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Tropers / Polymer

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Hello. I'm Polymer. No, I won't tell you my real name- that would ruin the fun. i will tell you, however, that I am a writer, and stumbled across this wonderful wiki while wandering the web, looking for what to call it when characters start acknowledging the audience, or even the writers. In other words, Breaking the Fourth Wall . Since I found TV Tropes, I've only met a small handful of tropes I didn't know about already. I love it, however, because I never had names or a fair group of examples before. Ever since I joined officially, I've been found lurking around, adding examples when something jogs my memory. TV Tropes makes it much easier to keep my notes organized- a trope name is much shorter than its description, after all.

My inspiration is one Mr. Piers Anthony. Fans of his will notice him rubbing off on me in my works. I hope to get my books on TV Tropes soon, and then on to a TV series. I'd rather see a series than a movie.

I'm a Big Guy and quite lovable, but any guff turns me into a Snark Knight.

I'm using this page as a super-convenient planning page.


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