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Fanfic / The Rose's Ocean

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The Rose's Ocean is a crossover fanfic of RWBY and One Piece. First published on October 19th 2023 by ThatOnePsycho on AO3. It Follows Ruby's Adventure as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates after arriving in the world of One Piece after falling off the golden bridge at the end of V8.

The Rose's Ocean contains examples of:

  • Adaptational Badass:
    • Ruby consumes a Logia-class Devil Fruit, the Woods-Woods Fruit, turning her into a Plant Person and gaining plant-based powers on top of her Aura and Semblance.
    • With Ruby's intervention to save his life by unlocking his soul, Zoro manifests his own Semblance and allowing him to be more in tune with Wado Ichimonji and making him far stronger than he ever was at that point in his journey.
    • Adam Taurus developed Armament Haki during his stay in the Grand Line.
  • Always Someone Better: Like in canon, Mihawk utterly outclasses Zoro in a one-sided duel, and then knocks down Ruby when she tries to intervene, using his Armament Haki.
  • Arm Cannon: Ruby forms a wooden copy of Ember Cecila, her sister's weapon, to shotgunning seeds from her punches.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Taking away Penny's sword is this for Ruby, as she's upset after learning it's on the Going Merry manned by Nami sailing away to Arlong Park. Nami's sister even realizes that Ruby was more upset about losing the sword than the fact that Nami stole the ship.
    • Adam Taurus still hates being called "SDC". Even worse for him, "SDC" is his wanted poster's epithet and is widely known across the Grand Line. He shot a Marine in the head for speaking his hated epithet.
  • Broken Bird: Ruby used to be a wide eyed idealist, however her Trauma Conga Line has made her a well intentioned cynic.
  • Combination Attack: Luffy, Sanji, and Ruby worked together in delivering a combo-beatdown to Don Krieg.
  • Commonality Connection: Ruby and Nojiko commiserate over losing their mothers while they were only children.
  • Companion Cube: Ruby talks to Penny's sword as if it is Penny after spending a couple weeks on a deserted island.
  • Deserted Island: Ruby arrives on a deserted island after falling off a bridge in the in between. That is where she found the Woods-Woods Fruit and ate it in desperation to not starve, gaining Devil Fruit abilities as a result.
  • Eating Optional: Nami theorizes Ruby may be capable of photosynthesis after Ruby having not eaten for a week.
  • Forgot Their Own Birthday: Ruby lost track of time on that deserted island and can only guess she is eighteen years old.
  • Frame-Up: Ruby gains a bounty for the massacre of Marine Branch 16. Even Nami lampshades it. Smoker has his suspicions that Cipher Pol had executed everyone at Marine Branch 16 for corruption and conveniently framed Ruby to cover up the Marines' reputation.
  • Green Thumb: Ruby's Devil Fruit turns her into a plant girl capable of growing theoretically any plants from her own body and turning her skin to wood for defense.
  • Hand Blast: Ruby can fire spikes of wood from her palms.
  • Healing Factor: Ruby can recover from dismemberment and even decapitation by allowing the vines created by her Devil Fruit powers to pull and knit her back together.
  • How Unscientific!: Ruby rebukes to Don Krieg's claims that his high carbon armor is as hard as diamonds, saying that if it was, then he wouldn't be able to move in it: "Armor flexes minorly when you move, same with a weapon, without that flex it would be more fragile, not less."
  • Infinite Supplies: Ruby's Devil Fruit powers allow her to feed herself indefinitely and presumably she could grow her own clothing as well. She uses this to supply the Baratie with fruits and vegetables when volunteering to do the work and also practice using her Woods-Woods Fruit.
  • The Lost Lenore: Ruby gets Sanji to stop flirting with her by bringing up the loss of Penny. Penny's remaining sword is a key possession of Ruby's, and she's more upset about Nami not taking it off the ship before running off with the ship than stealing the ship itself.
  • Oh, Crap!: Arlong does this when he recognizes Ruby to be a Logia after she regenerates from attacks, wondering what she is doing here in the East Blue of all places.
  • Playing Possum: During her battle against Choo, Ruby tricks him into dropping his guard by making him believe he killed her; due to being a Logia, Ruby allows herself to be shred apart by Choo's water bullets. Once Choo walked too close to Ruby, she traps him in her roots.
  • Power Misidentification: When Ruby uses her Semblance, the Straw Hats assume it's part of her Devil Fruit which they are half-correct. Mihawk also assumes she is a Logia as well and uses Haki to knock her aside.
  • Red Baron:
    • In Ruby's wanted poster of 20,000,000 Berries, her epithet is "Red Bloom".
    • To Adam Taurus's eternal anger, his epithet is "SDC".
  • Shoot the Mage First: During the attack on Arlong Park, Arlong orders his men to focus their attack on Ruby first for being a Logia, who are considered the most dangerous Devil Fruit users.
  • Taught by Experience: Luffy has Ruby fight Zoro sans Crescent Rose as he thinks its the best way to practice her new powers, remembering how he trained with his Gum-Gum Fruit during his Hilariously Abusive Childhood.
  • Trapped in Another World:
    • Ruby arrives in the Grand Line with no known way home.
    • Following after the battle against the Arlong Pirates, it is revealed that other Remnants natives are also stranded. Chief among them is Adam Taurus, who is gunning for Ruby as proxy of revenge against Blake Belladonna.
  • Word of God: The author reveals that Aramaki, or Admiral Ryokugyu, never possessed the Woods-Woods Fruit as Ruby Rose found it first and consumed it.
  • Wrecked Weapon: Don Krieg points his gun at Zeff's face and demands him for all the food to feed his men. Ruby grabs and crushes the gun's barrel in her Logia hand.
