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Live Blogs East Meets West! Let's Read Sailor Moon: American Kitsune!!
Psyga3152012-01-03 09:47:55

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Explain the Past! The Cat Returns!!

When we last left off our heroes, they fought some Putties, a Monster Of The Week, and Davey uses a Bloody Card, much to everyone’s dismay. Let’s continue!

Part Five of Eleven

So Davey talks with Old Man Coyote, who tells him about the Kitsune, and how they’re The Tricksters. Coyote also mentions a Queen Kitsune that Beryl also mentioned in the previous chapter. Coyote says that the Queen could help Davey out with his new Kitsune body. Coyote and Davey both say that Edward and Serena are dealing with their stresses. Edward by smashing some trees, and Serena by crying. The two decide to deal with them.

First, we see Edward smashing some trees. It turns out that he’s upset about the golden eyes he has and the super powers he now possesses. So yes, Edward suddenly has powers now. So much for Badass Muggle Best Friend. Coyote tells him to stop being an emo and help Serena and Davey with their newest task: Bringing the Scouts to Colorado. So yeah, now everyone’s bringing the war to Colorado. At least it isn’t New York. Edward angsts about how he just wanted a normal life and then says that this battle of good and evil never ends. After a speech from Coyote that can be summed up as “Come on! Pretty Please With Sugar On Top?”, Edward agrees to helping Serena and Davey.

Meanwhile, Davey goes and talks to Serena about her homesickness. This eventually goes into some exposition on how Davey became the titular American Kitsune. As it turns out, the Piasa Monster incident was Davey’s first stint when Zordon hired him. As mentioned a couple of times in this liveblog, it ended horribly, with Davey having his arm shot off and actions that would have set interracial relationships back a few years. A teacher opened fire and in the ensuing firefight, Davey loses his arm, his dignity, (some say) his humanity, and nearly his life. However, he soon got a mechanical arm and was soon taken to Mobius, Sonic’s world. Serena is like “Mobius? That’s where Sonic lives!” Okay, Mobius was an American concept. The Japanese Version never referred to Mobius, unless you count Sonic X, but even then, it was an unnamed planet that could be Mobius. It could very well be possible that Serena read the Archie Comics during her stay in Colorado. Supporting this is Serena saying that Davey looks like Robotnik.

Davey then says that the Freedom Fighters sort of made him out to be an Evil Knockoff of Robotnik, like how Metal *

Sonic was an Evil Knockoff of Sonic. However, he then mentions how he should look like Robotnik, as Robotnik is his father. ZOMG! Actually, the way he brings up that fact was pretty clever.

Davey: Doctor Ivo Robotnik betrayed and murdered my father, Julian Kintobor in the exact same manner that Darth Vader betrayed and murdered Luke Skywalker's dad. I'll give you 30 seconds to let that sink in.

Okay, there are a few problems I have. 1, how come Davey is on Earth if Robotnik is his father? If he was his father, then wouldn’t he be born on Mobius? Okay, maybe some interdimensional traveler snatched the baby and brought him to Earth, but that might raise further questions. And 2, and this is the Elephant in the Room for me, this is very Mary Sueish. An OC is suddenly an established villain’s son. I don’t hate that problem that much as problem 1, but again, it’s the Elephant in the Room for me, I have to mention it, whether it bugs or awes me.

However, this hammers in the “MARY SUE!” sign further: Davey manages to not only outclass the Knothole Freedom Fighters and finished off Robotnik, but also marries Sonia, Sonic’s sister, as well as the Redhead he mentioned in Chapter 2. Pretty much it. He then said to have lived in peace for the rest of his life and died of old age. Then he awakes back into the world filled with hate and violence. Yeah, that would make anyone very pissed. And now he’s a Kitsune, due to something happening while he was in the coma. This makes Serena better and she heads back inside. At least Old Man Coyote sounded like he gave two shits about Edward, here, Davey’s like “Oh! Let me tell you how my life sucks more than you!” I’m starting to see where this derails...

So anyways, Davey soon transforms into a fox form, and then begins howling at the moon. He then heads back inside where Serena greets him and welcomes him to the bed. For the sake of my sanity, I can only assume they snuggled. Awww...

The next morning, Serena notices she is late for school, and runs out of the house, only to notice she’s still in Colorado. There’s actually a funny moment here, which I will let the line speak for itself.

Davey: Okay, Rabbit; you have options: We've got klenexes(sic), toilet paper, napkins, a used hanky, or will you just water the front lawn right where you stand?

Serena: I think I'll just water the lawwwwwwahhhhhhhhh!!

I chuckled. Anyways, some news reporter tells her friends and family about Serena’s whereabouts. Wait, what? Okay, most other plot holes I can hand wave aside, but this? This isn’t a hand-wavable plot hole! How the hell does that news reporter know how to contact Serena’s parents? Or her friends? If said news reporter saw her on TV, then that might be plausible, but he has to have the phone number of her parents and friends. He also had to have a clear understanding of the Japanese Language in order to read a Japanese phonebook to try to find the numbers, and in order to speak to them. Not to mention the fact that the phone calls are Long Distance, and thus, he will have a pretty big bill on his hands.

You know what? Screw it! It’s time for a new hand wave, one that replaces this stupid derided “A news reporter called them”. Serena’s parents and friends saw her on the news. That’s a better hand wave. Sailor Moon suddenly appearing in Colorado is sure to get some news flowing in Japan, and seeing as her friends know who Sailor Moon is, they know she’s safe. That might not cover her teacher or her parents, but it’s a start.

Anyways, Mrs. Haruna offers Serena a passing grade for her long-due absence so long as she writes a report to her about her findings of Friendship her experience in America. Anyways, Davey then asks her how she can cry so much and she says that she takes an IV litre of saline solution every day. What? I’m pretty sure it’s a joke, but if not... That’s just not right!

Edward then shows him The Calypso, a modified Star Trek space ship, equipped with Minerva, the ships AI. Place yer bets! Anyways, Edward then gives Davey a car and warns him not to drive at 88 MPH, as he built it to time travel like a DeLorean.

Oh, and remember how there’s that stupid plot hole with the news reporter knowing about the phone numbers? Well, now Luna get a turn as she sends herself directly to their house in a cardboard box. With no hint of air holes. Wow. More plot holes. Okay, first, how the hell did she know where Serena is? Second, how the hell did Luna survive in that box? Anyways, Luna notices that Serena buddied herself up with a Kitsune and immediately calls her out for it. I don’t think Luna swore... but okay.

And the part ends there. Tune in next time.


ManCalledTrue Since: Dec, 1969
Jan 2nd 2012 at 5:54:57 AM
I've never actually read this story, but going through this liveblog, it actually had potential... righhhhhhhhhhhht up until this part, where it all starts falling in on itself.
Morgikit Since: Dec, 1969
Sep 3rd 2012 at 2:34:55 PM
If I remember Blood and Metal correctly, in his previous fanfics Robotnik was said to have been from Earth originally and stumbled into some interdimensional portal that brought him to Mobius. Does kind of explain the cartoon where he's more or less the only human around. It doesn't make the storyany less of a Star Wars knock-off. Especially because BAM tells us that like Anakin, Julian Kintobor was a hero once but eventually became twisted, evil, and more machine than man.

I like Usagi-er, Serena's line about watering the lawn. It so effectively mirrors the audience's response in having to listen to more of Gonterman's political views. Seriously, I wanted to like the scene where she snuggles with a furry Davey, but I was still reeling from "people think blacks don't hate, but they sure do".