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Awesome / Spirit of Redemption

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  • Just the fact that this is a 3.4 million word story that was written in 21 months by a single person. HOLY SHIT.
  • The Relay 217 Incident is a sequence of awesome, involving a ship flying backwards through a mass relay and the Rachni essentially saying "UR DOIN' IT WRONG" to the Batarians and their biotic ship weapons.
  • This is topped by the offscreen one during the reaper war; The rachni HELD A FREAKING REAPER IN PLACE while the other fleet's trashed it.
  • Also during the reaper war, Sky taking an assortment of rachni soldiers and workers inside a reaper and effectivelly outsinging the indoctrination to protect them while they destroyed the reaper from the inside out.
  • The Battle of the Vineyards. Nine Spectres in three Hammerheads, against 90 batarians in four gunships and several attack vehicles. End result. Four wide-eyed and very cooperative batarian prisioners, two hundred liberated asari and human slaves and one very harried Spectre doctor running around attending the civilians.
  • The last paragraphs of the fic.
    Shepard raised her hand. "I have one important question."
    Are the Reapers coming?
    We don't know. But what I do know, is that if they are coming? There's only one relay left that they can enter this galaxy through. The super-relay EDI and I found, so long ago. . . . . if it's another galaxy completely controlled by the Reapers I think we owe THEM an invasion or two, don't you?
