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Fanfic / The Road Roller Rampage

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The Road Roller Rampage is a Vocaloid fanfiction written by Skitty the Neko.


  • Ax-Crazy: Tei. Even butchers are afraid of her.
    Tei: Cutting is fun!
    Tei: I like cutting things.
  • Berserk Button: Messing with Rin's oranges and Len's bananas, and you will ended up getting flattened with their steamroller. Miku learned this with the hard way.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: This exchange:
    Oliver: Why do you get the one with the window?
    Len: Because I actually have fans.
    Miku and Rin: BUUURN!
    Oliver: At least I'm not voiced by a girl.
    Miku and Rin: OOOOH SNAP!
    Luka: That's really obnoxious.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Luka, as a side-effect of being the only person among them that has common sense.
    Miku: Where's Len? I got him a banana
    Luka: He's under the bed, hiding from you psychopaths
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Tei throws a butcher knife at an employee's head when he tells her that she is fired.
  • Epic Fail: Rin floods the house trying to make hot chocolate.
  • Face Palm: Luka did this several times as she witness the chaos caused by her friends. At one point, she bangs her head into the wall so hard that she dents the wall.
  • I Lied: Rin said she would sleep in the closet. Turned out that it was the master suite.
  • It Makes As Much Sense In Context: Kaito in the freezer.
    Len: Kaito! Get out of the freezer!
    Luka: And Kaito, for the love of all things holy, get out of the freezer!
  • Noodle Incident: They somehow burned the UTAUloids' house down. It is never explained how they did this.
  • Only Sane Man: Luka. She is the only one that has any sort of common sense and frequently lampshades the sheer absurdity that happens in the story.
Luka took a deep breath and opened her eyes, observing the trashed room. Leeks were covering the floor in a sort of vegetable carpet. The beds were completely wrecked, and the springs were squeaking from Rin jumping on one of them.

  • Stalker with a Crush: Tei. She even admits she is a stalker.
    Tei: I like Len!
    Rin: We know. It's kind of creepy, actually.
    Tei: No, it's romantic.
    Rin: Stalking isn't romantic.
    Tei: Yes it is! I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him...
  • Yandere: Tei probably murdered someone once just for complementing Len.
