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Agony Of The Feet / Comic Books

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  • Asterix: According to Asterix the Gaul, Gaulish chieftain Vercingetorix surrendered to Julius Caesar not by throwing his weapons at Caesar's feet, but on them. Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield expanded on this scene by showing Caesar hopping away on one foot in obvious pain. Asterix and the Chieftain's Daughter further expand on the flashback by showing Caesar getting his foot bandaged by a medicus.
  • A fairly common gag in Mortadelo y Filemón. Generally, the guy's foot gets really swollen, too.
  • In the first Empowered book, a fat nerd who steals Emp's hypermembrane first tests his new "superpowers" by giving a high-kick to a concrete pillar. Unfortunately for him, the super-suit only works for Empowered, and lot of pain ensues.
  • Happens in Buck Godot: Zap Gun for Hire to the title character, after a fork to the foot. He shouldn't have called his uncle Frakkus an "Old Timer".
  • DuckTales: Overjoyed at seeing Scrooge and the boys alive and well after apparently seeing their ghosts, Launchpad forgets to be careful when trying to demonstrate how he could pass his hand right through them and pokes Scrooge hard in the stomach. A few minutes later, Scrooge says, "Well, I assure you, I'm all here now!" and drives his heel into Launchpad's instep, causing him a lot of pain (which was probably intentional).
  • Disney Ducks Comic Universe: Scrooge McDuck story "The Pauper's Glass" has the Duck nephews chasing an amnesiac Scrooge through a balloon factory. After bedeviling them with ball balloons, Scrooge rolls an actual bowling ball at his pursuers. Donald assumes it's just another balloon, and gets a painful surprise when the ball lands on his foot.
  • In Legends, the villain Sunspot uses his power blast to get out of the ankle cuff that Guy Gardner holds him upside-down by, but in the process he accidentally blasts off his right foot. Guy tends to Sunspot's injury, but threatens to cut off the villain's left hand if he uses his power blast again.
  • In The Smurfs comic book version of "The Smurfs and the Howlibird", one Smurf calls upon another to hand him a stone in order to fix the village well that the Howlibird had destroyed, but when carrying the stone, that Smurf is distracted by Papa Smurf calling out while reentering the village, dropping the stone on the first Smurf's foot and causing him agony.
  • In Dance Class this happens on occasion since obviously feet are needed for dancing. One strip had two of the lead have to break off from dancing at a party to rub their feet due to the fact the boys there didn't know how to slow dance properly and kept stepping on the girls' feet by accident.
  • Titeuf:
    • Titeuf steps on someone's foot when he's trying to uses stilts.
    • One gag has Titeuf having trouble to go to the toilet in the middle of the night without stepping on his little sister's toys. He's glad that it also happens to his parents.
  • Mickey Mouse Comic Universe: In a scene from "Mickey Mouse in Death Valley" (that was written by Walt Disney himself), Peg-Leg Pete tries to attack Mickey from behind with an axe. However, a mysterious figure known as "The Fox" lops off the blade with scissors, causing Pete to instead hit himself on the toe with the handle.
  • The page image comes from a one-page comic in MAD, drawn by Tom Bunk and written by Michael Gallagher (yes, the same Michael Gallagher who wrote the early issues of Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics)). A man buys magnetic insoles for his shoes, but they end up being so powerful that they pull an entire drawer full of sharp knives down, causing every knife to impale itself through his feet. Followed immediately by the fridge crashing down on him.
