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Fridge / Halloween Kills

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Big John and Little John tell the kids that those who enter Michael's house uninvited get killed by Michael himself. Later on, the trick-or-treater who entered the house uninvited to steal candy has an offscreen encounter with the Shape, and all that's left is a skull mask soaked in blood. It's even true with Big John and Little John. Even though they bought and renovated the house years after Michael ended up imprisoned for a second time, Michael didn't invite them either and both were killed because of it.
  • How did Michael get back into the Myers House to kill Karen? The same way he broke in earlier, through the unlocked back door.
  • Tommy's lynch mob gets a lot of flak for attacking Michael one at a time at the end, especially on this very wiki. While they were indeed attacking one at a time, it's not because of the Conservation of Ninjutsu — it was planned. Earlier in the film, when Tommy's gathering the mob, he tells them to use the element of surprise. "He thinks you're going one place, then you pop up someplace else." After Michael puts his mask back on, Tommy steps up as if he was going to attack first, but then another lyncher steps up from behind and nails Michael in the head, which leaves him too disoriented to effectively fight back. They continue this cycle until Michael is barely conscious on the ground. If the mob was attacking anyone but Michael Myers, it would have been the biggest Curb-Stomp Battle in slasher history.

Fridge Horror

  • Considering how Michael, at age 61, managed to acquire a kill count of over 50 in a single night, imagine the damage he could've done if he was younger and more agile. It's actually kind-of a miracle that Michael only killed 4 people on Halloween of 1978.
    • This in of itself ties into what Sheriff Bracket was worried about in the original when he asked Loomis if "people were lining up just to be slaughter". In the end, that's exactly what was on the verge of happening before they managed to capture Michael that night.
    • To make this point scarier, considering how different things were back in the 70s when there wasn't things like 24/7 news channels, smartphones, or other technological stuff to keep updated on and/or find out information, Michael would have had an even easier time going around the neighborhood killing people without anyone knowing what was going on.
