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Live Blogs Let's Listen: The Punk Rocky Horror Show
Wackd2012-01-26 17:54:30

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"Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me" by Chubbies

Another great one, but it's allure—especially compared to the original—is fortunately much easier to explain.

A large part of it's the heavy drum use. It's right at the forefront of the song, moreso than the strings, and punctuates the lyrics to great effect. It's also a much slower song than anything else on the album, and softer too, which works really well. There's light background vocals as well, which do this sort of angelic choir thing. No words, just a drawn-out "ah".

If I have one complaint—and it's a small one—it's that the song is played as sexy sultry the whole way through, rather than innocence suddenly switching gears at "I need action". Said gear shift is still there, but it's much less noticeable, partially because of that and partially because this version of the song is slower and more consistently paced overall.

It's not AWESOME, but it's a solid listen, and arguably does more to stake it's own claim to the song than any other artist on the album thus far.


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