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Deleted Scene / Star Wars

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Star Wars has plenty of scenes that didn't make the final cut.

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    The Phantom Menace 
  • One of the more notable ones is where Qui-Gon and Anakin start to depart from Tatooine. One of Maul's Sith droids attempts to tail them, only for Qui-Gon to suddenly slice it down, and then explaining they need to hurry back to the ship. This scene explained why immediately in the next scene, they were running back to the ship when the previous scene had them walking calmly from the market.
  • Another notable deleted scene, taking place after the podrace, involves Anakin beating the crap out of one of the other kids because he accused Anakin of cheating. Would have foreshadowed that Anakin is prone to anger, and explained why Qui-Gon was treating his wounds in the next scene. Also, Anakin's victim? A young Greedo, who was told by another kid immediately after the fight that he'd regret picking fights like that one day.
  • Another scene had the pod the Jedi use to get to Theed surface in the city... and then have to be quickly abandoned before it goes over a waterfall. It was most likely cut for making no sense whatsoever.
  • Padmé waking Anakin the morning of the podrace.
  • An introduction to the racers before the podrace, beyond that seen in the film.
  • Onboard the Trade Federation starship, two droids discuss the arrival of the Republic cruiser.
  • Qui-Gon tries more diligently to expand the wager to include Shmi.
  • An extended fight with Darth Maul on Tatooine, including Darth Maul jumping onto the ship's platform with Qui-Gon before falling off.
  • Bail Organa votes for No Confidence in Chancellor Valorum. Organa would be recast as Jimmy Smits for Episode II, resulting in the renaming of the character played by Adrian Dunbar to Bail Antilles.
  • A deleted scene reveals why Obi-Wan didn't just use his own lightsaber to destroy the droids chasing him in the swamp. (Evidently, you don't want to drop a lightsaber in swamp water if you can help it.) This scene was restored in a Dark Horse comic adaptation by Henry Gilroy, which retells the events of Phantom from Obi-Wan's POV.
  • A Naboo soldier shows Padmé via viewscreen that the battle droids have been deactivated.
  • Anakin flies his Naboo starfighter back into the hangar.
  • When Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are led into the Trade Federation conference room, some exotic bird-like creatures are singing in a cage near the door. When the Jedi notice the room is filling with deadly gas, the creatures drop dead in their cage as a cue that danger is literally in the air.
  • Jar Jar becoming disoriented, being flung onto the walls and tumbling numerous times in the skiff's lower level.
  • Jar Jar juggling equipment in Watto's shop.
  • R2-D2 was to fall off the landing platform on Coruscant and then fly back up showing that he has booster rockets. The scenes featuring the booster rockets were cut due to the practical effects being unworkable. The rocket feature made it onto the action figure, however, and R2 would later be shown using them through digital effects in Episodes II and III.
  • Chancellor Valorum confronting Palpatine about the vote of no confidence.
  • Scenes showcasing Anakin's precognitive powers.
  • The Neimoidians escort Darth Maul on Naboo.

    Attack of the Clones 
  • Padmé speaks before the Senate and objects to plans to create an army to fight against the Separatist movement.
  • Anakin and Obi-Wan share a speeder while pursing Zam Wesell. Obi-Wan has to remove a flag that gets stuck in the engine.
  • Obi-Wan has the Kamino saberdart analyzed in the Analysis Rooms in the Jedi Temple. It was deleted because they realized it didn't move the plot "We didn't know anything going in and we knew nothing going out" and a simple mention of it in a later scene was enough.
  • Obi-Wan and Jocasta Nu discuss Count Dooku and the Lost Twenty.
  • Obi-Wan and Mace Windu discuss the mystery of the missing data on Kamino and Anakin's ability to protect Padmé while Obi-Wan boards his Jedi starfighter. This is replaced in the film with a discussion between Obi-Wan, Mace, and Yoda discussing it all together.
  • En route to Naboo, Anakin begins having nightmares about his mother.
  • Anakin and Padmé walk with R2-D2 and discuss her time as Queen of Naboo.
  • Padmé introduces Anakin to her family at her Naboo villa. Anakin can be seen walking with Ruwee through the window.
  • Padmé shows Anakin her bedroom, which has holographic images of her humanitarian work.
  • On Tatooine, while Anakin is searching for his mother, Padmé finds a box of C-3PO's coverings, and at the droid's request, puts them on him. (Lucas decided this took too much away from the main plot and re-shot earlier scenes involving C-3PO with him covered from the start. Apparently, this scene was taken out relatively late, as Hasbro released a C-3PO action figure that included a box of parts to complete him. Ultimately, C-3PO would not get gold plates in the Legends continuity until the day Anakin was knighted.)
  • Anakin and Padmé are brought before Count Dooku, Jango Fett, and Poggle the Lesser and request Obi-Wan's release. Dooku says he cannot do so unless Naboo joins the Separatist movement, giving reasons for why he is forming the new government.
  • Anakin and Padme are put on trial by Poggle the Lesser, who finds them guilty. (After the scene where they go before Dooku was cut, this scene was made unnecessary.)
  • Obi-Wan and Mace fight in the arena while Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, and a few other Jedi raid one of the landed Droid Control Ships.
  • After Mace beheads Jango, Ki-Adi-Mundi leads the raid of the Control Ship. Many other scenes of arena fighting are seen.
  • Anakin, Padmé, and Mace discuss why the droids haven't been deactivated. Ki-Adi-Mundi overpowers the Neimoidians running the Control Ship and turns them off, providing respite in the arena. They then reactivate and continue battling. (Since Episode I, they have had an independent backup system.) All the Jedi who accompanied Mundi and Koon perish, leaving only the two Masters.
  • NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers run over clones during the Battle of Geonosis.

    Revenge of the Sith 
  • This film cut out a few scenes that detailed the Senators who openly opposed Palpatine, who would go on to be prominent members of the Rebel Alliance. They deleted them mostly because it was just a few token scenes in an office, and it interrupted the flow of the real meat of the story (the rise of The Empire and Anakin's fall).
  • Anakin and Obi-Wan banter while waiting for the elevator on the Invisible Hand.
  • Anakin and Obi-Wan round a corner and find General Shaak Ti being held hostage by General Grievous and a large number of battle droids. Anakin and Obi-Wan are quickly surrounded by battle droids and Grievous pretends to show mercy to Shaak Ti, then he suddenly kills her with a well-placed Shiak strike to the chest. Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi have a brief sign language argument over what method they should use to escape, then draw their lightsabers and slice a hole in the floor. They fall down into a Separatist fuel tank; the surrounding battle droids proceed to take aim, but the experienced Separatist commander orders his troops not to fire in order to prevent the fuel from igniting. B2 super battle droids follow the Jedi, but are unable to stop them. The fuel rises to an overload discharge spark gap and the section of the ship explodes.
  • Extended duel with Count Dooku, including a scene where after Obi-Wan remarks "You won't get away this time, Dooku," Dooku responds by igniting his lightsaber and saying, "Just because there are two of you, do not assume you have the advantage." (This was featured in the video game adaptation’s live action cutscenes pulled from the movie).
  • Palpatine's "reception committee" (consisting of Mas Amedda and the maroon guards) on Coruscant after being saved by Anakin.
  • Dialogue between Aayla Secura and Commander Bly, Plo Koon, and Jag.
  • Palpatine presents legal changes meant to end the war to Anakin, including the Jedi Council being placed under his control. This was part of the scene in which Palpatine tells Anakin that he's being made his personal representative on the council.
  • Senators including Bail Organa and Mon Mothma present the movement against the Chancellor to Padmé, sowing the seeds of the Rebel Alliance.
  • Padmé suggests bringing the plan to the one Jedi she trusts, but the group agrees to appeal to the Senate first.
  • The senators, now including Jar Jar, presents the petition to Palpatine and Anakin, who is acting as his personal bodyguard.
  • A Wookiee ambush.
  • Obi-Wan enters an Utapau Dragon Pen and selects Boga from several other Varactyls. This is included in the novel. His ride to Grievous' hangar is extended, and when the IG-100 MagnaGuards attack Obi-Wan, he fights them shortly and then crushes them with a section of the ceiling.
  • Obi-Wan, Mace, and Yoda meet in the Temple to discuss the darkness surrounding Chancellor Palpatine.
  • The Emperor was to tell Anakin that from a certain point of view, he is Anakin's father.
  • A longer pursuit between Obi-Wan and General Grievous. (Steven Spielberg oversaw the creation of the scene.)
  • Extended Order 66 and Temple Purge shots, and others, which show the deaths of Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Whie Malreaux, Bene, and Cin Drallig.
  • After being shot down by his troops, Obi-Wan evades a Nos monster in the depths of Utapau. The Nos Monster attacks several Republic seeker droids, while Obi-Wan sneaks past some baby Nos Monsters. ("The Nos Monster")
  • Anakin enters the meditation chamber in which Shaak Ti is concentrating and stabs her in the back.
  • When Obi-Wan and Yoda arrive at the Jedi Temple they find a group of clone troopers disguised as Jedi waiting outside. The two Jedi aren't fooled and kill them all.
  • A scene where Obi-Wan visits with Padmé to discuss his concerns for Anakin. The scene was not completed as Anthony Daniels had fallen over while filming.
  • According to Ahmed Best, there was a deleted scene where, before he crowned himself Emperor, Palpatine mockingly thanked Jar Jar Binks for granting him the emergency powers that allowed him to take over the Galaxy.
  • Extended Separatist Slaughter, which shows Wat Tambor being killed by Anakin Skywalker (now Darth Vader).
  • The Naboo star skiff shown flying off from Mustafar to Polis Massa (this scene was featured in the teaser trailer).
  • An extended duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin which shows why at one point in the movie Anakin is missing his lightsaber, Obi-Wan at one point uses it along with his own.
  • Qui-Gon Jinn speaks to Yoda, who names himself Qui-Gon's apprentice.
  • Yoda arrives on Dagobah in the final montage.
  • Inverted on one occasion - Lucas had to go back and shoot the scene where Obi-Wan picks up Anakin's lightsaber when he realised that he'd forgotten to add it the first time around.

  • Qi'ra sticks a knife at Solo. After Solo and Qi'ra makes plans to leave Corellia, Solo is brought to Proxima's pool.
  • During their flight from Corellia, Han and Qi'ra hide from Moloch and his hounds in a giant tub of Corellian eels to disguise their scent. Han even yanks one out of his pants in terror, although they resist the urge to have him say "Eels! Why did it have to be eels?"
  • Han being reprimanded and thrown out of the Imperial Flight Academy for breaking formation in a TIE fighter to rescue a comrade. When Han asks when he's going to get to fly again, his commander icily responds, "We'll have you flying in no time". Cut to Han flying through the air from an explosion during the fighting on Mimban. He also bangs his chin during a rough landing, explaining Harrison Ford’s real life scar similarly to the opening sequence of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. This scene is believed to be where Tag and Bink would have appeared.
  • Solo, alongside Beckett and his gang posing as mud troopers, fight the Mimbanese. Beckett gives Solo a different blaster and tells Solo to cover him. As Korso continues to fight he is badly wounded by an explosion. Beckett then pulls him back to shelter, but Korso dies.
  • After Solo speaks Shyriiwook, Chewbacca uses Han to try and break the pillar. Chewie gave up this attempt until Solo forced him to charge at the pillar.
  • On their way to meet Dryden, Solo and Chewie get into a snowball fight until Beckett tells them stop and follow him.
  • Dryden gives Solo some Thwip feet that Solo eats as Beckett and Dryden talk about Nest's interference.
  • Solo asks one of the villagers on Savareen if they had extra cases as Dryden's ship arrives.

    Rogue One 
The film required extensive reshoots late in its production. About 45 scenes that were featured in trailers or TV spots did not make it to the final film. According to Gareth Edwards, these were simply bits and pieces, not entire scenes removed from the film.
  • An opening title crawl.
  • Jyn Erso saying "I rebel" to Mon Mothma.
  • An overhead shot of Jedi statue ruins on Jedha.
  • Captured Rebel pilots on Jedha (altered in a later trailer to remove blood from the face of a soldier).
  • Saw Gerrera without hair on Jedha.
  • Orson Krennic in the Death Star control room.
  • Orson Krennic telling Darth Vader: "The power that we are dealing with here is immeasurable."
  • Darth Vader in the Death Star control room.
  • Jyn with a blaster facing off against a TIE Fighter.
  • Jyn and Cassian Andor run across the beach with a data-tape.
  • Moroff present during the battle on Scarif.

    A New Hope 
Loads were cut due to Marcia Lucas (who edited the film) feeling they dragged the pace of the film, along with many scenes being switched around to create a better flow (and it did get the film the best editing Academy Award). These include:
  • Luke fixing a moisture vaporator. He observed the space battle between the Star Destroyer and Leia's rebel ship.
  • Luke racing into Anchorhead and nearly running over an old woman before meeting his friends to tell them about the space battle, although no one but Biggs believes him. This scene happened between the droids escaping in the escape pod and Leia confronting Vader.
  • Vader telling Leia that her "diplomatic mission" excuse doesn't work since he saw her ship in battle just before. Vader's claim would later (production-wise) be shown in Rogue One.
  • Scenes on Tatooine in which Luke first observes the hunting of Leia's spaceship with a telescope, then goes to tell his buddies about it, after which they discuss whether it would be worth to join the rebels. Leaving these scenes in would have explained why Luke was talking to some of the rebel pilots he meets later as if they were friends of his - they were, in fact!
    • Biggs telling Luke he's defecting to the Rebellion. This happened between C-3PO catching sight of the Sandcrawler and R2 getting captured by Jawas. A later scene where he and Luke reunite as Rebel pilots was also cut, but added back in starting with the 1997 Special Edition although dialogue about Red Leader knowing Luke’s father was edited out.
  • A shot of Beru dispensing the blue milk before she joins Owen and Luke at dinner.
  • Luke and Threepio rush off in the landspeeder to search for Artoo, with Threepio driving the landspeeder. They talk about Artoo, Ben Kenobi and how angry Uncle Owen is going to be.
  • Darth Vader and Chief Bast walk along a corridor on the Death Star. Bast reports that the search for the missing droids has extended to Mos Eisley spaceport. Vader observes that Princess Leia is resisting interrogation and Bast boldly criticizes Tarkin's plan to break her as "foolish."
  • A different introduction to Han Solo, making out with a woman named Jenny in the cantina.
  • Various small moments in the streets of Mos Eisley and on the Death Star were cut.
  • Two deleted scenes — Han talking to Jabba the Hutt, and Luke meeting up with Biggs in the Rebel hangar — were restored in the Special Edition. The former ended up being rather redundant, because much of the dialogue from it was recycled for the encounter with Greedo in the finished film.
  • At first, the film referred to Darth Vader as being a Sith Lord, by way of having one of the officers on the Death Star call Vader one during an extended version of the Death Star meeting scene. The scene was ultimately cut down, and the Sith wouldn't receive an actual on-screen name until The Phantom Menace. Interestingly enough, the novelization, which had been released months prior to the film's release, does classify Vader as being a Sith. Darth Vader's alternate title, and "Darth" being a contraction of "Dark Lord of the Sith" would appear in other material surrounding the films, and be latched on to by Legends authors.

    The Empire Strikes Back 
  • Han and Leia continue their argument beyond "You could use a good kiss!"
  • 2-1B evaluates a dead tauntaun (seen in the background of the final film when Han asks where Luke has gone).
  • After leaving the bacta tank, Luke and Leia almost kiss but are interrupted by C-3PO. Luke tells Leia that he has to go to the Dagobah system. Leia gets angry, explaining that Han was about to leave to pay off unpaid debts for Jabba the Hutt. Leia then says that she would get more loyalty if she went down the hall and recruited some of the Wampas.
  • Hobbie AKA Rogue Four, who is mentioned by Luke but not seen in the final cut, takes down General Veers' walker by kamikaze-ing the cockpit. The novelization reinstated this scene.
  • Luke mans a cannon aboard a Rebel transport and shoots an attacking wampa.
  • While fleeing Imperial troops, Han suggests they take a shortcut through a room that has a sign on it. Leia tells him "that's where they keep those creatures" (the wampas). They run off and C-3PO tears away the warning sign, hoping the troops will mistake it for another room. Sure enough, they do, and one of the snowtroopers is pulled in by a wampa. The other troopers stare in disbelief and Darth Vader walks up, seemingly just as confused or silently reprimanding them for stopping.
  • Several Rebel troopers attempt to fend off several wampas that have escaped their containment unit during the battle of Hoth
  • R2-D2 wanders down a corridor and narrowly escapes a wampa.
  • Yoda trains Luke, who uses his lightsaber to cut up four metal bars that Yoda would have been levitating.
  • Han works on the Falcon while the asteroid belt is bombarded by the Empire.
  • Lobot is captured by stormtroopers to be killed.
  • Leia tells Luke about Han's capture by Boba Fett.
  • A scene in which Lobot has dialogue.

    Return of the Jedi 
  • Moff Jerjerrod got quite a few that expanded his character a bit (not to mention made Palpatine more monstrous than before). In particular, the deleted scenes were of a subplot and some conflict for the Moff: At some point during Luke and Vader's duel, Palpatine contacted Moff Jerjerrod by comlink and told him that, should the Rebel Alliance somehow succeed in getting past the defenses of the shield generator and destroy it, Jerjerrod will turn the Death Star towards the planet and fire the superlaser to destroy it, with Jerjerrod, while nonetheless processing the command, expressed reluctance at killing his own men on Endor before being silenced by Palpatine. Afterwards, Lieutennant Endicott informed Jerjerrod about the shield generator's destruction, causing Jerjerrod to reluctantly obey Palpatine's command. He also orders for several attempts to delay Red and Gold Squadrons from entering the superstructure, and lastly hesitates briefly before ordering the countdown. These scenes were largely retained in the novelization, for anyone curious, although Jerjerrod's characterization is changed to the opposite of what it was in the film.
  • The Rancor scene went a little differently. After the Gamorrean guard got eaten, Luke tries to Force-jump out of the pit, but as he makes it to the grate, two Jawas stomp on his hands and he drops back into the pit (the original storybook of the film contains a still from this scene, showing Luke hanging from the grate).
  • Drunk guests having a party aboard the sail barge.
  • A barge fight between Ree-Yees and Saelt-Marae with C-3PO translating.
  • Leia gets an object and attacks a skiff guard, before she goes up to the cannon and positions it to the deck. This scene was cut and you can see a fraction of that footage when Leia appears to get an object. This scene was captured on photo and video.
  • Right after Jabba's Sail Barge blows up, Luke, Han, Leia, Lando, and the droids go back to the Millennium Falcon and Luke's X-wing (both of which are in the middle of a sandstorm). Han thanks Luke for saving him and Luke explains to his friends that he has to go back to Dagobah.
  • Vader and several other Imperials walk down a hallway to the hangar where the Emperor will be arriving on the Death Star.
  • An extended version of Yoda's death reveals that Obi-Wan would have told Luke the truth that Vader was indeed his father if he'd let him.
  • The novelization and radio dramas of the film contained a scene of Luke putting the finishing touches on his new lightsaber, while visiting Obi-Wan's old hut on Tattooine and right before sending R2 and 3PO to Jabba, which lead to a lot of speculation that such a scene was filmed for the movie but deleted as mostly unnecessary to the narrative (a combination of a different hilt and the green color made it obvious Luke built a new lightsaber, in addition to Vader's comment later about it). When the actual scene turned up nearly 30 years later, it was like finding the Holy Grail.
  • A recently discovered deathbed scene reveals that Yoda forbade Obi-Wan from telling Luke that Darth Vader was his father.
  • Darth Vader lands in the Death Star docking bay with Luke, taking him to the Emperor. (This outtake was partially restored and placed in the Special Edition of The Empire Strikes Back, having Vader land in the Executor. Moff Jerjerrod can be seen in the new footage and is mouthing his dialogue from Return of the Jedi).
  • An additional battle in the shield bunker, where Han and Rebel soldiers encounter a squad of stormtroopers outside the control room. Han reacts to being called "Rebel scum."
  • General Crix Madine was to have scenes aboard a Mon Calamari ship during the final battle. These scenes were filmed. Actor Dermot Crowley claims to have spent a few extra days filming in a moving chair shouting things such as "Fire!" There are cut shots of Rebel gunners aboard the Millennium Falcon. It was rumored that the B-Wing fighters would be given more to do during the battle in the Special Edition.

    The Force Awakens 
Word of God states that there was at least 20 minutes worth of footage cut from the final release, including scenes such as:
  • Following the death of FN-2003 during the attack on Tuanul, FN-2187 spares the life of a villager.
  • At the D'Qar's Resistance base, Major Taslin Brance informs General Leia Organa that Tuanul was wiped out and there was no sign of the map. Brance also told her that Poe Dameron and his droid were missing. Organa orders them to find BB-8 instead of contacting the New Republic.
  • Unkar Plutt confronts Rey at Takodana Castle and warns her of the trouble she's in. Rey attempts to defend herself but is disarmed by Unkar. Chewbacca steps in to help Rey as Unkar makes fun of him. Angered by Unkar, Chewbacca then steps on Unkar's foot and rips his arm out of its socket which lands on a table in front of Wollivan.
  • Maz Kanata using the Force to collapse a ceiling on some Stormtroopers. With this removed, her Force powers in the actual movie are much more vague. This was seemingly cut fairly late into the editing process, as a LEGO set released after the film depicts Maz doing something similar.
  • While escaping Maz's palace, Han Solo, Finn, Chewbacca, and Maz Kanata are cut off by a group of stormtroopers, who wished to arrest them in the name of Supreme Leader Snoke. Solo attempts to talk them out of it, asking "Do you know a Smoke?" and "What makes him Supreme?" He then asks, "Is this something [Finn] did? Is this about the stormtrooper boots?" to which Finn replies "That's how you knew." (This implies that Han realized that Finn was a deserted stormtrooper because of the boots he was wearing.)
  • Leia tells her emissary Korr Sella to warn the New Republic to take action against the First Order.
  • Resistance base personnel give Dameron and his pilots the all clear after the Falcon lands on Starkiller Base.
  • A squad of snowtroopers and Kylo Ren search the Millennium Falcon. Kylo goes up to the cockpit and then realizes that Han Solo is here. Ren then sees Dameron's X-wings moving in to attack when he walks out.
  • Finn and Rey take a snowspeeder but are pursued by another until Finn shoots the gunner and causes it to crash.
  • After Rey returns to D'Qar with Finn, Dr. Harter Kalonia assures her that Finn will be fine.
  • One of Leia's aides, Korr Sella, travelling to Hosnian Prime to request aid from the New Republic.

    The Last Jedi 
  • An alternate opening sequence for the film. After Finn awakens from his coma and realizes that he is aboard a ship, Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix tells Poe that they need more time as Resistance members flee in their transports, leading to the battle during the Evacuation of D'Qar against the First Order Dreadnoughts.
  • Finn was originally going to be introduced not in his bacta suit, but instead as one of Paige Tico's co-gunners, even re-enacting his opening scene from The Force Awakens, with her putting a bloody handprint over his heart. Johnson changed his mind in part because of the subtext and conflict it would introduce to Finn and Rose's relationship.
  • A scene during the battle over D'Qar where Paige's gun jams while she is in the Cobalt Hammer.
  • Following the scene in which Luke Skywalker asks Rey and Chewbacca what happened to Han Solo, he returns to his hut and grieves the death of his brother-in-law while Leia does the same aboard the Raddus. (And that while Mark Hamill was okay with it since scenes get cut all the time, he did question why the scene of Luke milking a Thala-siren made it in.)
  • A conversation between Poe Dameron and Finn aboard the Raddus in which Dameron would have revealed he stitched up Finn's jacket following the Battle of Starkiller Base, sewing up in the process the gaping hole that was left by Kylo Ren's lightsaber.
  • After recovering from his injuries in the bacta tank, Finn sees Rey's goodbye to him following the destruction of Starkiller Base recorded by BB-8.
  • The Caretakers meeting with Rey at Ahch-To and starting to take displeasure from her antics as she followed Luke for her first lesson.
  • Rey's third lesson: After Rey spots boats sailing towards the Caretaker village, Luke notes that they are raiders who are arriving to ransack the village, causing Rey to go to the village only to have Luke saying that if Rey attempts to retaliate, the raiders, with more reinforcements, will return to attack again, because a Jedi would let this to play out without getting involved. Rey charges into the village anyway and sees a cheerful Lenai reunion instead.
  • An extended version of Finn's and Rose's escape from the Canto Bight racetrack with the fathiers. After escaping from the Canto Casino, the fathiers would have crashed against several other locations, including Zord's Spa and Bathhouse.
  • After Finn, Rose, BB-8, and DJ infiltrate the Supremacy, once they enter an elevator, Finn meets 926, a fellow stormtrooper who knew him from his days serving the First Order. Unaware of Finn's defection from the Order, 926 congratulates him for his "ascension" and gives Finn a friendly swat on the posterior. Elsewhere in the destroyer, Kylo Ren awaits Rey's arrival.
  • Following Rose and Finn's captures and DJ's betrayal, Hux walks up to and belittles Rose and her homeworld, taunting her for her futile struggle against the First Order. Rose simply answers by biting his finger. Taken aback, Hux angrily orders Rose and Finn's executions and leaves the scene.
  • An extended version of Finn's battle with Phasma would have had him be cornered on a ledge by stormtroopers after smashing her helmet. When she gloats that he was a fool for betraying the First Order, Finn reveals that she was the one who shut down Starkiller Base's defenses to save her own life. Phasma kills the stormtroopers in a fit of paranoia, but gets her hand cut off before she can shoot Finn and is shot in the chest with a plasma cannon, sending her flying off the ledge.
  • Finn and Rose aboard a shuttle, and when Rose asks Finn where they are going, Finn answers that they are going to go to Crait to help the Resistance, which is where they belong.
  • During the Battle of Crait, Rey and Chewbacca fly the Millennium Falcon and see the First Order attacking a concentrated point on the ground where Luke is standing. It's unknown whether they knew that Luke wasn't physically there.

     The Rise of Skywalker 
