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Live Blogs Free Birds: A Movie That Totally Needed To Exist
CosmicRust2014-05-20 16:01:31

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At Least The Animation Looks Decent

So, the first thing we see is that the company known as Relativity produced this film. I have never heard of this company, but the animation for the theatrical logo looks nice. So, there's that.

We don't waste any time as a commit or something hurdles through the Relativity logo and takes us to out next logo: Reel FX. I haven't heard of them either. The commit thingy, that was apparently an egg, them destroys the logo and we fade to black. Then we open to a...disclaimer? They actually had to tell us that this film is fiction? Never mind, it's a gag and it tells us that the bit about the talking turkeys is real.

Alrighty then.

We open to a slideshow of pictures from different holidays and narration by Owen Wilson. Wilson informs us that everybody loves holidays and the one thing all holidays have in common is food. Thanksgiving is nice...unless you're the meal. Zoom in on Reggie, a turkey and our main protagonist. He's also voiced by Owen Wilson. Reggie screams and we zoom into WHOA HI THERE, TURKEY UVULA. We see the title card in his mouth and we zoom back out to his face. Reggie continues narrating as he runs from the window where he witnessed his humans carving a turkey. He flees to the other turkeys and tries to warn them for apparently the umpteenth time about how they're going to be eaten. As expected, he's ignored. The other turkeys are happy bumpkins who eat corn, act dumb, and literally worship corn. It's revealed to us that when the farmer takes a turkey to the shed to be killed, the other turkeys believe that he's going to "Turkey Paradise". Reggie narrates some more, explaining how he's always been different from everyone else. Turns out that he's a disliked crazy guy who's smarter than everyone else. Imagine that, a protagonist not belonging!

Suddenly, while all the turkeys are sleeping, a bright light shows through the coup walls and it becomes apparent that Reggie was right all along and they all will be killed. The turkey's solution? Blame Reggie and send him to whatever's coming. One turkey calls him the "Anti-corn".

Guys, if you're going to make more jokes like that, then fuck you in advance.

Reggie is taken away from the coup and into a rally for the President Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey. And, if you're wondering, yes that is a thing. The president's young daughter was the one to scoop up Reggie and wants him to be pardoned because plot. The daughter takes Reggie onto the President's helicopter and introduces him to people and things on the helicopter. This includes a woman who has a crush on the president. I sense family hijinks and secondary character romance are about to ensue throughout this movie! Boy, oh boy!

And with that, I stop here. It's not that bad so far and this was boring to write because we're still in the exposition stage of the movie. Hopefully, this movie gets more interesting and this Let's Watch will pick up. Until next time!

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