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Funny / Persona Heaven

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  • 12.3456789% Chance of Survival Thread, Which involves making situations that have a low chance of survival and sending character's from different series or even on the board to do them.
  • The Things stuff and things thread also, here is the story so far...
I wake up in my room. By 'my room, I meant the kitchen, obviously my bed was a fridge. An otter flew by the window. 23 hookers were next to the toy store across from my house. I decided to talk about their job and then go to work at the Toilet Manufacturer downtown, The toilets were malfunctioning in the Factory. Willy Wonka had invaded the strip mall. On the walk over to see it happen; when I stumbled upon a treasure map, detailing the path to El Dorado. When I found the treasure it was a Giant Sentient Jawbreaker that tried to kill me but I shot it with a gun I found on the floor, then I was eaten by the Jawbreaker when I realized the gun was a pencil, But then I found a stick of TNT, However, there was no nearby source of fire, so I rubbed my hands fast enough to see if they could make fire, but I rubbed my hands the wrong way and I was frozen in chocolate...
  • Kumiko Takeda all but directly asking if Rei and Yuki had had sex, especially the new couple's reactions.
