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Characters / Survival Of The Fittest V 2051 To 100

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Male Students

    B26: John Matthews 
B26: John Matthews
Designated Weapon: Rusty Scissors
Conclusion: Anger Management? Without pills?! But, that fear of blood thing messes things up...well let's just hope B26 doesn't end up being fodder for someone BEFORE he loses his pills...if he does, well what a waste of potential.

    B27: Ricky Callahan
B27: Ricky Callahan
Designated Weapon: Slingshot
Conclusion: As much as I despise drawing a conclusion to any of the pathetic weasels that lost out in our first competition, I find it almost sad to say: B27, meet Gilbert Archambault. Seems that Ricky doesn't exactly like any kind of confrontation, and one might call him an escapist. The REAL interesting thing will be seeing how Ricky takes it when he figures out that there is NO escape...

    B28: Zed Foreman 
B28: Zed Foreman
Designated Weapon: American Flag
Conclusion: I hope B28 really does have a high threshhold for pain, because the lousy excuse of a weapon he got won't be doing him any favors in the survival department. That's patriotism for ya. The American government fills your head with faux confidence and support, but at the end of the day you're fighting for a piece of cloth that's supposed to mean something. Maybe he can use it if he runs out of bandages or something.

    B29: Dan Birch 
B29: Dan Birch
Designated Weapon: Naginata
Conclusion: B29's another one who doesn't stand a chance. It's sad that so many American teens these days seem to rely on the bottle to get them through life. B29's really gonna be needing that bottle when he realizes what's in store for him, but he won't be able to drink his problems away this time.

    B30: Blake Ross
B30: Blake Ross
Designated Weapon: Bible
Conclusion: Bahaha, B30 might know about the SOTF ACT, but he's going to have trouble doing too much with a Bible. Perhaps our little philosopher should take this as a sign that he should repent before his final undoing.

    B31: Felix Travertil 
B31: Felix Travertil
Designated Weapon: Carpenter's Hammer
Conclusion: Well, let us hope that the carpenter's hammer eliminates all Jesus comparisons, but on that note, I have faith that B31 will do perfectly in SOTF.

    B32: Darren Oaklan 
B32: Darren Oaklan
Designated Weapon: Dull Katana
Conclusion: B32's performance is totally dependent on whether he thinks his fellow students are a problem, or if SOTF is a problem. Care to guess which one we're hoping for?

    B33: Ernest Decarteret 
B33: Ernest Decarteret
Designated Weapon: Twine
Conclusion: I wonder what's in the cards for Ernest? Surprise, it's death! I think a lot of Ernest's chances are going to determine on two things - who he meets up with, and the weather. If it's bright and sunny, and the boy loses his shades, he's done for; and the forecast is calling for blue skies!

    B34: Lance Adams 
B34: Lance Adams
Designated Weapon: Mooring Rope
Conclusion: Well, B34, no such luck the the firearms. It's good to see a protector type in the game, especially with all the psychopaths lurking around the island. I'm sure that G07 has no problem with a protector type either. It just means a free meatshield for her!

    B35: Anthony Ainsworth 
B35: Anthony Ainsworth
Designated Weapon: Hockey Stick
Conclusion: SOTF's own little bigot! How exciting. So, I'm curious about B35. If he holds the Bible as the ultimate truth, then he believes that murder is the ultimate sin and seals your fate in the fires of eternal damnation, yes? Suicide isn't an option either. So, I'd say B35's religion has him backed into a bit of a corner, unless of course he forfeits it like so many others will do.

    B36: Huy Tran
B36: Huy Tran
Designated Weapon: Twig
Conclusion: This kid had it all, or so it would seem. Good work ethic, athletic, friendly, popular...and then he gets all angsty and starts cutting himself? If there's something I have even less use for than punks, it's emo-kids, cutting themselves for attention, listening to Dashboard Confessional and writing in their diaries. B36 won't last too long, and likely'll be snapped as quickly as his weapon: a twig.

    B37: Gregg Archer 
B37: Gregg Archer
Designated Weapon: Electro-Shock Baton
Conclusion: Last time I put far too much stock on the evident game motivators and not enough thought into the so-called 'nice kids'. There's something about Mr. Archer; and I can't put my finger on it, that seems to emit the impression that he's going to have some sort of lasting effect upon our little competition. I wonder what will happen if Gregg's friends end up like those of our previous winner, if he'll snap or if he'll simply shut down...

    B38: Jin Li-Jen 
B38: Jin Li-Jen
Designated Weapon: Boning Knife
Conclusion: It's good that B38 is quick on his toes, because the first time someone slices him pretty good — or he might even slice himself, who knows — he's liable to bleed out and meet an early end. He'll definitely have to watch that condition of his, it's probably going to be his downfall.

    B39: Harry Constantine 
B39: Harry Constantine
Designated Weapon: Agram 2000
Conclusion: So, he's got ADHD, his survival skills are minimal at best, and all he's got to bring to the table are these artsy-schmartsy martial arts skills of his. Knowing how to kick won't do you much good when someone comes up behind you and pummels you full of lead... but that's just my opinion.

    B40: Jordan McKiernan 
B40: Jordan McKiernan
Designated Weapon: Goggles
Conclusion: I wonder if B40 will follow through with his participation in the SOTF ACT, or if he'll just give up and allow himself to be slaughtered by the competition. Once he sees his weapon, he might even drop out early by his own hand. I suppose only time will tell what B40's fate might entail.

    B41: Alexander Bee 
B41: Alexander Bee
Designated Weapon: Claymore (Land Mine) x1
Conclusion: I find it very amusing that B41, our little war buff, snagged a land mine. Shame we only gave him one, yes? Perhaps he'll be smart enough to put it to good use. The fact that he's annoying isn't going to be doing him any favors, but maybe he'll be smart enough to use those "past strategies" and avoid the competition till he can blow 'em sky high!

    B42: Sam Sorenson 
B42: Sam Sorenson
Designated Weapon: Blowtorch
Conclusion: If there's one person that I'd never let near my daughter, it is B42. He seems, but I can't put my finger on it...most definitely not cut out for the game, however. He'll freak out the first time he sees a corpse, and likely end up dead praying to whatever God he believes in.

    B43: Joshua Moore 
B43: Joshua Moore
Designated Weapon: Shinai
Conclusion: Hey look! It's twig boy! Leaping tall buildings in a single bound, or something like that. Hey, he got a decent enough weapon, given his frame. I just hope he doesn't encounter someone like G04 or B69. That could leave him quite... crushed. Hahaha!

    B44: Michael Neely 
B44: Michael Neely
Designated Weapon: Golf Club
Conclusion: Hm... another one of those smart-mouthed wannabe little skater punks, I see. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate punks? I shot one during the last game for wearing his hat backward. If I'd done the Bathurst abduction myself, I probably would've shot this one, too.

    B45: Jameson Doeert 
B45: Jameson Doeert
Designated Weapon: Nail Bat
Conclusion: I can't say I have any faith for B45. For one, he dresses like a woman. Worse, he acts like a snivelling coward. His only strength is his athletic ability - and that won't win him any fights when he has broken arms and ribs!

    B46: Randy Blailocke 
B46: Randy Blailocke
Designated Weapon: Spoon
Conclusion: B46 better hope to quickly come to the conclusion that it's him or them. Otherwise that impressive brawn would go completely to waste while he tries to protect G05, and we'll have to deal with an entirely unimpressive Marcus Roddy clone.

    B47: Seth Mattlock 
B47: Seth Mattlock
Designated Weapon: Walther P38
Conclusion: I'm expecting a lot from B47. He has his own clique of hard-hitters with him on the island, and is a tough little bastard on his own, too. One of the few in Survival of the Fittest I have faith in.

    B48: Brandon Cuthbert 
B48: Brandon Cuthbert
Designated Weapon: XBOX controller with cord.
Conclusion: B48 is indeed a genius, but we'll see if he can think his way out of SOTF... unlikely. He might be physically fit, but at 12 years old he is the youngest student on the island and the bigger kids are playing rough in this game.

    B49: Marvin Hendrick 
B49: Marvin Hendrick
Designated Weapon: Pacifier
Conclusion: What a baby. It's only fitting that B49 got the pacifier. Bahaha. I think Mr. Hendrick is going to crumble in the SOTF ACT. After all, what do you do when your cronies no longer obey your every will and command? You sit in the corner and suck on your passey, that's what.

    B50: Matthew Lafferty 
B50: Matthew Lafferty
Designated Weapon: Derringer One-Shot Handgun
Conclusion: Preppy litte rich boy that can't stand to be told "No."? Well, he might just be in for a rude awakening here. If he's lucky, he might start hearing "No!"s if he does what he's supposed to. With that weapon, though, I don't think everyone will agree with him anyway. I'm keeping an eye on B50.

Female Students

    G26: Alice Nichols 
G26: Alice Nichols
Designated Weapon: Frisbee
Conclusion: She's a bitch and she's ugly. Sure, G26 might be more capable than a lot of females here, but armed with only a frisbee and only relative strength, this one won't get far.

    G27: Jenna Cassidy 
G27: Jenna Cassidy
Designated Weapon: Dartboard (No Darts)
Conclusion: Well, perhaps G27 and B66 can get together and have a nice game of darts! Jenna may be able to hold her own in a fight, but just how loyal to Alex Stevens IS she? Would she be willing to fight, even die for him? I have a feeling that Miss Cassidy's loyalties are going to be tried harshly in the SOTF ACT, and I also have the feeling that she's not going to make very good decisions concerning those loyalties.

    G28: Okalani Shimane 
G28: Okalani Shimane
Designated Weapon: Dagger
Conclusion: I don't see G28 making it to the end. She's far too reckless to be able to take the cake in this competition. However, I do see her being quite the little motivator in the game. Well, perhaps... if she doesn't find some way to go emo and try to kill herself again.

    G29: Sera Wingfield 
G29: Sera Wingfield
Designated Weapon: Flail
Conclusion: Oh ho! Another of those sisterhood brats! Bah! Well, at least they provide the viewers with some eye candy (heh). This one seems like she’ll go far, especially with that kind of weapon. But if she doesn’t meet up with her friends, I’m sure some Bathurst kid will come along and just decimate her.

    G30: Stephanie Crew 
G30 Stephanie Crew
Designated Weapon: Whip
Conclusion: This little wench is quite the piece of work. I absolutely love it. I daresay she has the manipulative attitude to win this game, granted she sticks to her strengths. Either way, it'll still be fun to watch her whip the competition into shape!

    G31: Maggie Heartgreeder 
G31: Maggie Heartgreeder
Designated Weapon: Bowie Knife
Conclusion: If there were no students who did not stand a chance at all, then we wouldn't be able to complete the "Comedic Moments" portion of the aired show. Thank you, Maggie Heartgreeder, for making our dream a reality.

    G32: Chiaki Takao 
G32: Chiaki Takao
Designated Weapon: Browning BDM
Conclusion: Somehow, this one seems to remind me, just a little, of a certain G02 from a former competition. It's got to be the war brat, daddy's girl stigma and the gun training. But, something tells me that Miss Takao won't walk the same route that Umi Martin did. I think this girl will do anything, and I do mean anything, to win.

    G33: Licinia Vinici 
G33: Licinia Vinici
Designated Weapon: Ball and Chain
Conclusion: She may be small and frail, but I see a little firestarter in this girl. She's not to be counted out. They say it's always the quiet ones that you have to watch, and I get the feeling that G33 is one of those girls. If she's smart, she'll use that frail stature of hers to lure many an unsuspecting foe into her trap.

    G34: Mihiro Duli 
G34: Mihiro Duli
Designated Weapon: Vial of Sulphuric Acid
Conclusion: Well now, perhaps G34 is one of the select few who can see the beauty in this program. It's just like a big game of D&D. The one with the best skills succeeds, or something like that. Something tells me that a loser like this one won't last very long against the competition, but I can't quite count her out yet either.

    G35: Jana Brown 
G35: Jana Brown
Designated Weapon: Crossbow + 12 Bolts
Conclusion: She's so very... plain... this G35. Something tells me that much like at P.J. Gilroy, Miss Brown will just fade into the background of this game... some nobody who'll be offed within 24 hours of waking up and never remembered by anybody.

    G36: Elizabeth Ebert 
G36: Elizabeth Ebert
Designated Weapon: M1 Garand Rifle
Conclusion: Well well, quite the little angel we have here. If she’s anything like the other angels we’ve had, I think she’ll do well with that weapon. Though I sincerely doubt it.

    G44: Gigi Sinclaire 
G44: Gigi Sinclaire
Designated Weapon: Riot Gun
Conclusion: G44 - the Dancing Girl - might want to rethink her method of dying. She wants to die dancing to a tune, she might go out doing a jig when she gets riddled with the bullets of another competitor. I don't see G44 going very far in this competition, considering that she'll have to confront one of everybody's most primal fears — the fear of death — in order to persevere.

    G46: Kristey Burrowell 
G46: Kristey Burrowell
Designated Weapon: Aluminum Baseball Bat
Conclusion: Calm yet will go into an attack without caring if it leaves herself open? She might be asexual...but in SOTF that is rather sexy, and hell, when she meets Andi... well, certain factors might get SOTF a hate crime rather quickly.

    G49: Anna Dibenidetti
G49: Anna Dibenidetti
Designated Weapon: Felling Axe
Conclusion: Sticking to the rulebooks is never a bad thing in Survival of the Fittest, and with that weapon, the more she wants to stick to them, the better.

    G50: Jaime Dibenidetti 
G50: Jaime Dibenidetti
Designated Weapon: Tanto
Conclusion: My reactions to G50 are a bit mixed, part of me is hoping she finds her sister...dead. But, another part of me hopes that she gets in over her head and dies rather violently...either way the viewers will be pleased.

    G51: Debrah Dollop 
G51: Debrah Dollop
Designated Weapon: Colt .45 Pistol
Conclusion: The dark sister is the one that isn't a slut with a baby? What a surprise! And with a weapon like that...well G51 will be quite the motivator in this game I presume.

    G52: Deliah Dollop 
G52: Deliah Dollop
Designated Weapon: Gameboy Advance (No Games)
Conclusion: Such a shame to see more teen pregnancy. I hope G52 doesn't think the competition will go easy on her because she's with child. Two of the V1 participants could tell her otherwise... or they could, if they were still alive. While her pregnancy might motivate her to fight for her life, I'm willing to bet that it'll hinder her more than help.

    G59: Zilya Merchenkov 
G59: Zilya Merchenkov
Designated Weapon: Tri-Nunchaku
Conclusion: This is an interesting one. She's easy on the eyes, shame she's probably too stuck up to use it as an advantage. Oh well, maybe she can come through some other way, that temper might catch a few of these brats by surprise, heh.

    G66: Penelope Withers 
G66: Penelope Withers
Designated Weapon: Steel Mace
Conclusion: Maybe I'm wrong here, but something tells me that G66 is one of those bleeding heart, nurture the baby animals back to health sort of people. If that's the case, this game is definitely gonna break her. Which is good. It's always fun to watch the innocent ones slowly decay into insanity.

    G72: Venus Gwendolyn 
G72: Venus Gwendonlyn
Designated Weapon: Sledgehammer
Conclusion: Well, G72, otherwise known as Malibu Barbie, might be tough, and her looks might get her through the game to a point, but I think she's far too tiny to make any sort of use out of that sledgehammer. Like the rest of the Sisterhood, Miss Gwendolyn is just another pretty face doomed to be eaten by worms.

    G99: Sylvea Hill 
G99: Sylvea Hill
Designated Weapon: Beretta 1934
Conclusion: Well, G99 should be amusing to watch snap. One of those tree-hugging hippy girls, eh? What's even better is that she hasn't a clue how to use her assigned weapon. Even if she did, being the animal-lover that she is, I can't see her killing another human being. Then again, maybe she'll go off on some holy crusade from God or something. Who knows? In the end, I think Miss Hill will just be fodder for someone more ambitious.
