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Webcomic / Mega Man X Unit 49

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(Under construction)Mega Man X: Unit 49 is a sprite fan webcomic that takes place after Mega Man X 8, written by IrregularSaturn, following the battle on the Moon, where Sigma was seemingly defeated for good, along with Lumine and their plans for the New Generation Reploids. More than ever, X and Zero believe they are just a few steps away from bringing the dreamed peace between Reploids and humans. However, hundreds of dangerous Mavericks are still roaming the underworld since the fall of the space colony Eurasia, followed by the Nightmare Phenomenon and the 'Maverick Spring' that catastrophe brought. To find and retire criminal Reploids is duty of the Maverick Hunters, and such an unending task should be easier now that Sigma is gone. However, two crime lords will use that power vacuum to set their long awaited plans into motion! Is there another war to be waged from their conspiracy?!

"Mega Man X: Unit 49" originally ran from 2010 to 2013, until it was rebooted in 2015, and has been running ever since. It has run on Smack Jeeves until December 2019, and still runs on DeviantArt.

  • Long-Runners: Theres plans for 6 seasons with many pages and chapters in between.
