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Infernus, listen to me! ...I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the Birds. They're tearing the world apart and we're the only ones who can stop it - you can restore balance and force these Legends to acknowledge that we - this team - have a right to exist greater than their own. Go, Infernus, and see if gods can bleed.
Ash Ketchum, ordering Infernus to take down Zapdos and Articuno at Shamouti.

As one of the most followed and favorited Pokémon fanworks, Traveler is practically guaranteed to have some absolutely awesome moments throughout the story.

  • While Ash initially wanted a charmander as his first Pokémon, Nidoran immediately proves himself worthy as Ash's starter when he defeats Gary's Squirtle in their first battle.
  • Mewtwo gives Lance the ultimatum that Ash will live if the Champion steps away from the child. Half delirious, Lance starts to do so but Ash pushes the man to the ground and shields the Champion instead.
  • During the Indigo Conference, Ash makes history by coming in second place. Previously, no rookie trainer had ever even reached the semifinals. He even gets tapped to be an Elite Four trainee!
  • Lance's strongest Dragonite easily defeats Ash's entire team at once.
  • A villainous example, but Mewtwo manages to claw his way out of a black hole during his fight with Mew.
  • Mewtwo uses the shard of himself inside of Ash to temporarily take control of the boy to issue Lance an ultimatum about leaving him in peace to seek his true purpose. Despite being weaker than the Legendary, Lance gears up ready to fight the entity possessing Ash to free his student.
  • The Greenfield Disaster aka Pokémon 3 is filled with these.
    • Bruno's giant Onix from canon is known as the King Under The Mountain and had to be caught in a Master Ball.
    • Along with Ash, Agatha and Karen are mentioned as trainers that did not succumb to the crystals, unlike Lance and Will.
    • The Legendary Beasts come to take down the Fake Entei and arrive in an order that reflects their creation myth: Raikou - the lightning the struck the tower, Entei - the fire that burned the tower down, and Suicune - the rain that extinguished the flames.
    • When confronting an Unown created clone of himself, Ash uses the Concept of Fire to breathe fire on it until the clone melts.
    • Ash manages to take control of the Unown from the Ruins of Alp.
    • When Lance tries to talk Ash into transferring control of the Unown to the League, Delia Ketchum calls him out for turning her son into a Child Soldier for the League.
    Delia: You've involved a young boy in battling terrorists. You've involved a young boy in these...these Legendaries! You've inducted a twelve-year old boy into the Elite Four and sent him off to Hoenn to do your dirty work! My son comes back every time quieter and scarred. Whenever I see him I catch him staring off into space, or waking up in cold sweat when Dazed can't put him to sleep, or ignoring everyone else to train! Because of you, he's a man in a child's body. You can justify it however you want, Champion, but you've risked my son's life too many times for me to stand by and let you drag him into your fights another time!
    • The best part about Delia's dressing down? Chapters later, Lance still feels the guilt brought on by her speech and apologizes to Ash for making him clean up the messes left from New Island, Shamouti, and Greenfield when it is supposed to be the adults making things right.
  • Ash manages to take down two of Cynthia's Pokémon and almost defeats her strongest Pokémon, Princess the Garchomp.
  • The fact that Cynthia managed to somewhat befriend a Spiritomb, which is an Eldritch Abomination Hive Mind of 108 souls and is designed to wield a specific sin or negative emotion depending on how it's created, with her Spiritomb being the embodiment of Wrath.
  • Ash encounters the Legendary Beasts in the Burned Tower resting after the Greenfield Incident. Do they run away like in the games? No. They stay put and allow Ash to put on a small concert for them by playing Lugia's song, which also honors their pasts from before the fire.
  • Even when he is still a trainee, Ash is shown the same level of respect as a full-fledged member of the Elite Four, and often times even more given his exploits.
  • Ash using the Concept of Fire to hasten the flames in the old Hashimoto manor when Agatha burns it down.
  • Doubles as heartwarming, but Delia gets the clean bill of health from her psychic therapist to be able to meet with people face-to-face and is able to spend an entire day with Ash without having a relapse into the fake memories created by the Unown.
  • In chapter 59, Ash beats a Pokemon Master. Specifically, he beats Fino Moore, Steven's former mentor and the previous Fire Type Master of the Hoenn Elite Four.
  • While Winona and Steven are on a mission together, Ash is given control of the Fortree City Gym. After making a quick broadcast about his temporary role and how he would be taking challenges for the next 24 hours. His team proceeds to fight almost 400 battles in the span of 15 hours.
    • Paul comes and challenges the Gym. Ash gives him the badge and a minor "The Reason You Suck" Speech in regards to how Paul treats his Pokémon and asks what he battles for, but he is still polite and does tell Paul to come back for a rematch when he figures out the answer to Ash's question.
  • Ash manages to complete his 24 hour Challenge with 568 battles, a new record according to Flannery.
    • Ash's exploit gets coined the "Fortree Challenge" by the news. It ended up gathering most of the trainers from Hoenn and a good handful from the surrounding regions to Fortree, helping boost the local economy during the slow season and gave many Gym Leaders early holidays/vacations.
      • Ash went to sleep to rest after 24 hours of constant battling and when he woke eight hours later, the news was still interviewing and reporting about his Challenge.
    • Apparently so many trainers came through Fortree or to Hoenn that the Ever Grande League has to have their Metagross information system constantly at work to process all the information on the trainers Ash fought or those who gathered in Fortree.
  • Ash finally gains enough of Spiritomb's trust to name it during his training at Mt. Pyre.
  • The exhibition match against Wallace. Despite having only three days to prepare himself, Ash manages to shock the entire audience and Wallace himself by actually taking the lead in the fight, forcing Wallace to use his best Pokémon early to prevent Ash from getting to far ahead. And Ash is still keeping up, even knocking out his ace Milotic, leaving both Wallace and Ash with three Pokemon each.
    • Oz defeats Wallace's Ludicolo, Esteban, by carefully biding her time, weathering his assualts before unleashing her Storm Surge technique and catching him in a lightning powered bear hug that he can't escape from. This victory is first blood of the match, Oz and Ash having accomplished their victory against the Champion without having to wear down his Pokemon with other members of his team.
    • Bruiser is sent in after Oz loses to Wallace's Swampert, Oceane. His opening move is to unleash his full strength and punch the Swampert. His punch, not a move like Mega Punch, shatters the Protect she puts up to defend against it, and propels her to slam into the psychic barriers at the edge of the arena, flying through the air and skipping across the water like a stone.
    • The combined efforts of Bruiser, Tangrowth, and Torrent defeat the cornerstone of Wallace's team, his Milotic, Melody. Notably, this is the first time Ash and his team defeat a Champion's cornerstone. Torrent brings her down by showing his full power and unleashes his newly sharpened skills in water manipulation to continually trap and beat down the Milotic.
    • Wallace's Wailord, Mathéo, manages to sweep the rest of Ash's team with seemingly effortless ease. His Water Spout cancels out an exhausted Torrent's last ditch Draco Meteor, before knocking him out with a Hyper Beam. Against Dazed, he simply hits her with a staggeringly powerful Attract, which leaves her open to a Hydro Pump. Ash has few options left that can deal with the Wailord due to its bulk, so he attempts to have Sneasel use Mind Breaker. Mathéo lets Sneasel get close, uses his water manipulation to knock Sneasel off balance into his blowhole and Water Spout him flying.
  • Wallace comments that Ash has made good progress despite only being a trainer for two years. Metagross immediately has Steven correct Wallace that Ash has been a trainer for shorter than that. He may not communicate much with Ash, but Metagross is fond of the boy and his progress.
  • Ash is asked to guard Lilycove while the League investigates the multiple attacks on the Hoenn region. Apparently he was pretty good at keeping the crowd calm and almost nobody noticed what was going on behind the scenes.
    • Metagross talks to Ash directly for the first time instead of through Steven, ordering Ash not to hesitate to use lethal force if necessary to protect others.
  • Durand aids Ash against Zinnia, who was trying to kill him moments before under the guise of an Aqua Grunt.
  • Seeker taking out a Dreepy fired by Zinnia's Dragapult.
  • Durand and Ash have a talk after Zinnia flees, with Durand giving up some information about Team Flare's influence on Kalos and why she went rogue in the first place.
    • Ash gives Durand a small "The Reason You Suck" Speech in regards to the attack on Devon and how his almost teammate Anorith was among the casualties.
    • Ash being able to convince Durand about how much weight his word means in the League by bringing up that Lance went after Giovanni on his word alone.
  • Bruiser earning trophies in the form of spines from Zinnia's Tyrantrum.
  • Lance, Steven, and many others having to be talked down from going on a warpath to find Zinnia when they hear about her assassination attempt on Ash. Even members of Team Aqua are ready to pitch in and help because Ash has fans among their numbers!
    • Steven mentioning that Drake went to the Meteor Village to get more information about Zinnia with a promise that if any of them knew about Zinnia's plan, then the entire village would be reduced to rubble.
    • Metagross was nowhere to be seen at Sky Pillar. Why? It immediately started going through intel and data to track down Zinnia and her allies on top of processing data from the latest Hoenn attack the moment it heard that Ash was attacked, even urging Steven to get vengeance.
  • Drake congratulating Ash on surviving his first assassination attempt.
  • Drake standing up out of respect for Charles Goodshow. When Ash tries to stand up, Goodshow urges Ash to sit.
  • Steven and Metagross being able to discover who might have been backing Zinnia thanks to Ash's intel on the warp tiles and bringing back DNA from Zinnia's Tyrantrum.
  • Ash impressing Lance, and possibly Drake, by mentioning that Zinnia only unleashed her Tyrantrum because Plume was keeping Mega Salamence busy.
  • Despite no longer being master and student, Drake is still able to put Lance in his place with a few words.
  • Ash earning a Mega Stone for Plume and one of Ever Grande's Keystones for himself.
  • Steven giving Ash Claydol to be his protector.
  • Ash winning a Silver Medal in his first Pokémon Contest with Oz and Plume as his partners.
  • Ash giving Daisy a minor "The Reason You Suck" Speech regarding how she has been ignoring her family.
  • Ash finding Silver with Mewtwo's help and convincing Silver to turn himself into the Ever Grande League.
    • The fact that Ash was able to bribe Drake into letting him talk down Silver alone.
    • Ash tells Wallace that Silver is his brother, and the Champion immediately connects the dots concerning Ash and Giovanni. Wallace tells Ash that he does not hold Giovanni's crimes against his children.
