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Tear Jerker / Halloween Kills

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  • Allyson and Karen are both deeply mourning the loss of Ray. Part of Allyson's insistence at hunting down Michael is partially fueled by revenge.
  • While learning that Michael was still alive, Karen attempts to lie to her mother by claiming that he truly perished in the fire for her own sake.
  • After being stabbed in the throat with a light fixture, a woman is forced to watch Myers repeatedly stab her husband to death and she is unable to do anything to save him.
  • Julian appearing on the news talking about how Michael killed Vicky (in the last movie), calling her his favorite babysitter.
  • The deaths of Marion Chambers, Vanessa, and Marcus, though it is cathartic to see them (and Lindsey) at least get a few blows in on Michael before their demise.
  • Hawkins recounts to Laurie the evening he stopped Loomis from killing Michael. After accidentally shooting his own partner and watching him bleed out in his arms, Hawkins had every reason to want Michael dead, but as he watched Michael get beaten down by a righteously furious Brackett and Loomis prepare to administer the killing blow, he didn't see Michael as a monster in that moment, but someone's baby boy who was about to be murdered in cold blood, and he stops Loomis. Years later, Hawkins is wracked with guilt that his human act of mercy has enabled Michael to inflict more suffering on innocent people.
  • Because of the mob mentality spurred on by Michael Myers, a completely innocent man is accused of being the infamous spree killer and is chased resulting in him jumping to his death.
    • This man was one of the missing mental patients mentioned earlier in the movie. What makes his death even sadder is that he came to the hospital asking for help, being lost, confused, and most definitely scared. The way he behaves during each of his scenes makes it clear that whatever was up with him mentally, he wasn't trying to hurt anyone. He is mistakenly thought to be Michael Myers, which quickly spirals out of control as Tommy and dozens of others try to get to him. Laurie and Karen quickly realize that they're chasing the wrong man, but everyone else is too riled up to listen them. Karen even tries to lead him to safety, with the mental patient crying out of fear due to the situation, but the mob quickly catches up and the man resorts to jumping to his death. It's a sobering reminder that jumping to conclusions and giving into rage can lead to the wrong people getting hurt or even killed.
  • In the middle of the mob’s chase of the asylum escapee, Oscar’s mother sees his corpse and mutilated face, and she breaks down. The novelization of the following film implies she had commited suicide afterwards.
    • It's not just implied, it's confirmed that she committed suicide, as she is seen having thrown herself out of the window of her house and hanging from a noose in Halloween Ends during the deaths that have occurred on Halloween after Michael goes missing. Even worse is that she is wearing the same pirate outfit her son was in prior to getting murdered back in 2018.
  • Even if he did cheat on her in the first film, Allyson is devastated to watch Michael savagely murder Cameron.
    • That Cameron was clearly regretful of what he did in the previous film and tried to call Oscar for advice as to how to make it up to Allyson during the opening scene was enough. That he eventually catches up to her, apologizes for his earlier actions and clearly, genuinely wants to do whatever it takes to make up with her is this, when attempting to do so results in his brutal murder before Allyson's eyes.
  • The ending: despite all their efforts at finally putting an end to Michael's reign of terror, the Shape gets back up and slaughters nearly all of the members of the mob. He even kills Karen, not only making Allyson lose both her parents in a single night, but doing the one thing Laurie feared most - making her unable to protect her family.
  • Big John and Little John, a loving couple who simply wanted to eat a cheese plate and watch a movie in their creepy house, dying at Michael's hands. We don't know whether Michael posed them in front of one of their photographs or whether Little John did this before succumbing to his stab wound, but either way, an Anne Murray record plays as they're found.
    Could I have this dance, for the rest of my life?
    Could you be my partner, every night?
    When we're together, it feels so right
    Could I have this dance for the rest of my life?
  • In the ending of the Extended Cut, Laurie calls Karen's phone to check on her just after her murder at Michael's hands. Michael answers it, his heavy breathing audible on the phone line. Knowing exactly what this means, Laurie's face collapses in barely contained grief... before going stonefaced, and in a dead voice, tells Michael that she's coming for him.
