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Anime / Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel

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Naruto: The Legend of the Stone of Gelel is the second Naruto movie of the franchise, released in 2005 and meant to take place after Episode 160.

The film begins with an attack by mysterious knights on the Sand Kingdom though Gaara manages to ward them off. Elsewhere Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru are on a simple catch and retrieve mission to bring back a ferret to its owner. However, en route, the same knights attack the trio with Naruto himself taking on the leader, Temujin. Their battle winds up knocking both of them off a cliff and getting picked up by a caravan of people seeking a new homeland. Eventually Temujin head back to his boss, Haido, who is hoping to find the mysterious Gelel Stone so he can create a utopia. Of course, all isn't what it seems and the stone's power could lead to widespread destruction if Naruto and his friends don't stop it.

The Legend of the Tropes of Gelel:

  • Green Rocks: The eponymous stone is a vivid green mineral suffused with energy more potent than chakra that can be channeled into jutsu like techniques or enhance ones own body and lifespan.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Temujin over the course of the film as he learns his past and Haido's true nature.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Temujin attempts this by stopping the out of control power of Gelel and going down into the void with it. Naruto however will have none of it.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Fugai tries to uses her howl blast on Sakura, but the kunoichi tricks her into doing it underneath a few gigantic chime structures, causing the sound to vibrate and it to collapse right on top of Fugai.
  • Jekyll & Hyde: Haido for his two-faced nature.
  • Mind Rape: Kamira does this to Kankurō during their first battle, though he characteristically reveals himself as a disguised Karasu and attacks her in midst of her illusion.
  • Monster Mash: Haido and his three female warriors all have transformations from the power of Gelel that resemble classic movie monsters.
  • Mook–Face Turn: After Haido reveals his true colors, the faceless knights sacrifice themselves to save the protagonists.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: Haido's real interest in the power of Gelel is for world domination.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: After their scuffle, Kankuro chases Kamira personally while throwing kunais at her, his puppets tidily packed on his back despite having used them minutes before. This clashes against his common characterization, which involves him fighting through his puppets and never fighting by himself if he can avoid it. It also ends in a note of humor when he and Naruto end up falling to the sea.
  • Outside-Context Problem: Haido and his knights take the main characters and the Land of Wind by complete surprise, having abilities, equipment, and artifacts completely unknown to them. Likewise, they in turn had no knowledge of the existence of ninja and their sneaky tactics, which catch them off guard over and over.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: All of the faceless knights Haido uses are actually powered by the souls of the children from Temujin's village.
  • Prophecy Twist: When they reach the main room where the stone lies, there are murals on the wall which depict the rise and fall of Temujin's kingdom ending with a mural of nothing but utter blackness which they perceive as the destruction of everything. After Haido is stopped and the stone is no more, the blackness breaks off revealing a mural of two tribes shaking hands to symbolize Naruto and Temujin's friendship.
  • Straw Hypocrite: Haido doesn't practice what he preaches at all and doesn't care for a utopia.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Ranke towards Gaara, who even says it best when one of her attacks fails against him.
    Gaara: First time fighting a ninja?
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Haido who claims he wants to use the stone to create peace across the lands. In truth, he's just another power-hungry psychopath.
