s robotic generals also each have very human personalities in their programming. Boomtower’s a dumb brute but has a warrior’s pride. Slyther’s theatrical in his deceptive tactics. Wreckmate’s a pirate down to his vernacular of choice. Given the lose of their family, one could see it as Tarrick and Santaura trying to alleviate their loneliness. Heck, Mucus feels like the annoying tween daughter they might’ve had…
  • Aiyon nearly becoming leader is an almost meta take on how the Sixth Ranger tend to steal the show and show up the entire team in their debut.
  • Madame Indigo tells the fortune of the Red, Blue, and Pink rangers which can make a color similar to her namesake.
  • Mick Kanic makes a comeback in another season starting with a trio of a Red, Blue, and Pink Rangers before the Five-Man Band's assembled.
  • Notice how in the morphing sequences the rangers, sans Zayto and Aiyon, seem to be looking at their arms as their suits materialize? Could it be them simply looking at themselves in awe as they live their dream of becoming Power Rangers?
    • Additionaly, when the Rangers strike the ground in the first couple of seconds of the morphing sequence, Izzy uses two hands instead of one like the others. Could she be pouncing as her Animal Motif would do?
  • It should be stated that even before Zayto went into stasis for 65 million years, he still knew about Power Rangers other than his own. Another hint towards Rangers never before seen on Earth.
  • Why does Ollie's mother believe him about the Sporix so easily? Well, this season takes place in the main universe, where the Earth has at least had two full-scale alien invasions, so it's not too hard for her to think that another one might be underway. Not to mention, as the first episode shows, Ollie is such an Agent Scully. If the most scientific, logical person you know tells you something that sounds so outrageously outlandish with a straight face, they might be on to something.
    • Warden Garcia and Jane are more skeptical of the supernatural such as ghosts or any kind of afterlife likely due to how aliens have had at least some basis in science as we understand it.
  • Speaking of Warden Garcia, the nickname of "Warden Buzzkill" gives the impression that he's been in the way of BuzzBlast reporters several times already.
  • A good reason for Zayto to be the Experienced Protagonist of the team: in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger, one of the many complaints directed to the show is that Koh, the Ryusoul Red gets to be the first to wield any power-ups before his teammates followed suit. If this went on to Zayto, no one would bat an eye as he is far experienced than his new teammates, thus the necessity to teach them any of the Dino Fury arsenals first.
    • Jossed, as the only Armor Zayto uses first was the one Aiyon already showed off without morphing.
  • At first glance, it may seem odd that J-Borg looks, sounds, and acts more blatantly robotlike than the first Hartford Industries robot, considering the technology is over a decade more advanced. But when you think about it, there are two reasons why this is:
    • For starters, Andrew Hartford created Mack to be the son he never had, so he would have gone to great lengths to make him look and act as human as possible (to the point where Mack himself didn't know he wasn't human). Since J-Borg was built for an entirely different purpose, such lengths weren't necessary.
    • And the other reason? Cost-effectiveness. Mack was a one-of-a-kind creation, while J-Borg is part of a commercial line of robot assistants. So Hartford Industries may simply have cut corners in her design so she and others of her kind would be less expensive to make, and thus more affordable for the customers.
  • Why does Zayto believe the lie that Amelia and Ollie are dating even though he read their minds in the first episode and would've known the truth? Because he only did a surface-level scan on them, just to make sure they would be a good fit as a team. Even if he can do more, going any further than that without their permission would be a violation of boundaries or possibly be seen as incredibly rude from the viewpoint of Zayto's people. This is shown as Zayto asks permission from Orria.
    • As an add-on, why didn't Zayto realize that Amelia was Rafkonian? Two possible answers: because Amelia didn't know, that info wouldn't be in her mind at all or because 65 million years separates them, Rafkonians have evolved enough that unless Zayto "knows" the person he's reading is one he wouldn't be able to tell.
  • The Sporix Beasts having Resurrective Immortality is actually a fantastic concept, as many of the Druidons and Minosaurs had a tendency to come back no matter how many times they were beaten (be it through Not Quite Dead, Back from the Dead, being recreated, having a double, and, in the case of Wizeru's Final Battle, Unexplained Recovery). By giving them all the ability to turn back into pods and rehatch, the show is able to easily explain why they keep coming back.
    • In addition to the above, one of Tankjoh's main problems is that he was born in the dinosaur era like the Ryusoul Tribe despite his theme motif of castle and cannons have yet to exist. Boomtower being created in the present day as a robot would justify those aforementioned concepts, as Void Knight possibly used Earth culture for references.
  • One of the problems with She's a Man in Japan Rangers is that the adapted female lacks a skirt since their original counterpart was male. In the fourth episode, when the Dino Fury Green Ranger morphed for the first off, she actually had a skirt on her costume, only for her to tear it off since she's a tomboy, giving justification to this concept for once.
  • A common query among fans is why the Rangers only contend with one Monster of the Week at a time when the villains could simply dispatch a bunch at once and overwhelm the Rangers. Dino Fury gives a rare justification for that as the Sporix Beasts hatch at different paces, meaning that it varies whenever one appears, giving a probable reason for only one being active at a time.
    • Them showing to have nested in Pine Ridge individually also give credence to why attacks would largely revolve around one single city.
    • This might also explain why Mucus hasn't grown giant size yet, even though she was one of the first Sporix to hatch, she might be one of the last to grow. They all have different growth rates, and it's doubtful those growth rates stay the same after hatching.
  • The various non-dinosaurs, such as Smilodons, being counted as actual dinosaurs may not match up with our real-life knowledge of dinosaurs, but it's perfectly consistent with previous dino-themed seasons. It's entirely possible there weren't even any "Periods" back then, all of the various dinosaurs and prehistoric animals all lived in the same era in the Power Rangers universe. After all, this IS a franchise where the British colonized California, and the Moon has a breathable atmosphere.
  • It was said that the Dino Gems were made from the asteroids that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, although here it's said that the Morphin Masters had a hand in creating them. Considering that this took place after the creation of the Dino Fury team and their victory, they had probably converted the asteroids into the Dino Gems in honor of the brave Knights of Rafkon and the mighty beasts who had fought alongside them.
  • It could be said that the Morphin Masters had some kind of hand in the creation of several ranger teams, mainly teams that have ancient lore behind their powers.
    • The Galaxy Rangers of course have their Quasar Sabers as their source of power which were probably created originally for champions of Miranoi by the Morphin Masters.
    • The Wild Zords could have been created by the Morphin Masters with the aid of Animus who then gave Animus a physical body in the form of a Megazord.
    • The scroll of destiny which would predict the Wind Power Rangers facing off against Lothor, does not specifically say that they would be rangers, but the Morphin Masters would have inspired the formation of the Wind Ninja Academy and inspired them to create the morphers when the time to use those powers would be needed.
    • When the Mystic Mother had turned good, the Morphin Masters allowed her to enchant the ancient mystics as well as the remaining Wizards and Witches to access a Ranger Form to help combat the evil master. This also grants the Ancient Mystics a way to suppress their powers, utilizing Ancient Mystic Mode if they needed to access even more magical power.
    • When the first invasion of the Nighlock happened, the ancient samurai were probably taught by the Morphin Masters how to use Symbol Power to directly tap into the Morphing Grid to fight them off, starting a whole legacy of Samurai Rangers.
      • All Jossed. The Masters other than Green have been inactive for centuries. And the latter has been working behind the scenes to avoid being punished for openly helping.
  • Void Knight's berating his subordinates temperamentally at times can come off as irrational as Power Rangers villains go. However, his desire to restore his love once more puts this into perspective as more "desperation" but masked as being hard on his lackeys.
    • Void Knight himself later confesses that the Sporix Beasts only respect strength and that he has to act powerful and ruthless in order to gain and keep their loyalty.
  • "Stego Search" features a peculiar parallel between Javi and Boomtower, each feeling stifled by their fathers before taking matters into their own hands.
  • The way they handle the Pacha Smash Zord & Baby Pacha Zord is actually quite brilliant. Despite popular belief, birds/reptiles are briefly pregnant before laying eggs (For example, Ostrich eggs are generally produced about five to ten days after the first mating) and considering Pacha was originally an organic being, it quite possibly Pacha was pregnant before she was changed.
  • From "Serious Business"; At first, it may seem odd that Void Knight is wearing the cologne Mucus got him for Christmas, considering how annoying he finds her. But since he spends almost all his time in his armored suit, it would get pretty rank in there. So he's wearing the cologne because he wanted to cover up the smell.
  • Zayto's reaction to Void Knight's reasoning for reviving the Sporix? “I doomed the world for the sake of one”. Zayto did the same thing on Rafkon. Kinda.
  • Notice how when Tarrick gives Zayto the Dino Knight Morpher his Void Knight armor and shield disappears, but not his saber. Given that Tarrick had skills in mechanical work and inventing, its all possible Tarrick create the Void Saber after studying the Dino Knight Morpher, creating an exact copy of the Chromafury Sabers and allowing it to have the same functions. Simple put, the Saber was never part of the Dino Knight Morpher's powers.
    • Later on its revealed that Tarrick found a spare Chromafury Saber and repainted it to become the Void Saber, but the point still stands.
  • Suddenly Amelia and Zayto swapping bodies doesn't seem so random now...
  • As dickish as it is for the government to lock up Tarrick and his family in Area 62 with very ambiguous intention of letting them free, it sadly makes sense when you think more of it. Going by the year Amelia was an infant (latest being 2003), the Earth has already been attacked by Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, the Machine Empire, Astronema and the United Alliance of Evil, and Lothor. Simply put, Earth was constantly being attacked by alien invaders since 1993 and the government did not want to risk letting loose three aliens that, in their eyes, were merely claiming to be peaceful.

Fridge Horror

  • While they are undoubtedly Always Chaotic Evil and likely won't be missed, there's still the fact that Void Knight is committing genocide on the Sporix to revive his lover.
    • On that note, what will happen if Mucus finds out her boss has been butchering her species for his own selfish reasons?
    • Nerfed in the sense that Sporix are practically immortal.
  • The Lord Zedd who revived is the one who didn't get hit by the Z-Wave; who knows how he'll react if he learns what happened to Rita Repulsa/Mystic Mother and the rest of his followers gone?
  • Who or what is this unknown evil that made Rafkon create the Sporix Beasts to protect their planet, only for the beasts to be the ones to end up destroying Rafkon?
  • At the end of Void Trap, both Void Knight and his comatose lover were nearly blown up. While Santaura seems fine (aside from a crack in her cryotube), all we see of Void Knight is a cracked helmet. If Void Knight survived, given how he was using energy from both the Sporix and the Morphing Grid, odds are the energy might've done something very unpleasant to him.
    • Luckily, he shows up just fine in Season 2, apparently all it did was damage his armor. Until episode 11, that is...
  • If Void Knight's plan in the Season 1 finale had succeeded, not only would he have unknowingly killed his daughter, but there would be no one to bring Santaura back from being Void Queen.
    • Moreover, Pop-Pop was afraid of Area 62 being radioactive, but if he didn't, he might've been able to see Void Knight, and Void Knight might've connected two and two together by remembering that Pop-Pop was the janitor whom he gave Amelia to.
  • Hopefully Rafkonian pregnancies have a shorter gestation period compared to humans because Santaura being very big for "six months" note  raises some potential Unfortunate Implications. One possibility is that it was conceived not long after Santaura was revived which raises the question of what the corrupting Sporix energy could've done to the fetus or if it was conceived while Tarrick was the Brainwashed and Crazy Void King which brings up elements of Questionable Consent.
    • Six months probably doesn't mean to the day, just a rough estimate. The baby was probably conceived at some point after the final battle.
