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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2016-04-27 21:45:46

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AoTS Chapter 10: Next Stop, Syria

Written By: Thomas
POV: Unknown, since the chapter is entirely dialogue.

"If speech tags are not the place to reveal a character’s childhood traumas or the ups and downs of his career in law enforcement, and if they’re not a place to demonstrate all the different words that can be used to indicate speech, what are they for? They’re there to tell you who’s talking."
How Not to Write a Novel

William declares that they must go to Syria to get rid of Assad, evidently having forgotten about the evil god that's also there. An unknown speaker agrees, noting that it's also for the sake of the Jews, who are at least partway to being Christian (It's a bit surprising that the author's this compassionate toward them, unlike many fundamentalists who defend them along with Israel, but believe they'll go to hell if they don't accept Jesus).

The first speaker, possibly William, says that they must hurry, and board planes before night is out, disregarding that reservations require a fair amount of notice. He then suggests that they rest first, which seems to contradict his earlier urgency.

The second speaker, however, says they don't have time to do so, and that they can sleep on the plane, but until then, they can read the Bible and stay awake with God's help, before going on a tangent about God being on Christian women's side.

The first speaker agrees, and notes that they must deal with the Egyptian god in Syria. He even says that they now have all the might of NATO on their side, now that the Prayer Warriors killed the queen and forced the rest of the royal family to flee. Of course, William's unhappy that Prince William escaped to Scotland, and that he has the same name, but leaves them to Team England.

So who, apart from William, is heading to Syria to fight Assad and the third Egyptian god? We can only guess based on context, since the author neglected to include even a mention of who was talking here. As with any trope related to Bad Writing, if it's present here, you can expect the author of the Prayer Warriors to take it farther than most do.

Next Installment: Draco takes a train to Hogwarts, and encounters an unlikely ally on it.

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