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Characters / Star Trek: The Animated Series

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Characters originating in Star Trek: The Animated Series.

New Enterprise Crew Members
Left to right: M'Ress and Arex.

The series introduced two Sixth Ranger alien crew members, M'Ress and Arex. Since the animators didn't have to worry about the restrictions of live-action makeup and special effects, these new recruits are not the Rubber-Forehead Aliens often shown in the original series. For a while, they were Exiled from Continuity due to Paramount declaring the cartoon non-canon, but this eventually changed. Afterwards, they started appearing in Expanded Universe works, most notably some of the Star Trek: New Frontier novels, in which they are time-warped into the Next Generation era and wind up serving aboard the USS Trident.

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Lt. M'Ress

Voiced by: Majel Barrett

M'Ress is from Cait, a planet of feline bipeds who have joined the Federation. She serves as the ship's relief communications officer when Lt. Uhura is off duty. Like Uhura, she sometimes acts as a temporary science officer when Mr. Spock is unavailable.


Lt. Arex

Voiced by: James Doohan

Lieutenant Arex is a male Edosian Starfleet officer who lives during the mid-23rd century. He serves as navigator on the U.S.S Enterprise in place of Pavel Chekov.
