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Awesome / Kaamelott

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For Kaamelott: Premier Volet, see here.

  • More of a Moment of Awesome for the author: "Alexander's Day", (almost) an entire episode in 12-syllable-a-line poetry called alexandrines. With slang and everything.
  • Bohort finding his "war cry" and rushing towards the enemy line. "MISCREEAAAANTS!!" Doubles as a Funny Moment, partly because Arthur later mentions that Bohort was seriously beat up, but he (Arthur) had to post two guards at the infirmary door to stop Bohort from rushing out again.
  • Another Crowning Moment of Awesome/Funny for Bohort: When Arthur gets fed up with Bohort's cowardice and ineptitude to fight, he decides to train him, beginning with hand-to-hand combat. After a full episode of Bohort failing to get even the basics, we see in the end that he finally manages to parry one of Arthur's punch, which in itself, is a CMoA. But then, Arthur do the same move, after telling Bohort to parry and counterattack. He reluctantly tries... And damn well knocks Arthur out.
  • Arthur, at the very end of Book VI — with the aspect ratio going from TV to cinema, and the caption Soon, Arthur will be a hero again.
  • The end of "L'Usurpateur", in Livre IV, is one of those: in the episode, Arthur was acting very strangely, doing things such as accepting an expensive (9500 gold pieces) request from Elias de Kelliwic'h without any thoughts or discussions, or being cruelly unfair with Merlin, telling him to clean and tidy the whole lab on his own. Then, you see the last scene: it was Elias, who was "shapeshifted" into Arthur for the whole episode. Why, you...
  • In Book V, Anna tries to convince Arthur to intercede with Léodagan for Loth and her. When he refuses, she has Loth zap him and puts a knife to his throat. Then Guenièvre bashes the both of them on the head with a huge shovel. Arthur can only stare.
  • Okay, this is a long one: "Lacrimosa", in Livre VI. Sallustius spent the whole season maneuvering in the shadows and designing a plan to get the Isle of Britain back under Rome's control: find a Briton (Arthur), get the "Sword of Kings" (Excalibur), and convince both the roman senators to name him "Dux Totius Britanniae" (Governor of Britain) and the Briton kings to accept him as the king reigning over the federated Briton kingdoms (with the help of the aforementioned Excalibur). Arthur, fed up of being a puppet, wants to get out of this without being the target of Sallustius or the Briton kings, which is made difficult when he learns that Sallustius is coming to Britain to sign the "act of property". His quickly-thought plan? He asks Mannilius to gather as many Britons as he can on the beach where they first arrived. Then, he goes to Sallustius, greets him, show him Excalibur, and explains that he did it: the Briton kingdoms and clans accepts the federation; he (Sallustius) only has to go to the beach and sign the treaty. He then goes to the beach before Sallustius, and trains the Britons on the spot with a rhetorical trick (= making them raise their hands when he says "soldier", and acclaim when he unsheathes Excalibur). Sallustius arrives, and Arthur calmly explains to him that Britons accept the federation and Arthur as a king, but they want the Romans out. Then, Arthur uses the tricks to demonstrate his point: "I'm Roman? Well I have Excalibur, look (unsheathes Excalibur, people sheers), "Yes, they're ready to fight, look." (go in front of the people, asks them who wants the Romans out by any means, finishing with "soldier"; cue everyone raising their hand) "I'm staying king here, and you become Rome's hero because you did what no other senator did: unite Britain back under Rome control. Now, beat it". The best part? Right after understanding he got screwed, Sallustius tries to go tell the crowd the truth: Arthur is Roman, and a bad one; his error? finishing on: "Honestly, who would want as a king a greenhorn who, not long ago, was only a mere soldier?" (cue everyone raising their hands)
  • The look on Sallustius' face when Arthur shows him Excalibur. This is when he starts to realize that his brilliant plan may be drifting away from his control.
  • In the very first episode of Livre VI (where, since it's that kind of season, every fan is expecting to see the protagonists during their youth), we learn that Manius Macrinus Firmus, the Dux totius britanniae (i.e. the Roman governor of Britain) has proposed a deal to the "Britain chief": a whopping amount of gold in exchange of a truce, with the knowledge that for a Briton chief, a treaty is like a sacred oath. When his aide-de-camp asks him if the chief might accept the gold and attack, Macrinus replies that you have to be smart to break an oath, while the chief is "thick as a plank". Then, at the very end of the episode:
    Goustan: (sitting inside his tent, staring at a pile of gold ingots) Frankly, I feel embarassed. I, who thought the Romans respected their enemy... But no. Disillusioned yet again... If they think they're going to federate the country with that kind of mentality... I say we return their dough, we saddle up, and we smack in their faces! (beat) On the other hand, returning such an amount of money would be bordering on bad taste; sorry, but this isn't something to do, if only for the more needy. (smirks, then serious again) But then, there's the oath. If I keep the gold, I don't attack?... That's it, then. I keep the gold, I don't attack; an oath's sacred. (the camera, slowly traveling around Goustan, passes behind a silhouette; Goustan continues, to the silhouette) But what I find so upsetting is that this is the very day I'd chosen to hand over power to you. (laughs) Aren't dates something, eh? I keep the gold, I don't attack, I'm under oath. But you... (music rises) Now that you are King of Cameliard... If you feel like going and beating the shit out of them, I really don't see how I could stop you!
    (sticks his knife into the table, laughing maniacally; the silhouette heads towards the exit of the tent, and is revealed to be Goustan's son Léodagan while he speaks to his troops outside)
    Léodagan: Hey, guys! Guess what we're eating tonight? Romans!
    (troops cheering)
  • From his debut at the end of Livre IV, Méléagant was clearly meant to be an Arc Villain; yet he kept on not doing anything on-screen except for pettily tormenting Lancelot and implying how dark and dangerous he was... Then, in Livre V's "La Roche et le Fer" ("Stone and Iron"), Lancelot wants to try to pull Excalibur from the Stone:
    Lancelot: [Slightly paraphrased] Come on, there's no time to lose! This is a golden opportunity!
    Méléagant: (mildly amused, after a pause) You really wish to make a fool of yourself, don't you? (Lancelot looks shocked) You won't pull the sword out of the stone, because you are not the Chosen One.
    Lancelot: (aggressively, after a pause) How would you know??
    Méléagant: (calmly) This ridiculous sword is the most pitiful sleight of hand the gods have ever thrown together to get their own way. All this staging doesn't affect you.
    Lancelot: But yet...
    Méléagant: (interrupting, with increasingly passionate tone and crazy face) Be quiet! You are the Chosen One; but not of those gods. You are the Chosen One of the gods who reward faith and resolution; you are the Chosen One of the only gods who repay the price of bloodshed!
    (He calms down; Lancelot is speechless)
    Méléagant: Let the fools wear themselves out at the Stone; focus your mind. Because your task is considerable.
  • In the first seasons, Lancelot is frequently shown as a very noble and competent knight, but with an adamant attitude that makes him frequently snap at people he deems "not good enough". He rarely gets more than snarky remarks from the others; which makes the surprise burn he gets from Arthur in "L'Anniversaire de Guenièvre" ("Guenièvre's Birthday") that much more scorching.
    Arthur: (To Lancelot, who won't tell him what he (Arthur) has forgotten) So, will you finally spill it??
    Lancelot: (disapproving) I don't understand you.
    Arthur: What don't you understand?
    Lancelot: I don't understand how one could forget such a thing.
    Arthur:' (angry) What thing, for God's sake ?!
    Lancelot: The Queen's birthday.
    Arthur: Oh, Crap!. I actually did completely forget that, yes...
    Lancelot: (to himself) Unbelievable.
    Arthur: Hey, if I want to forget my wife's birthday, that's my business.
    Lancelot: And how do you explain that I remember it?
    Arthur: That fact would be yours to explain.
    (Lancelot looks embarassed.)
    Arthur: And you may remember the Queen's birthday, but when it comes to the King's...
    Lancelot: (dumbfounded) When was it?
    Arthur: A week after yours. Remember? (points to Lancelot's hand.) I offered you a signet ring that you never wear.
    (Arthur walks away, leaving Lancelot speechless.)
  • In Livre IV, the episode "Double Dragon" stages a direct confrontation, in some "cavern", between Lancelot, with Galessin, and Arthur, with Merlin, both groups taking on the same "mission". Arthur and Lancelot are calmly confronting each other (in one of their only two face-offs in the season), suggesting the other should retreat and let him undertake "his" mission. They finally reach an agreement: they will both retreat, and come back at a later time; if the other has come, there will be blood. We then see, at a later time, Galessin telling Lancelot that he waited a long time near the cavern, and can assure no one came back. Lancelot, overthrilled, concludes that "a coward surrounded by cowards will back off when facing trouble. (...) Lacking bravery, but not common sense, he gave way to the strongest.". We then shift to Arthur's camp...and we understand that, far from being a coward, Arthur seized a long-awaited opportunity to get a decisive edge over his rival.
    Merlin: (to Arthur) Why are you running away?? You'll look like a weakling!
    Arthur: (thoughtful) In your opinion, how much time would it take to complete the mission in the cavern?
    Merlin: Depends; if you're thoroughly investigating...
    Keu: ... Without getting into too many pitfalls...
    Merlin: Four days. Three, if you're lucky.
    Arthur: (with a collected tone) For at least three days, Lancelot will be roaming in a cavern. (beat) Which means that for three days, he won't be at his fortified camp.
    (Merlin and Keu look at him, piecing it together.)
    Arthur: (evenly) Saddle up my horse, I'm leaving.
