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Characters / The Blob That Ate Everyone

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Characters from the Goosebumps novel The Blob That Ate Everyone.

Zackie Beauchamp

Portrayed By: Scott Pietrangelo (TV)

The protagonist of The Blob That Ate Everyone. A boy who likes writing scary stories and has a Blob Monster in one of his stories come to life with a magic typewriter.

  • Author Avatar: Zackie wants to be a famous horror writer when he's older. Guess what R.L. Stine's profession is?
  • Chekhov's Skill: It turns out that the typewriter didn't have any powers after all. Zackie himself had the power all along after that electric shock zapped him earlier in the story during his first encounter of the typewriter. Surely enough, his power to think causes the Blob Monster to disappear and brings Adam back.
  • Cowardly Lion: He may be a big scaredy-cat, but he can be pretty brave when trying to help someone out.
  • The Dog Bites Back: After having been humiliated by Adam in a super market and looking bad in front of its Child Hater manager, he rushes back home and continues writing his story, involving Adam getting his comeuppance. Unfortunately for him, these actions caused the story to come true in real life.
  • Easily Forgiven: His friends forgive him when he makes it all right in the end, even though they are aware that the dangerous events that just occurred were mostly his fault.
  • Gone Horribly Right: His latest horror story has caused a number of depravities thanks to the magical typewriter. Needless to say, it was a little too well-written.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He still thinks Adam's a great guy even though the latter has not only made fun of his stories, he throws an ant at him (which Zackie barely dodges), stuffs a mouse down his shirt, and even scares him by sneaking up on him. It has readers questioning whether he should've brought Adam back or not.
  • Ironic Fear: Despite being an avid horror writer, Zackie is basically afraid of a lot of things.
  • Mr. Imagination: He dreams up plenty of scary fantasy stories. Ironic, considering he scares easily.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When the story he writes on the typewriter about a blob destroying the town comes true.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: He just realizes that he is the one making the story real, not the typewriter. That’s when the blob monster starts to eat Alex. Zackie does some quick thinking, and makes the blob monster vanish before she Osborn’s devoured, and he also brings Adam back.
  • Skewed Priorities: Right after Adam types in that the blob monster was waiting in Zackie's basement for fresh meat, Zackie is more upset over the fact that Adam ruined his story rather than the possibility that the blob monster could be down the basement after all since everything typed with the typewriter comes true. Granted, the sentence Adam typed in didn't actually come true, but still...
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: After he gets the typewriter, the story that he types up ends up coming true to detail by detail, leading to destruction and a few people getting eaten.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He's afraid of so many things, such as mice, the dark, big dogs, bees, the list just goes on...
  • With Friends Like These...: His friend Adam constantly makes fun of his stories and Zackie himself. Averted with his friend Alex who is supportive of his stories and tells Adam to lay off on him.

The Blob That Ate Everyone

Portrayed By: Jason Hopley (TV)

From, well, The Blob That Ate Everyone. It's a giant, pink blob creature that devours everything in its path. Originally just a reoccurring character in Zackie Beauchamp's horror stories, the blob monster comes to life thanks to the magic typewriter Zackie found. The blob monster is actually the writer of the story.

  • Adaptational Badass: In the 2015 movie, the blob is Slappy's ultimate trump card and one of the last — and most powerful — monsters released.
  • Author Avatar: The blob monster in the main story is one for the blob revealed to be writing the main story.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: A friend of the blob monster suggests he change the ending so that Zackie and everyone else gets eaten. However, subverted as they see the blob as the hero.
  • Blob Monster: Who'd have thought?
  • Extreme Omnivore: It eats anything and everything in its way.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Invoked. Zack doesn't write it as anything other than what its name entails. Then turned upside down by the twist ending, which reveals the blob is the real protagonist and we're just seeing things from the POV of a side character.
  • Villain Protagonist: The twist being that the Blob is the real main character, and Zack and everyone else are just the pesky humans he devours.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: Zackie figures out that he brought the blob to life, not the typewriter, and uses this power to think the blob out of existence and undo all the damage it did. This gets subverted when it turns out everything that occurred was being written by the blob.

Alex Iarocci

Portrayed By: Gabrielle Boni (TV)

Zackie's best friend who lives next door to him. She is supportive of him and gets caught up in his adventures with the blob monster.

  • Abled in the Adaptation: She wears glasses to see in the book. In the episode, no such eyewear appears on her face.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Her blonde hair in the book is changed in the episode to a light brown, almost auburn color.
  • Animal Motifs: Because she has a pink face, round cheeks, and a twitchy nose, she looked to Zackie like a tall bunny rabbit.
  • Annoying Laugh: Zackie believes that she has the strangest laugh, it sounds more like a whistle than a laugh. It goes, "Wheeeeh!"
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She has blonde hair, and unlike Adam, Alex is usually sweet towards Zackie.
  • One of the Boys: Her only known friends are all boys, with whom she constantly hangs out with. And when she interacts with other female classmates, Emmy and Annie, she is not fond of their feminine mannerisms.
  • Slapstick: When caught by the antique store owner, Alex was apparently yanked by her ponytail so hard that it came undone and her hair was wild around her face. And when cornered by the blob monster, it wrapped its' slimy tongue around her and almost ate her, if Zackie hadn't wished it away.
  • Tomboyish Name: Her name is Alex, which fits her tomboyish personality. Zackie believes it's short for Alexandria, but she won't tell him. This is deconstructed, as this misconception gives her a lot of trouble, such as she got assigned to a boy's locker room and her mail is addressed to Mr. Alex Iarocci.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: She has her long hair in a ponytail, which reflects her somewhat masculine personality.
