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Fanfic / Raised by a Death Eater?

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Raised by a Death Eater? is a Harry Potter fanfiction written by Luiz4200 on Fanfiction.Net.

Raised By a Death Eater contains examples of:

  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade:
    • Inverted, while the both get put through a fair amount of grief, Harry and Srirus are in a far better situation than their canon counterparts.
    • Also inverted for the Longbottoms, because Frank and Alice are spared their canon fate Neville grows up far happier.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Luna, while technically present throughout books 2 onwards, first becomes known to the cast and the readers in book 5, here she appears in year 2, justified since she and Harry share a house.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In canon Harry looks up to Dumbledore for most of the story, even following his instructions after his death, here, because of Dumbledore's treatment of Sirius, Harry is significantly more hostile and distrustful of him. Similarly his relationships with the Order of the Pheonix and Ron and Hermione are more hostile, given that they also believe Sirius guilty.
  • Adapted Out: Given the entire premise that, having avoided Askaban, Sirius raises Harry, his canon guardians, the Dursleys are naturally, absent from the story.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: When, after Sirius is finally vindicated, Alice Longbottom tries to defend she and Frank believing Sirius was guilty all these years by claiming that it was hard to believe that such an unassuming wizard as Pettigrew was that dangerous. Sirius' response.
    Sirius: But it's easy to believe when coming from someone from the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, isn't it?
    Alice: This is not what I meant, Sirius.
    Sirius: But that's what I understood.
  • Broken Pedestal: Dumbledore's refusal to accept Sirius' innocence cause him to lose Sirius' respect.
  • Cassandra Truth: Until Peter is caught, no one will believe Harry when he claims Sirius' innocence.
  • Convicted by Public Opinion: This is exactly what happened to Sirius.
  • Demoted to Extra: Hermione and Ron have a substantially smaller role than canon, owing both to Harry being a Ravenclaw not a Gryffindor, and that they both supported the belief that Sirius is guilty.
  • Dramatic Irony:
    • Barty Jr doesn't participate in the Longbottom raid because, owing to his recent demotion, his father would not be in a position to get him out of trouble if he's caught, unaware that, as readers know from canon, Barty Sr wouldn't have saved him, even if he could.
    • Harry's fellow Ravenclaws bullying him for "Being too stupid to see through Black's lies" when the audience, and Harry, know that Sirius is innocent.
  • Easily Forgiven: Defied. Sirius makes it very clear that he has no intention of forgiving his former friends for refusing to believe in him for so long.
  • Hero Antagonist: Dumbledore and the Order of the Pheonix are heroically aligned characters working to protect the wizarding world from the Death Eaters, but their refusal to accept Sirius' innocence places them at odds to Sirius and Harry throughout the story.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Sirius is actively working against Voldemort and yet, until Pettigrew's capture, everyone believes him to be a Death Eater himself.
  • In the Blood: Sirius makes it plain that he sees this as one of the key reasons no one would believe his story, see Armor-Piercing Response
  • Insane Troll Logic: When told about the Marauder's map showed Pettigrew alive, Dumbledore claims that Sirius (who hasn't had access to the map since he was in Hogwarts) must have modified the map.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Dumbledore's reaction when Pettigrew is caught, the story stating that despite his advanced age, it was after getting Moody's message that he felt like an old man.
  • Only Sane Man:
    • When Harry arrives at Hogwarts, safe, happy and clearly not prejudiced against Muggleborns, Filius Flitwick is the only one who realized that this likely meant that Sirius actually is innocent.
    • While sane may be a stretch, the only other person to support the theory of Sirius being innocent is Luna Lovegood.
  • Selective Obliviousness: With the exception of Flitwick, everyone refuses to accept any evidence that Sirius is not a Death Eater, including the fact that even after Voldemort returns, Harry is alive, safe, happy and not Dark aligned, to the extent that it can come of a I Reject Your Reality.
  • What If?:
    • The entire plot is kicked off because, instead of being thrown into Azkaban without a trial, Sirius is put on trial, and able to get himself acquitted of betraying James and Lily, therefore allowing him to raise Harry.
    • Because of Barty Crouch Sr was transferred out of the DMLE over the fallout of Sirius' trial, Barty Jr chose not to participate in the assault on the Longbottoms, and without his aid Frank and Alice were able to fight their attackers off.
