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Don't know why you thought it was a good idea to click on that link, but while you're here, grab a seat. Get a drink, something appropriate for the weather? Let me introduce myself while you get yourself sorted.

Been reading fanfictions since I was a young teen, well over a decade now. Was improvising scenes about my favorite shows as a way to try to fall asleep before I even knew fanfiction existed actually. Had a bit of a Huh? I'm not weird? moment when I first found it. Funny, how life throws you curveballs sometimes, no?

Anyway, while I am an avid reader and consumer of it (and believe me, when you can speak/read 3 languages you get a lot of it), I do love writing it as well. Though, I must confess, I have a lot of imposter syndrome around it. So, a lot gets written, not a lot gets published for public consumption and what does are usually oneshots/quirky ideas that to this day don't get updated, yada yada yada.

Not really sure what I want to share, other than that...

Oh, I know. I don't often recommend stories/series, but when I do it's always because I believe they are incredibly well-written and/or thought out, and I genuinely believe the author should get more recognition. I have been described as being a *cough* grammar freak *cough* to keep it simple, although I have mellowed out a bit over the years. I mean, it did come in very handy while maintaining 3 languages and trying to learn a 4th, so... Beggers can't be choosers, I guess?

Anyway, peace out!
