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Tropers / I Never

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Just a simple, tired troper (he/him) who goes on hiatus a lot.

I actually joined this site years ago around 2014 with the supposedly-clever idea to have my handle as "I Never" so my edits would always appear as "I Never Edited This" whenever I made an edit on here.

Imagine my disappointment when I realized that's not how edit histories work.

The name just stuck and I've been troping since then.

    If you need to know more about me... 
  • I tend to trope videogame and western animation pages.
  • Because I take a lot of breaks from this website, I tend to forget things and have to relearn some tricks to get back into shape. Also despite my old account, I haven't gotten into the more serious, nitty-gritty parts of troping beyond writing examples/work pages until 2022, so please be patient if I act like a newbie sometimes.

And now imagine my regret over realizing my troper page is forever linked to a drinking game and fanfic.
