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Funny / Martincitopants

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In its purest essence, a huge part of Martincitopant's humor comes from his constant gibberish, his usage of many internet memes, and the fact that he has to endure an enormous amount of pain when playing games for more than 24 hours. Yep, he got them all, and with no context. Enjoy!

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    Just Cause series 
  • One constant running gag that sticks with the channel is that the chat is constantly flooding Martin's streams with "BOAT" whenever he spots and/or rides anything remotely that looks like it. Even when Martin specifically bans the usage of such an annoying word, the audience instead circumvents around by referring to the vehicle by other terms. All of that, much to Martin's chagrin.
    My Summer Car 
  • The entire rabbit hole that is Martin driving down 6000 km. in My Summer Carnote  Needless to say, his viewers then went on a field day constantly reminding Martin about the dreaded challenge he didn't want to experience, either on ALL of his videos, his social media accounts, or on his live streams.
