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Is only an iteration of a fleeting dream. will try to leave great memories. Feel free to vandalize this page as much as you want.

I am a Shameless Self-Promoter and aspiring writer. Here is the first chapter of my first work, and I hope you like it.

Some people tell me my overt niceness stretches Willing Suspension of Disbelief. Here is my explanation:

Sometimes I may exaggerate how much I like something, how nice someone is, or how much I value something, but I have a policy of always erring on the side of kindness. It makes me feel better, and it improves my environment (people around me are happier).

Sometimes I need to take off the velvet gloves, but I'm always straightforward about it. Well, not straightforwards as in blunt, I try to be gently-firm, but what I won't do is use sarcasm or irony or mocking, not unless I am absolutely furious. The result is a sort of Sugary Malice where compliments are in fact Stealth Insults.note , and But I don't like myself when I'm like that, so I'll go out of my way to avoid getting angry. I am a very patient player, but holding back can be very... draining.

However, when in doubt, please assume my niceness to be genuine. Any malice I may put in my posts is mostly for my own appeasement.

— And now for something completely different:

Here's a silly mutation of Half Life Full Life Consequences, applied to Bin Laden's arrest. I do not endorse this particular hypothesis, but given the complete blackout around the operation, I'd say it's not any more unlikely than any other. It's just a joke, you should just relax

> Al-Zawahiri who was Osama Bin Laden's blood brother was one day a cave, typing on his computer, when he got an e-mail from his brother sayin that Helicopters and SEALS were attacking his place, so he went. He walked fast and wet on the platform where secret minijet was hiding, but he took to long to go because he did not have wepon and had to look for. Osama Bin Laden told the wife and kids: "Wife, you must hide with kids and protect against evil SEAL. Son, they have come to kill your father so you must hide with mother and little brothers while we wait for uncle to save." But uncle Zaw was still not found wepon. So SEAL men crushed throgh windows and windows became blue with sky: "YOU HAVE MADE A FATAL ERROR AND WE WILL SHIT YOU DOWN", the SEALS said to Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden stood up and confranted them "I want to surrender, shooting baby SEALS is bad and I am no combatment anyway. I want trail. You are violating Pakistani sovierntry with this rash entry. Care for sum curry?" said Osama Bin Laden to SEALS as he fiddled in kitchen, pretending not to care. SEALS did not find funny. "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCAM. YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW, PAY A FINE OR GO TO HELL", said the SEAL to the Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden said "But I have no change". "THEN PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD". Osama Bin Laden was angry and afraid "I WILL MAKE BOOTS WITH YOUR HIDES, BABY SEALS! I AM HAPPY I WILL DIE A MYTER!" and he shuldered his wepon. But he had no time and was shat and face floor amd ate all the dust because floor was dusty and then they booted him a couple of times to turn him on back but his face was like sponge watermelon so they knew he was offed forever :D.

> Meanwhile Al-Zawahiri had already found wepon, "I am reddy to be in one minute where brother", he thought, but could not find keys. As he firtled in frastrication, the Alarm sounder: "OSAMA BID LADER'S LIFE SIGNS ARE NULL: HE BE DED OR ALIVE AND TAKEN." And al Zawahiri had a sad.
