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Awesome Music / Promare

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Hiroyuki Sawano returns as the composer for the movie, having previously collaborated with Director Hiroyuki Imaishi and Screenwriter Kazuki Nakashima on "Kill la Kill" which had its run from 2013 to 2014. As with most of his other modern anime works, Promare's OST is full of bangers, powerful orchestral pieces with memorable melodies that amplify the already high octane nature of the film a thousand fold. With twenty-one tracks released on the original soundtrack, as well as a rearrangement/remix CD that was included as an enclosure with the film's BD/DVD release, Promare's soundtrack stands as not only a solid score to the movie, but also as great standalone music.

In addition to that, two other songs were provided by the band Superfly.

  • "Kakusei", Superfly's first song for the movie, is a banging rock piece with female vocals and some quiet piano parts in the intro and bridge. Plays during the Mad Burnish's introduction in the first battle of the film, as well as when Lio recovers from his injuries inside the volcano and goes on a rampage in Promepolis later.
  • "Koori no Tojikomete", also from Superfly, is a sweet, jazzy ballad that plays as the 2nd ending song at the movie's credits.
  • "Inferno", the movie's main theme, is a happy, upbeat soft rock vocal song with vocals by Benjamin and mpi. The lyrics are based on Galo, the protagonist and his journey as a firefighter. Plays at the start of the movie after the introduction scene when Burning Rescue prepares for the fight. Also plays when Galo and Lio burn the Earth and end the Burnish mutation It is also the first song during the ending credits. "Inferno <MODv>" (the surfix meaning "modified version") is a rearrangement from the enclosed remix CD that features softer acoustic guitar and some new piano parts.
  • "PRO//MARE", named after the movie, is an energetic orchestral track with a solid build-up and a powerful drop. Was originally composed as the main theme for the movie, but ultimately Inferno was made for the role instead while this one was left as a sub-theme. Plays during the intro sequence when Burning Rescue rushes in to save the civilians from the ensuing inferno, as well as towards the end of the movie. "eramorp" ("promare" spelled backwards) is a rearrangement with band instruments and female vocals by the singer naNami.
  • "GAL-OTHY-MOS" (meaning "Galo Thymos") is Galo's theme song that plays during his introduction scene in the beginning of the film. The track has a very distinct ethnic Japanese sound to it and a second slower half which is unused in the movie.
  • "Λsʜᴇs", is Lio's character theme and is sung by Gemie. It's an ethereal, strings-heavy vocal song with the lyrics being from Lio's perspective as a Burnish. Plays when Galo encounters Lio in the cave along with the other Burnish in hiding. "Λsʜᴇs <MODv>" is a beautiful arrangement from the remix CD that changes up the soundscape of the song into a solo strings, piano and guitar-focused piece. Arranged in the first verse and chorus.
  • "WORLDBIGFLAMEUP" (which is an English literal translation of 世界大炎上) is a fast, all-out action orchestral track with some ethnic touches. It also has a slow second half that adds drums and some dissonant piano touches. The name of the track refers to the Great World Blaze, translated literally. Plays at the beginning of the movie during the rescue operation, as well as when Galo and Lio fight Kray in their respective mechs.
  • "PROMARETHEME" has a title that should be easy enough to understand. It's an orchestral arrangement of "Inferno" that plays when Galo and the rest of the Burning Rescue defeat Lio in the first fight of the film, as well when Galo escapes from prison and catches up with Ignis and the rest of the team during Lio's attack on Promepolis. It also plays during the mech fight between the Lio de Galon and the Krazor X when Lio uses his Burnish powers to create a Matoi-like weapon for the mech to use in the fight.
  • "BangBangBUR!...n?" is an edgy, noisy electronic track with electric guitar and a violin solo. It also has a second slow half similar to some other tracks on the OST that is much more ambient and focused on soundscape. Plays during the opening sequence of the movie that shows the first outbreak of the Burnish mutation, as well as later in the movie when Kray decides to open the warp gate as Galo and Lio approach in the Deus X Machina.
  • "NEXUS" is a vocal song with vocals by Laco that is very heavily reminiscent of 80s synth pop. Plays during the first fight in the movie when Galo uses the Matoi Tech to fight the Mad Burnish, as well as later in the film when Lio uses his powers to turn the Deus X Machina into the Lio de Galon. "NEXUS <MODv>" is an arrangement from the rearrange CD that adds in some new guitar parts to the song and excludes some of the synths.
  • "BAR2tsuSH" (meaning "Burnish") was originally composed as the Burnish's theme but ended up being used as the Freeze Force/Vulcan's leitmotif in the film. It's essentially a jack of all trades spooky villain theme, having orchestra, electronics and electric guitars. The second half of the track is a slower rendition of the first and was used in one of Kray's scenes towards the end of the movie.
  • "DeusPRO召す" (meaning "Deus Prometh") is an electronic-heavy theme with some chiptune-esque synths. The second half of the track reprises "PRO//MARE". It's essentially Deus' character theme and plays when Kray takes Galo underground and reveals his plans about the Earth and the Burnish, as well as later on when Deus Prometh meets Galo, Lio and Aina and explains the Promare to them.
  • "fanFAREpiZZA" is split into two parts. The first half of the track is... well, a fanfare, that plays when Kray awards Galo with a medal after the fight against the Mad Burnish prior. The second half is a comedic, "everyday life" type of tune with melodica and some jazzy electric guitar that plays shortly after the scene the first half plays in, namely when Burning Rescue go celebrate their success by eating pizza downtown, hence the latter name of the track.
  • "Λsʜᴇs ~RETURNS~" is, as the name implies, a rendition of "Λsʜᴇs". It's essentially a bombastic version of the original song, featuring stronger vocals, distorted percussion and electronics. It plays when Vulcan and the Freeze Force discover the Burnish hideout outside of Promepolis and freeze/capture everyone. "Λsʜᴇs <MODv>" arranges "Λsʜᴇs ~RETURNS~" in its latter half.
  • "燃焼ING-RES9" (meaning "Burning Rescue") is an arrangement of "PROMARETHEME", and by extension, "Inferno". It adds band instruments on top of the original track, and plays after Galo and Burning Rescue capture Lio, as well as later on in the film during Ignis and the rest of the team's operation in the city.
  • "BAR2NG4女14yoN" (meaning "Burning Formation") is a fast, upbeat electronic battle track and a very subtle rearrangement of "NEXUS" in the first half, which also has Gemie vocal-adlibs (uncredited). It plays during several fight scenes that involve Galo and his Matoi Gear.
  • "904SITE" (meaning "Kray Foresight") is Kray's character theme and an arrangement of "BAR2tsuSH". The track features slow, creepy orchestra and a big drop towards the end. It plays when Kray orders Galo arrested and later when he brings out his own mech to fight the Lio de Galon.
  • "Gallant Ones" is an edgy, upbeat and energetic electronic-rock song with vocals by Benjamin and mpi. The lyrics are sung from both Galo and Lio's perspective and refer to their team-up and piloting of the Deus X Machina. The song is a rearrangement of "BangBangBUR!...n?" that plays in two scenes during the film. First, when Deus introduces the Deus X Machina before Galo and Lio pilot it, taking off and destroying the lab underneath the lake.. And lastly, during the final confrontation scene between Galo and Kray where Galo survives Kray's Burnish Flare due to Lio's flame, as well as when he performs CPR on Lio to save his life afterwards.
  • "Gallant Ones <MODv>" is an arrangement of the song from the remix CD that completely removes the electronic elements and turns the song into a straight-up 2000's punk rock banger.
  • "stRE:0ings", as the name implies, is a strings version of Lio's theme, accompanied by a mournful piano piece. Plays when Heris activates the full Prometech engine as well as during some of Lio's scenes.
  • "火-YO!人" (meaning "watch out for fire") is a dissonant piano solo that goes into a more melodic section later on.
