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Headscratchers / Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 04 E 21 The Muse

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  • Given Lwaxana's high status on Betazed, and the fact she's a fairly high-ranking ambassador to the Federation as well, why was she even at the mercy of her husband in the first place? Half of what we see of his people is blatantly against Federation values and laws and she is a Federation citizen, so one would think she could request asylum. And if not with the Federation because someone were to invoke the Prime Directive, then she could have always turned to the Bajoran government while on the station who have no such limitations.
    • The Federation obviously won't enforce his treatment of her as his property, and the issue never comes up in the episode. Once she flees his house, she's free. But child custody is a complicated issue even here on Earth. Courts aren't eager to completely strip away a parent's right to their own child. It seems likely that Lwaxana or her husband could have requested some sort of arbitration from the Federation, but that would probably result in some form of compromise, and neither party seems like they would be satisfied by a half-measure. So Lwaxana just ran away, and her husband just ran after her. As for Bajor, I don't recall the Bajorans owing Lwaxana any favors, and they're in no position to slap a whole planet in the face for the sake of one Betazoid.
