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WMG / Power Rangers Ninja Steel S 02 E 10 Dimensions In Danger

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The Master Morpher is Gosei tech, based on the Super Megaforce powers.
Gosei could easily have restored the destroyed Ranger Powers (Sentinel Knight had done the same thing for three "retro Rangers" in Operation Overdrive) and may have done so in order to duplicate them for the Ranger Keys.
  • Or it could be a combined effort. Ninjor being the one responsible for making the Power Coins, Billy responsible for his technical skills, etc.

Tommy and the Legendary Rangers have been helping each other since defeating their respective Big Bads.
From them doing the Ninja Reveal technique to the difference in the Falcon Zord, it’s become clear that the Master Morpher isn’t the only update Tommy has made to his powers, he’s been training and learning from other Rangers. The way he summons his Falcon Zord’s looks kind of similar to the way the Jungle Fury Rangers summon their animal spirits. Maybe Tommy has received some training from the Order of the Claw.
  • The animal spirits subject have already been touched upon since MMPR III and the 1995 movie's alternate continuity by Ninjor and Dulcea respectively. The only difference is that Tommy does not actually manifest his Falconzord, only summon it like one would for a normal Zord.
