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Headscratchers / Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online

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  • Why did anyone go into Squad Jam with less then 6 players? Sure, not everyone has 5 other people that play GGO and make a good team with, but it's not like having a B-team of randoms was going to hurt your chances, if nothing else it wastes the enemy's ammo, and are you telling me there are not going to be some solo players who wouldn't join your team just to be in Squad Jam?
    • We've seen some examples as to why, for LLENN and Fuka in SJ2 it's simply a case of not knowing other people who play GGO. The same situation occurs with Clarence in SJ3 in that she can only convince one partner named Sam to join her, while Shirley alienated her original Team KKHC due to how obsessed she had become with GGO. Team ZEMAL puts Honor Before Reason in that they absolutely refuse to let anyone on their team who is not completely obsessed with machine guns so they only have 5 members for the first three Squad Jams. However by the time of SJ4 common sense appears to finally win the day as everyone goes in with a full 6-man team, as even LPFM and ZEMAL manage to find new members to max out their head counts.
