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Describe Yin here.

Not an easy task, so let's start with the basics.

Female (as is probably obvious from the name), writer of fanfiction, artist of fanart, currently working on a book of her own (and sufferer of ADCD). Yaoi Fangirl, but generally just plain Fangirl. Likes tropes that have to do with gender and/or truth.

Created Table Space, Its Not Rape If You Enjoyed It (because when I created it I didn't know how to launch an article with a punctuated title), Pink Boy, Blue Girl and Two Aliases, One Character.

Current peeve on TV Tropes: Troper Tales index. Needs to be fixed kthx.

Not usually prone to forgetting her password, but when she does, forgets it very hard... thus leading to her new name, Lysythe (which was an alternate name on other sites anyway). Not creating a new contributor page because she's lazy.
