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Characters / BunAl Enemies

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Bungo to Alchemist character index
Blade | Bow | Gun | Whip | Taints | Crossover characters

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    In General 
  • A Day in the Limelight: The origins and occurrences of taints are given much more detailed explanation in The Faceless Genius, while a taint that used to be human directly becomes the protagonist of the prologue.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: They are given several advantages writers don't have, for instance higher HP for harder monsters, refusing to budge until crit/desperation/dual attacks are achieved and multiple weapon types for one monster.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The enemies are color-coded based on their difficulty. In order of ascending difficulty: green → blue → yellow → red → glowing blue → glowing yellow.

Writer's Block (不調の獣)
  • Mook: The most commonly encountered monster and one of the easiest to beat.

Compromised Ink (纏まらぬ洋墨)

  • Stone Wall/Made of Iron: And how; it's not this monster's attack, but its durability that makes it extremely annoying. Crit, desperation or dual attacks are required to deal any worthwhile damage to this monster, normal hits will only deal 1 damage point.

Blade of Addiction (嗜癖の刃)

Shadow of Reverence (尊敬のかげ)

  • Anti-Villain: They're still the monsters, still attack the player's forces and are still meant to be defeated, but judging by their name, they're possibly not completely evil.
  • PiƱata Enemy: They are easy to beat and give a lot of experience points.

Burning Jealousy (炎上する嫉妬心)

Crippling Beast Master (歩まされぬ獣使い)
  • Eldritch Abomination: Even for enemy standards; this is one of the scariest, most grotesque-looking enemies with the appearance of a giant scaly slug with even more monsters emerging from its surface, all in all the stuff of pure Nightmare Fuel.
    Multiple Weapons 

Concealed Guardian (隠匿の守護者)

  • Anti-Villain: Explicitly stated in narrative; these creatures want to protect their literary universe and lash out at anyone, good or bad.
  • Feathered Fiend: Appears as an owl.

Boy of Chaotic Attire (渾淆装の少年)

  • Creepy Child: Childlike in appearance, one of the strongest among the boss monsters. The fact this boss is placed at the final books of the he and to shelves helps.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Or singular glowing eye; their one visible eye glows very brightly.
    Spoiler enemies 
Monsters whose descriptions are too riddled with spoilers to be categorized in other folders on this list. Be warned that all spoilers in this folder will be unmarked.

Mimesis Alice (ミメシス=アリス)

Weapon: Blade
  • Mechanically Unusual Fighter: Where to begin?
    • Her battle does not have a "fail" state, you win whether you completely beat her or not, but actually clearing this level does require you to take down her HP.
    • You are allowed multiple tries to beat her, and her HP left after each attempt is memorized.
    • The one-node boss battle where she appears does not come with a difficulty rating like other battles, but with a "taint meter" representing the amount of HP she has left after each battle.
    • She has two forms, a masked and unmasked one. You can only bring the masked form's HP down to 1500, after which no hits will land any damage. Delving into this level after this will bring forth the unmasked form whose HP can be brought down to 0 like normal.
  • Walking Spoiler: Her very name and existence spoils the end of the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland delve.

Mimesis Holmes()

  • Walking Spoiler: He spoils the end of the Alice delve and the entirety of the Sherlock Holmes delve.
    Only appeared in novel 

Unnamed Boy

  • Love Makes You Crazy: His obsession of Akutagawa and his novels, particularly Hell Screen, eventually turned him into a taint.
