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Comic Book / Arachknight

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First published in 2018 as a two-part miniseries, Infinity Wars: Arachknight was written by Dennis Hopeless detailing the origins of the Infinity Warps version of Peter Parker, AKA Arachknight. Arachknight, like the rest of Infinity Warps, is part of Infinity Wars (2018).

For the solo comics of the other Warp World Defenders, see Ghost Panther, Iron Hammer, Soldier Supreme, and Weapon Hex.

Tropes featured in Arachknight:

  • Adaptational Badass: Everyone. In-Universe. Each Composite Character has the combined powers of whichever characters were merged to create them.
  • Anti-Hero: Peter's Knight personality is vicious in a fight, not remotely above crippling foes as a first resort.
  • Badass Cape: Arachknight's costume comes with a flowing white cape.
  • Bat People: Michael Morpheus has some bat-like physical features, such as pointed ears.
  • Battle Boomerang: Arachknight's arsenal includes bladed boomerangs not unlike a Batarang that can be used as both throwing weapons and knives for melee combat.
  • The Big Guy: Of Peter's personalities, The Knight is the best combatant overall and generally advocates for more violent and brutal measures.
  • Broken Ace: Arachknight is a highly successful superhero, but he never fully gets over the trauma of his aunt and uncle's death, his original personality never maturing far past childhood.
  • Broken Faceplate: Goblin-by-Night (Norman) rips Peter's mask while trying to claw his face off, leaving his left eye exposed.
  • Cannot Tell a Joke: The Knight seems to have a different kind of humor than the rest of us.
    Knight: In his honor, I start with my favorite joke — Grenades.
  • Child Prodigy: Science Pete is a scientific wizard who is implied to be the creator of all the technology used by Arachknight and the driving force behind Parker Industries' success. But in his mind, he manifests as his childhood self from before his Aunt and Uncle's deaths, explaining his excitability but also his clumsiness and skittishness in the face of danger.
  • Composite Character: Basically all of the characters in the comic fall under this trope. They include Peter Parker/Arachknight (Spider-Man and Moon Knight), Norman Russell/Goblin-by-Night (Green Goblin and Werewolf), Harry Russell/Goblin-by-Night (Harry Osborn and Werewolf-by-Night), Marley Jane Watson (Mary Jane Watson and Marlene Alraune), and Michael Morpheus (Morbius the Living Vampire and Morpheus).
  • Death by Adaptation: Aunt May is killed along with Uncle Ben.
  • Good Is Not Nice: The Knight will only take his vengeance on criminals who have earned his wrath, but he'd much rather cripple them for life than let them go to a Cardboard Prison, much to the discomfort of the other personalities.
  • Experienced Protagonist: By the start of his story, Arachknight has already been active as a vigilante for years and the head of a successful conglomerate dealing in eight figure sums of money.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: The easiest way to tell Mr. Parker and Science Pete apart is by their hairstyles. Mr. Parker keeps his hair neatly slicked back, while Science Pete tussles his hair into a more youthful style.
  • Expressive Mask: As per Spider-Man standard. They also glow in the dark.
  • Harmful to Minors: Peter watched helplessly as Aunt May and Uncle Ben were torn limb-from-limb by the Goblin-by-Night.
  • Instant Costume Change: Arachknight's costume is stored in a phone-shaped device that can put itself on in seconds with the push of a button.
  • In the Hood: Arachknight wears Moon Knight's cloak and hood over his red spandex costume.
  • I Work Alone: The Knight personality, though being a split personality makes maintaining that attitude a little difficult.
  • The Klutz: Science Pete can't handle the acrobatics that Spider and the Knight can, failing to stick the landing when swinging through Central Park and crashing face-first into a brick wall when he accidentally asserts himself while tracking Goblin-By-Night down.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Arachknight has the proportionate agility and strength of a spider, making him strong, tough, and incredibly hard to hit.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Norman passed his curse to his son, Harry.
  • Manchild: Science Pete never truly matured like his other personalities. He's excitable and maintains a child-like fascination with the sciences. The fact that Mr. Parker is the "adult" personality and the only one who has experienced alcohol and sex indicates that the other two personalities are also this to an extent.
  • Non-Action Guy: Science Pete is brilliant in all things science, but he's cowardly, a crybaby, scared of heights, and clumsy, putting them all in serious trouble when he accidentally asserts himself in a fight. Similarly, Mr. Parker is suave and professional, but isn't good at fighting, instead keeping the others organized and on task.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Science Pete is an engineer, physicist, programmer, and chemist. He also has a working knowledge of biology that allows him to recognize the impact increased size would have on the Achilles tendons.
  • Our Goblins Are Different: Norman is called a goblin but hardly looks like what most would consider one. More a green werebeast.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Norman is supposedly a goblin but looks like a green werewolf. When he bites Harry at the end of the issue, the curse not only seems to completely transfer to him, but also leaves him less feral yet still insane.
  • Painful Transformation: While it's never described as painful in-story, the fact that the art shows a young Peter's body getting impaled by a giant spider's leg and later having his face splinter apart like glass indicate that his transformation into a Spider-Totem was anything but pleasant.
  • Pocket Dimension: The universe of the Infinity Warps exists within Soul World in the soul stone.
  • Protectorate: Pete is this for the other three personalities, who manifested to protect him and his child-like innocence while helping him fight crime as Arachknight.
  • Purely Aesthetic Glasses: Given that Peter never needed glasses as a child, the specs Science Peter puts on are likely this.
  • Red Is Heroic: His costume is mostly red under his cloak and he's one of his reality's preeminent superheroes.
  • Revenge: The Knight is solely motivated by a pursuit of vengeance, particularly for what happened to May and Ben. So when they encounter the Goblin again after fifteen years, the Knight immediately takes control and tries to kill him. According to him, the other three personalities also feel the same way, but are much less overt about it.
  • The Smart Guy: Science Pete is this. While he isn't much in a fight, his scientific insight can prove valuable to the Spider or the Knight.
  • The Social Expert: Mr. Parker is a suave, cool-headed businessman who runs a successful conglomerate and has the social skills to have intimate relationships with others.
  • Spider-Sense: Being half Spider-Man, Arachknight has this.
  • Split-Personality Team: Peter's mind might be splintered but his alters have all settled into roles to manage his life.
    • Science Pete is closest to his original personality. Sweet, clumsy, and enthusiastic about research, he's the brains of the operation but not much of a fighter. The other personalities fight to protect him, as he's representative of his childhood self. But when he sometimes asserts himself in a fight by accident, he tends to get into mishaps like crashing into walls.
    • Mr. Parker/Business Peter is the adult, business personality who handles the "mundane" and "boring" tasks like managing Parker Industries, drinking champagne and sex.
    • The Friendly Neighborhood Spider is the one closest to the original Spider-Man personality. A quippy jokester and a skilled acrobat and combatant, he handles most of the superhero work until The Knight's services are needed to finish a fight.
    • The Knight is closest to the original Moon Knight. A brutal avenger who fights mercilessly to protect others, he's the best fighter of them all, but usually has to be talked out of going overboard.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Downplayed. The Knight isn't evil, but he's also the most morally flexible of Arachknight's personalities and more than willing to use excessive force to permanently stop the threat his foes pose. He also takes over as part of Peter's fight-or-flight response to crush whatever is threatening them.
  • Talking to Themself: Peter's personalities all tend to bicker and argue.
  • Thousand-Yard Stare: Poor little Peter is shown staring like this while sitting in the ambulance the night of his aunt and uncle's murder while listening to the three new voices in his head.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Pete and the Spider are firm believers in not killing their enemies, but the Knight would kill his foes if not for his other personalities.
  • Time Skip: Fifteen years and a truckload of anti-psychotics later.
  • Touché: Invoked by Harry when he stops Peter from killing Norman, though Peter never actually says the word.
    Peter: Stay out of this, Harry.
    Harry: I can't. That's my Pops. He drove us to science camp every year after Ben and May died.
    Peter: After he snapped their necks! After he tore them limb from limb! Is that what you mean?!
    Harry: I know how bad he hurt you, Peter. I do. I've been here with you every day. But you need to know-my dad isn't himself when the Goblin takes him. It's a curse. He remembers it all, but he can't control it. He can't stop it.
    Peter: That's supposed to make some kind of difference? Him not being a monster sometimes doesn’t mean the monster gets to live.
    Harry: Dad didn't take your aunt and uncle from you on purpose. It wasn't a conscious act. But if you take him from me, that will be on purpose.
    Peter: Dammit Harry…that's not fair!
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: Arachknight becomes a Spider-Totem on the night his beloved aunt and uncle are brutally murdered trying to protect him from Goblin-By-Night. The shock of the event splits his personality in four, leaving him in therapy for years while his original personality never matured past pre-pubescence.
