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Fanfic / Jedi Padme Trilogy

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Somehow I've never learned to look at you as another Jedi. — Anakin Skywalker in ''Attack of the Clones AU

The Jedi Padme Trilogy is a Trilogy of Star Wars Fan Fics based around the idea of Padmé as a Jedi. But Wait, There's More!, there's the female Sith, Padmé's replacement Rhadé Nalanda and an ending that will have you in tears.

Read it here, here and here.

There is a sequel series planned, but only the first story, The Chosen Apprentice has been completed.

The Jedi Padme Trilogy contains examples of the following tropes.

  • Cyanide Pill: Renust Nju/Darth Typhon when captured in a cage of lightsabers by Yoda.
  • Defiant to the End
    Renust Nju: You'll never know, Master Yoda. Even you, with all your knowledge of the Force, will never truly know what the dark side truly is and why it ensnared me.
  • Everyone Can See It: Everyone can see the attraction between Anakin and Padmé (even Yoda) but also knows about the problems with such a relationship.
  • Fighting Your Friend: Anakin vs Padmé. The first time they are just practicing, the second it's for real.
  • Hover Board: Named a Repulsorboard, Padmé uses one of these in the chase scene on Coruscant.
  • I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: Most of the second two stories, Padmé's fighting against Anakin's growing attraction. She doesn't succeed.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: When Renust Nju is contained in a cage of lightsabers held together by Yoda, he kills himself with his own lightsaber and is carved up by the blades of the cage. One would think Yoda would have moved them in time so as not to leave such a mess on his nice temple floor.
  • Married to the Job: Padmé is this, to some extent. Though she has been trained to be a Jedi from birth.
  • Message in a Bottle: The first fic starts on this, as the reason Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan come to Naboo is because of Padmé's message about the failure of the negotiations and the death of her master.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • This idle comment by Bail Organa.
      Bail: You should have been a politician, Padmé.
      Padmé: I would have been a very bad one.
    • As well as Shout Outs to the films themselves in rather unexpected places.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast Darth Typhon.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Subverted, Anakin does this on purpose.
    "What did you do?" Padmé shouted.
    They were hanging on to the back of the speeder as it took a nosedive through the lines of air traffic. Anakin had his free arm around her and for once she didn't mind.
    "I disconnected the engines," Anakin replied, though it was almost impossible to hear him.
    "You WHAT?" She looked at him incredulously as the ground started to come into view.
    "Don't worry," Anakin said with a shrug, "this isn't the first crash landing I've caused."
  • Nobody Thinks It Will Work: Averted, but the only one who doesn't think this way (aside from Anakin) is Nalanda.
  • No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine: Dooku and Sidious's method for delaying with Nalanda and her loyalist friends.
  • The Reveal: Renust Nju is really a Sith Lord named Darth Typhon.
  • Rule of Two: Deliberately averted though only one is generally know about until The Reveal. However, the two apprentices do know about each other.
  • What If?: Basically the entire premise of the series, but there's more than one. What if Padmé was a Jedi? What if Sidious had a spy on the Jedi Council? What if Dooku decided to talk to the Loyalist Committee? What if Dooku was actually captured rather than killed?
  • Wig, Dress, Accent: Padmé in her disguise as one of Nalanda's handmaidens in the first two fan fics.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Anakin doesn't fight Padmé fairly because of this until he is possessed by The Dark Side and convinced she is against him by Sidious in their Final Battle.
  • You Have Failed Me: Renust Nju to Padmé.
  • Your Costume Needs Work: This happens to Anakin.
    Anakin: She says I don't look like me!

The sequel, The Chosen Apprentice, provides examples of the following tropes.

  • Meaningful Echo: Not just Anakin's dreams but the scene where Shinai kills his wife is full of references to Revenge of the Sith.
