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Live Blogs Let's Play Megaman Battle Network 4
ComicX62013-07-05 12:31:46

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The Sopranos This Ain't

Our next opponent is Riki and his Heel Navi Crusher. Riki’s a lot like Tetsu, since although he looks like he could snap Lan in half just by flexing in his general direction he’s a pretty jolly fellow. But once we go outside it seems that not everything is rosy. An old woman, apparently a mafia crime boss, is trying to pressure him into taking her place as the organization’s head, since he has the perfect face for a crime boss (he’s a generic goon sprite). Riki doesn’t want to have anything to do with that though, his dream is to open a bakery, and he’s going to use the prize money from the tournament to do so. Keep in mind that this is the first and only time a monetary prize for winning this tournament, or for any of them, is brought up.

The boss decides to take his PET away and has some of her thugs arrange for Crusher to be kidnapped on the Net. Without Crusher, Riki wussifies immediately, and Lan decides to help him somehow. In Mel Square he overhears two of the thugs talking about Crusher being held captive in Park Area 3 (yup), and oh, they’re also planning to eliminate the boss so that they can take things over.

Our obstacle course this time around is a horde of mafia Navis patrolling the area, which means it’s time for some stealth-based gameplay. And like many a video game that tries to shoehorn a stealth sequence in, this one is somewhat half-baked. It’s very vague how far the “cone” of sight that the Navis have extends out from them, and there’s not much of a set pattern as to where they look, as they’ll constantly be glancing around. The conveyors in Park Area 3 love spitting Megaman right into the sight of incoming mafia Navis. If he’s spotted it’s back to the start of the area for him.

Crusher is locked in a cage at where the control panel for the Castillo rides is, and Megaman makes short work of it with his Mega Buster. A group of mafia Navis spot the two, but they quickly jack out instead of fighting, one of the very few instances in the series where the Navis take that route. Of course, avoiding the online thugs doesn’t mean we can avoid the real world thugs, but the boss, having apparently learned of the coup, kicks their asses during a fade-out. Apparently not giving a crap anymore, she tells Riki to go and fight his match. Time to crush some dreams.

Crusher (Heel Navi Beta)

HP: 800

Element: Normal


  • Fighter Sword – Crusher swings a three-panel-long sword for 100 damage.
  • Cannonball – Crusher throws a projectile into Megaman’s area that breaks the panel it lands on and deals 120 damage.
  • Virus Summon – Crusher summons a Mettaur, Billy, Volgear, Gaia, or Boomer virus to the field.
  • Area Grab – Crusher steals Megaman’s rightmost column.

Damage has been beefed up, but HP hasn’t, so down he goes.

With his loss Riki decides that he’ll have to stick with the mafia for the time being, but he hasn’t given up on his dream. And I have nothing more to say on this short, little scenario.

As I thought I’m being pitted against Burnerman again in the final round, so the last Eagle Tournament opponent will have to wait for the Super Hard playthrough.

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