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Tear Jerker / Mystery Show

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  • In "Video Store," a conversation with a bar patron about the store in question leads to a discuss of La Strada, and the man lamenting his lost love.
  • The description of the video of Britney Spears being mobbed by paparazzi and her mother trying to hide her.
  • The conversation that Starlee has with Dennis from Ticketmaster is Heartwarming, but also sad, and he talks about losing his father at a young age and dealing with self-esteem issues.
  • The climax of "Belt Buckle" is a happy tear-jerker, hearing Hans Jordi see the one-of-a-kind keepsake that he had thought lost for 30 years. As he begins to explain its origins, you can hear him struggling not to cry.
  • Elmer Lenhardt's friends recalling his last days, and his death.
    Beverly: He left me over 400 of his books. He said he wanted me to have them because he thought I would use them.
