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The Practitioners and Others of the Carmine Faction.

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The Unforsworn

Various Forsworn Practitioners that The Carmine Exile freed.

    Helen Kim 
  • Age-Inappropriate Dress: She’s described as dressing in a way that’s both provocative and way too childish for a young woman her age, fittingly so for a practitioner disconnected from society after getting foresworn at a young age.
  • Body Horror: Her magic deals with this. Growing extra limbs,
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Helen was mentioned early in the story as the student at the Blue Heron Institute who was Forsworn after she swore to protect an important Other for a fellow student, got a better offer, took the Other apart for materials and gave them to the person who gave her the better offer.
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: Her practice and its concordant fighting style revolve heavily around distorting, extending, and breaking her own form in ways that should be not possible for a human body. With focus and the right connection, she can also inflict these same changes on other people.
    Lenard Lily 
    Griffin Lytle 
  • Casanova Wannabe: Gets along too well with Seth Belanger, and not just because they're both victims of Alexander. Kira-Lynn doesn't want to be alone with him for that reason.
  • The Svengali: Tries way too hard to spent time alone with a female student who *hates* him.
  • Too Good to Be True: Griffin is terrified that this might be the case, and that he's still forsworn. After all, it wouldn't be the first time his mind created a fake reality to torture him while forsworn
    Yiyun Jen 
  • Defector from Decadence: Twice. First with her family when she realizes that she loves her daughter enough to try and protect her from being sacrificed, and again when Helen horrifies a kid.
  • Mama Bear: Forswore herself trying to protect her daughter from her family.
  • Necromancer: Yiyun, who specialises in high-end crafted undead.
  • Token Good Teammate: Amongst the teachers, Yiyun is the least willing to do terrible things, and is against turning Gillian into a horror. She later leaves the group and takes the students who don't want to continue doing awful things with her.

The Carmine Lords

Various Others created by Charles to take Lordships created by Musser's faction.

    The Dropped Call 
  • Eldritch Abomination: A sentient mass of wires, corpses, and payphones that exists in a pocket dimension, and warps reality to attack.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: When it's not messing about with technology, it basically fights by throwing corpses at people until they are crushed to death.
  • Puppet King: Installed as one with the rest of the Carmine Lords as part of Charles' plan to destroy the practitioner community in his region, and subvert Musser's Lordship plot.
  • Supernatural Phone: Takes the form of a a mass of wires, payphones, and corpses being dropped from heights.
  • Telephone Teleport: Pulls this off with the kids it's sponsoring.
