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Famous Last Words / Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online

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Squad Jam

  • "Hell yeah! Time to get back at it!" Huey of ZEMAL after reloading, shortly before getting sniped by Narrows.
  • "Sniper! They're shooting at us from behind!" Shinohara of ZEMAL, dying shortly after Tomtom at the hands of the same sniper.
  • "Why not?" A player named Jack, who gets killed after being tricked into exposing himself.
  • "I'll see what happens!" Jack's killer before getting filled with holes by another player's AC-556f.
  • "But if we're not careful, we'll end up just like them" The Leader of the team that killed Jack, who's wiped out along with his team by four Plasma Grenades courtesy of Narrows.
  • "What!?" One of Narrow's members before getting killed by LLENN.
  • "She's too small!" A member of Narrows before LLENN kills him, explainng why he can't hit her.
  • "Ha-ha!" The last of Narrow's casualties, finding the fact that his team of trained professionals suffered a Curb-Stomp Battle at the hands of LLENN Actually Pretty Funny.
  • "Gentleman! You have defeated the rest of my team! Well done! I don't stand a chance of winning! However! This does not mean I will surrender! And I will stand still to wait for death! Instead, I will set an example for how to lose in battle!" The leader of the team MMTM challenged before LM, who attempts a failed Taking You with Me on them.
  • "So that's it!" Lax's last thoughts before drowning, having realized M's Lineless Shooting trick.
  • "Be careful! Avoid the line!" David's last orders before his team's Curb-Stomp Battle at M's hands, not realizing his Lineless Shooting trick.
  • "Wha- ?" Bold after landing on shore after M's Plasma Grenade upturns his hovercraft and sees LLENN about to shoot him.
  • "One hostile! P90! Very fast!" Tanya reporting to the rest of SHINC about LLENN, shortly before basically being sliced in half by her gunfire.
  • "I'm going to take her out here!" Anna, shortly before getting blown up by LLENN's Plasma Grenade
  • "Now die!" Rosa, shortly before M snipes the Plasma Grenade strapped to her belt.
  • "Use this!" Sophie after tossing a Strizh magazine to Eva, getting shot in the head by M shortly after.
  • "Don't give up LLENN! I'll keep you safe!" P-Chan, before she sacrifices herself to protect LLENN from Eva's gunfire.
  • "Ha-ha!" Eva before LLENN slashes her throat, glad to have found a Worthy Opponent.
  • "Very bold of you!" Tohma as she enters a Sniper Duel with M after Eva's death, which she loses.

Squad Jam 2

  • "Dammit! If we were indoors, we wouldn't be losing this fight!" A member of a SWAT team themed Squad, whose focus on indoor combat made them sitting ducks for ZEMAL.
  • "I'm speaking... to all of you... who are watching this footage... I cannot move from this spot. All my teammates have been killed. I'm not going to last much longer. I'll get shot and die soon. I'll grow cold in the snow. And all I can think of is the popsicles I would buy and eat on the walk home from elementary school... How ironic. Man, those things were good... And yet, I never got the winning popsicle stick that let me have another for free... But maybe now I am the popsicle stick - the winner at last!" Thane of ZAT, who's sniped by David during his team's confrontation with MMTM in the mountains.
  • "Damn, that's not cool." The leader of some unnamed team, after Eva informs him that SHINC delivered a Curb-Stomp Battle to them because she listened to his orders through a communicator they looted from one his guys' corpses, through the same comm no less.
  • "I couldn't see it! I never saw any Bullet li-" The Green Beret member of New Soldiers, who gets killed by KKHC and their Lineless Shooting.
  • "Don't worry. We're not going to lose here. Be confident. Trust in your teammates. Trust in our victory. We're going to fight hard, survive this twisted, corrupt world, and carve our names into eternal glo-" The leader of RGB before getting killed by Fuka's grenade.
  • "En- " One of the players attacking PM4 trying to warn his teammates of a surprise attack, before getting shot in the by PM4's sniper.
  • "Huh?" Another alliance player before Pito slams the butt of an AKM against his face and knocking him to the ground, before stealing his Versa Max shotgun and blasting his head off.
  • "Dammit!" One of two players Pitohui was Cherry Tapping before leaving with her team, casually tossing a grenade she picked up their way to finish them off.
  • "Go to hell, bitch!" The other of the two player Pitohui was Cherry Tapping.
  • "Ugh... Dammit..." An alliance leader in sci-fi armour after getting shot by Pitohui's Barrett, before getting shot again to finish him off.
  • "How was that?" Another alliance after dodging a shot from PM4's sniper thinking it was Pito, who snipes him for real with Lineless Shooting.
  • "A-and if I refuse...?" A member of the dome alliance who LLENN tries threatening into telling his buddies he killed her, only to kill him immediately when he hesitates.
  • "Ohhh... I'm saved... Thank you, God..." Some pervert who tried killing Fuka so he could mess around with her dead body due to a loophole in the harassment code, shortly after Fuka gives him a beatdown using an assault rifle and LLENN arrives to Mercy Kill him.
  • "Win this thing - you got that?" Clarence, who Takes the Bullet for LLENN upon noticing David aiming at her.
  • "Hey! What in the world are you doing?! You promised!" The Leader of KKHC, after Pito stabs them in the back after they try negotiating with PM4.
  • "Hebwoebe?" Tomtom of ZEMAL as he becomes their casualty courtesy of T-S, stating a word that doesn't exist in any dictionary.
  • "Huh? Wait-what-?" Max of ZEMAL, trying to comprehend what just happened to his team just as he's shot and killed.
  • "Ha-ha!" Anna of SHINC, thinking she managed to dodge a shot, but in reality she dodged right into M's line of sight.
  • "Take it away, gang!" Sohpie of SHINC before she lets herself get killed by Eva to create an indestructible shield and stand for the PTRD.
  • "Huh?" PM4's sniper, who's unable to realize that SHINC whipped out a PTRD and fires, with section of M's shield careening into his head and breaking his neck.
  • "Awww. I got shot. Darn. I guess someone else was close by. I got sloppy." Shirley after (seemingly) scoring a revenge kill on Pito and truly realzing the line between shooting people in real life and in-game, before getting killed by LLENN as she's distracted by her euphoria.
  • "Shit, they got me." PM4's machine gunner after his failed Taking You with Me on MMTM, where they shoot him to keep him from getting closer.
  • "M, the self-detonation attempt failed. But I'm up next, so I'll buy you some more time. Don't worry!" PM4's shotgunner before getting riddled with holes by MMTM.
  • "Ah!" PM4's last man, realizing that Jake's beneath him before getting filled with holes from below.
  • "Grnnf!" Summon of MMTM as he's shot through the wall by Pitohui.
  • "It's a hole!" Bold of MMTM, noticing the hole Pitohui made in the wall to shoot through the cabin's wall before trying to use it himself to shoot inside the room, only to get stabbed in the eye by her Photon Sword.
  • "Hwooah!" Kenta of MMTM after he's knocked against the wall and gets a grenade throw on top of him.
  • "Aaaah!" Lax of MMTM's exclamation of surprise at seeing Pitohui's Grand Grenade before jumping on top of it in a vain attempt to protect David, not realzing it was a trap that gets him decapicated by Pitohui.
  • "Dammit!" Jake of MMTM, who's unable to get a shot at Pito without hitting David and is killed shortly after.
  • "Pitohuiiiii!" David of MMTM, before he gets stabbed through the head by Pitohui's Muramasa F9, which can switch which side the blade comes out of.
  • "Phew..." Rosa of SHINC after exhausting all her ammo, before getting shot through the head by M.
  • "This is my chance!" Eva of SHINC seeing her chance to snipe M but screwing up, getting shot dead shortly after.
  • "I'll keep you safe, LLENN!" P-Chan the Second, before she misfires in Pito's hands as she's about to shoot LLENN.
  • "I love you." M explaining his reasons for betraying Pito in three simple words, before Pito kills him saying that he's not allowed to bring love into the game.
  • "Oh... shit... That clown..." Pito when LLENN gets the drop on her and bites her neck before getting reminded of the promise she made with LLENN, realzing that M planned it all so she'd kill her and she'd be forced to forgo killing herself ot keep The Promise.

Squad Jam 3

  • "Aguh?" The first casualty of the alliance targeting LPFM, being shot by LLENN from behind the freight car.
  • "Aaaah! They're- " The alliance's second casualty, getting killed before he can warn the rest of his team what LPFM are doing.
  • "Holy shit! Pull baaaack!" LLENN's second confirmed kill of the tournament.
  • "Aagh!" Some unlucky sap who gets shot In the Back while the alliance is retreating.
  • "Dammit!" A stubborn player who stays behind to throw all his grenades at the freight car, only to get shot after just the first, that proves useless anyway.
  • "Huh? Doesn't that mean-? Their grenades are coming over here next!" The first alliance member to realize that Fuka was gonna return fire after their first Grenade Launcher assault failed.
  • "Get ou- !" The sniper who shot LLENN's foot during her distraction run, the first grenade hitting the shrapnel of the train he's on top of and ripping him in half.
  • "Son of a bitch!" The leader of the red camo team as a grenade hits him in the back.
  • "Wait- Stop- You idio- Don't-" One of the player Clarence betrays.
  • "Gwah!" A man with an AK-47 who's shot by Clarence, trying to turn around to return fire before dying.
  • "Why did you betray us...?" Another victim of Clarence's betrayal, whose shot in the head after.
  • "Wha...?" Sam, Clarence's teammate who decided he's done working with her before being sniped by Shirley, giving him a Torso with a View.
  • "Guaaah!" The second victim of Shirley's explosive bullets, who happened to have been wearing body armour when he was shot in the torso.
  • "Huh?" A friend of the above player, wondering how he died.
  • "Let's move to the right side- but carefully. We want to be able to hear anything that might- " A player, supposedly the leader, deciding his team's next move before getting sniped by Shirley.
  • "Huh?" The last words of two players who run into Shirley as she's changing positions, who kills them with a running snapshot.
  • "This is for you." Clarence shortly before dying from her stab wounds courtesy of Shirley's Ken-nata, having activated a grenade before dying.
  • "This is one prize I won't be eating." Shirley's final thoughts before Clarence's grenade kills her.
  • "Oh! Whoa! Crap, I got spotted! I gotta run-" KKHC's leader, who's spotted by ZEMAL and taken shortly after Shirley dies, prompting the others to resign.
  • "Whyyyy meee?" The first casualty of SJ3 and SHINC's first kill, having been sniped by Anna.
  • "The optical age is upon us! Raaaaah!" RGB's machine gunner before his head is taken off by the PTRD.
  • "Fwaaieieaiah!" One of RGB's assault rifle users upon noticing the machine gunner's body, shortly before the PTRD bursts through both his rifle and his torso.
  • "Don't hold back! Keep shoot-" RGB's other machine gunner and third casualty, who was too distracted by his gun's light to notice the Bullet Line.
  • "Huh? W- wait..." RGB's fourth casualty, who got hit in the neck by the same bullet who killed the second machine gunner, with him futilely trying to close the wound with his hand.
  • "Gahk! Gah!" The second to last RGB member, who tries grabbing one of his fallen allies guns when his rifle is broken, only to get shot in the foot and head.
  • "Huh? Now way... you're so close! Blurgh! RGB's last casualty, who's caught off-guard by Tanya.
  • "Before I die! I would be very happy if, just once, I got to touch some boobs!" Thane of ZAT, who's given a chance to make these by SHINC. They promptly shoot him dead.
  • "Hey- no- wait- That's messed up!" The last survivor of HTS as he's finished by MMTM.
  • "Whaaaat?!" The Leader of TOMS when negations with ZEMAL break down, getting him and his team filled with lead.
  • "Forget it! I'm going down so I can kill them all! In onboard combat, my agility and small, versatile weapon will serve me best of all! I'm gonna do this! I'm gonna kill all the rest of them!" Cole of BTRY, planning to enact his betrayal after ZEMAL kills his team, ignoring Pito's warning to watch out of Bullet Lines. This gets him killed by SHINC's PTRD shortly after.
  • "Guess this is it... Good luck, everyone. Good luck, Boss." Sophie of SHINC, having stayed behind while Tohma went ahead so she can use the PTRD to blast holes into the There Is Still Time for her team to enter through, leaving herself to drown in the rising waters.
  • "But if Team Leader were, that's what he'd order, isn't it?" Lax of MMTM before he lays down covering fire on David so the rest of MMTM can get onto the There Is Still Time, leaving himself to drown in the rising waters.
  • Gah? Tomtom of BTRY, getting hit in the head by one of Shinohara's stray bullet, before they decide to kill each other believing they took out BTRY's strongest member.
  • "Ahhh, shit, it didn't work..." Tanya of SHINC, after M repeatedly slams her against the ceiling and then kicks her across the corridor after her failed attempt to kill him and avenge her team.
  • "Bleh, that's salty!" Jake's of MMTM after tasting the salty sprinkler water, with him and the rest of team not realizing that Pito's planning to electrocute them with it.
  • "What is this? What's happening right now? What's going on?" Ervin of BTRY, scared out of his wits upon discovering Pito seemingly unconscious on the floor after she crashes the There Is Still Time into the building his team was stuck on, right before she gets up and stabs him In the Back.
  • "You sick, bourgeois bastaaaard!!" David of BTRY, whose attempt at killing Pitohui to avenge Ervin ends in him getting sliced to pieces.
  • "Yes, ma'am. Good night." Clara, the AI for the There Is Still Time, as Pitohui shoots her control console and orders her to go to sleep when she repeatedly asks her to stop.
  • "Are you kidding! That's not going to hit me! I want you to sit down and takes notes. If you can't do that in midair, at least listen. See, shooting while in middair is incredibly difficult. If it was that easy to hit targets as you fall, I wouldn't be having such a difficult time of things. Do you get me? I bet you don't!" Fukaziroh of LPFM, Tempting Fate to the nth degree when she witnesses Eva goes Guns Akimbo and try and shoot her while falling to her death.
  • "Heh!" Eva of BTRY, smirking victoriously after killing Fuka.
  • "Just one humble request. Would you be so good as to give me a name before the end?" The newly dubbed Kni-Chan, as LLENN is about to sacrifice her in her fight against Pitohui.
  • "What is it LLENN...?" Pitohui of LPFM, before getting pushed to her death by ship propeller courtesy of LLENN.
  • "Thank you for taking the fight against Pito seriously." M, sacrificing his life under Pito's orders so that LLENN will be declared the winner of SJ3.

Test Play

  • "Aw, shucks, oh well." Pitohui's first and only death in the event, killing herself alongside Tanya in order to spawn behind ZEMAL and wipe them out.
  • "That's it! Push, push, push!" The last words of a member of ZEMAL, presumably Huey, as Tanya and Pito ambush them from behind.
  • "That's it... Dammit! They're just too tough!" LLENN's first death in the event, getting tag-teamed by Rock and Vodka, the latter killing her.
  • "Dammit! You're just a stupid NPC!" Kenta's second death, as he tries to kill doc with a grenade, only to get shot in the head and pin for said grenade being placed back in by doc.
  • "Shit!" Bold's second death, as he's shot to death by Vodka's PKP.
  • "Hiya!" Tanya third and final death as she's killed by Vodka, but manages to destroy the rail feeding and scope for his PKP, forcing him to resign.
  • "This NPC knows what I'm trying to do!" LLENN before her second and final death, deciding to kill herself by running full speed and slamming her head against the wall after realising that Jacob won't kill her like she wants.
  • "I'll go!" Ervin of T-S, volunteering to go ahead and set off any mines so his team can charge in afterwards.
  • "Huh?" "What?" 001 and 003 of T-S upon witnessing the other get hit by Hassan's RPG, before getting victimised by them themselves.
  • "Huh?" All of ZEMAL's, save Peter who died earlier, last words when an RPG rocket lands in front of them before blowing them up.
  • "Aw, hell, I guess that's me." Peter of ZEMAL before dying for third and final time, finding himself volunteered to draw out Hassan's RPG fire so Pito can get a feel for his location and shoot him with her Bazooka.
  • "You coward!" David of MMTM's second death, discovering Roy behind a hidden door he used to fire at the Alliance, before the both of them shoot at each other and score a Mutual Kill.
  • "This is wrong... I want... to stop..." David, The Leader of the NPC team, after LLENN slashes his throat before stabbing him in the eye to finish him off. It's Revealed that Jacob isn't actually an NPC, but a real life soldier who's being putting through Medicuboid therapy to convince him to retire from mercenary work. His last words are him realizing what's he doing to himself and his family.
  • "It's all right Jake. Calm down. The south gate's plenty safe. Ha-ha! Blew 'em up with an RPG!" The last words Jacob hears Roy say.
  • Didn't I mention him already? He blew up with the RPG ammo! But we can still hold 'em off! Hurry, the chopper's almost here!" Rock to Jacob before he's killed by Shirley.
  • "Ah!" Doc's last words as LLENN ambushes him and Jacob.

Squad Jam 4

  • "Oh my sweet baby, my beautiful darling, how I love you." Thane of ZAT congratulating his Type 89 Assault Rifle on a job well done against the monster swarms before getting snipped by Shirley.
  • "Not the knife!" Koenig of ZAT as LLENN slashes his neck as he's trying to heal.
  • "H... hi..." Benjamin of ZAT as he tries running for his life, only to be ambushed and decapitated by Pitohui, who gives an enthusiastic "Hi".
  • "If I blow myself up here, I'll only take out one person. Better to ignore them. I'll zoom past and nail the rest." The Leader of Team DOOM, right before LLENN decapitates him to prevent him from reaching the rest of LPFM.
  • "Heh heh." One of DOOM's riders letting out an overconfident chuckle before getting taken out by Fukaziroh's grenade.
  • "You!" The Sole Survivor of DOOM, who sets off his bombs to at least take out LLENN, only for her to duck behidn cover in time.
  • "I've still got luck on my side! Just you watch, guys! I'll guide this squad to victory!" Cole of TOMS, right before his escape from T-S is foiled when he decides to flee via locomotive, which MMTM has already rigged to explode.
  • "Urgh!" Presumably the last words of Lax of MMTM, who lands on his head after Fuka tricks him and Kenta into crashing their trikes into each other.
  • "Huh? What the-?" Summon of MMTM, who's too late to realize the physics behind shooting a moving target while moving yourself before he gets shot by LLENN.
  • "Damn youuuu! Not again, you pink pip-squeaaak!" Bold of MMTM, who's rather annoyed that he once again got killed by LLENN.
  • "Roger that!" Jake of MMTM responding to David's order to continue laying fire on Pito's trike, before Shirley snipes his and blows it up, killing him.
  • "Take this!" Sophie of SHINC, who sacrifces herself to prevent the Minigun Humvee from pursuring the rest of her team.
  • "You won't be needing this anymore." Grant of V2HG, who manned Car 2's minigun, who spitefully destroys LPFM's drone before getting sniped by Shirley, who uses the same words as a Bond One-Liner.
  • "Aaah..." Johann of V2HG, the driver for Car 2, who's distracted by Clarence stripping to her underwear and offering to let him touch her boobs before shooting him in the head.
  • "Damn..." Anna of SHINC, who shot in the leg and tells the other to go ahead while she tries to take out of the sniper, only to get killed by another.
  • "That was expensive..." 003 of T-S, bemoaning the damage done to his new Grenade Launcher before he himself gets shot by one, killing him.
  • "This is the Wrong Lancers. We finally caught up. Let us on, if you can." The Leader of the Wrong Lancers as he and his team catch up to V2HG before he and the rest of his team are torn in half by the Humvee Minigun manned by Clarence.
  • "I'm done in here! Don't worry about winning; just find a way to take them out! That's our mission! I'm counting on you! And by the way, our payment for this is-" The Leader of V2HG, giving his men their final orders and trying to tell them before their payment before the Humvee he's in gets blown up by minigun fire.
  • "Nooooo!" 005 of T-S, who gets knocked off the locomotive as a result of PORL's RPG fire.
  • "Time to kick some ass!" Clarence, who chooses to make a Heroic Sacrifice to take out PORL and RGB by detonating the explosive backpack she and Shirley looted from DOOM, destroying the ice they're standing on and drowning them.
  • "First skating, now diving?! I didn't think this was the Olympics!" A member of PORL before he falls beneath the water after Clarence destroys the ice, drowning in the process.
  • "Boss... sorry! Drag... Use... Give M Gun... back..." Tohma of SHINC, who gets a bullet to the throat in ZEMAL's surprise attack and nearly falls off, only for 001 of T-S to grab her and allow her some last words to Eva.
  • "Hyaii" Ervin and the rest of T-S as they get fired upon before trying to retreat, only to get taken out by a Plasma Grenade trap.
  • Take this!" Rosa of SHINC, before she sets off her shrapnel grenades to take out one of SATOH's men, getting split in two in the process.
  • "Ah-ha-ha-ha. I can't answer that question." The Leader of SATOH stating how he can't tell LLENN how much Fire is paying him and the alliance, before being promptly shot dead by her.
  • "Hoh-hoh! I'm not dead!" Beralto of WEEI, surviving his Disney Villain Death from Shirley shooting the rope he was using to climb, before getting finished off by David.
  • "Hmmm?" Roy of WEEI wondering as to where Pito disappeared to during their fight, not realizing she used the smoke grenade she threw to disguise herself as a mannequin, shooting him while disguised.
  • "You got me! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Penebia of WEEI, when during his fist fight with M, he has him pinned and is in the middle of beating him to death, only for M to hold his shield in front of him and set off a grenade in his hand, killing Penebia.
  • "That's weird. Why didn't I run away?" Shirley's final thoughts as she uses a Last Breath Bullet to handicap WEEI's grenadier instead of moving to flee MMTM's gunfire, questioning her decision.
  • "Yesss!" Fukaziroh of LPFM after Eva shoots her grenade pouch and blows her up after she runs to Kenta's position, taking him out.
  • "Run, Leader!" Kenta of MMTM, warning David to get out of the blast radius of the exploding Fuka before he himself is killed in the explosion.
  • "You'll have to leave SJ4 first, then. WEEI's Deagle user as he's about to finish off Pitohui, only for her to tackle him to the ground and pours an entire water container down his throat.
  • "Money... Shut up! Shut up! I don't need that! I'm fighting for the company president! I'm fighting for his romance! We all are! We're fighting for his future! The grenadier of WEEI, who gets angry of LLENN's assumption that he's helping Fire for money before trying to finish her off with his bat, only for Eva to shoot it out of his head and give LLENN a chance to blow his head off.
  • "Oh, I'm joking, of course. Don't take it seriously." Pitohui of LPFM before dying from the wounds David inflicted on her, stating she would have fallen for him if she knew he'd get so strong, briefly pleasing her old admirer before she reveals she was joking.
  • "Why, you bi- " David dying in the middle of calling Pito a bitch after the above.
  • "" Eva of SHINC after LLENN wins their Quick Draw duel.
  • "Fire, I-" LLENN of LPFM dying after rescuing Fire from a zombie horde, wanting to confirm that his team consisted of his IRL friends and co-workers and apologise to them.

Five Ordeals:

  • "Don't worry- I'll keep you safe" Shinohara to his M60E3 during his Heroic Sacrfice, which he quickly tosses to the side so it won't get caught in the Dragon-Crabs Breath Weapon alongside him.
  • "Yaaaaah" M letting out a battle cry as he charges the Dragon-Crab in his buggy, before Tomtom shoots it and blows up to knock it down.
  • "Rgh!" Tohma's dying grunt after Taking the Bullet for Eva.
  • "Damn... I was... sloppy..." Eva, having been stabbed in the back by Shirley due to her focus on LLENN.
  • "Bastard!" Shirley before she tries shooting up the chimney Pito went up, only to get stabbed in the arm and her head split in two in retaliation.
  • "Thank you. I will tell tales of you in dog heaven." Suuzaburou who, while ultimately spared, decides to ascend to dog heaven at the end of quest after giving Fuka some parting words.
