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Discussion History CurbStompBattle / RealLife

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[001] CRMartin Current Version
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I don\'t know about you other tropers here, but there\'s an entry on the show\'s DMoS page that\'s the shining example of self-entitled [[FanDumb]] I think I\'ve ever seen. Yes, The Shell pissed off a few fans, but to swear off a show for such a petty reason like [[TheReveal Penny\'s true form]] is just...well, stupid
I don\\\'t know about you other tropers here, but there\\\'s an entry on the show\\\'s DMoS page that\\\'s the shining example of self-entitled [[FanDumb fan idiocy]] I think I\\\'ve ever seen. Yes, The Shell pissed off a few fans, but to swear off a show for such a petty reason like [[TheReveal Penny\\\'s true form]] is just...well, stupid, and sorry to say it, but the troper who made that entry is plain and simple stupid.