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Live Blogs Let's Play Touhoumon Aqua+Yui Version
raigakuren2011-09-11 00:05:50

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I'm On a Boat in Vermillion City!

Okay then onto Vermillion city for our third gym battle! The main gate is closed so I'll have to take the underground path to Vermillion. Along the Route to Vermillion Aya finally evolved! :D

Now then onto Vermillion city, I go to the gym but there's a huge tree blocking the way.

"So who's the gardner around these parts? Not exactly doing their job very well are they. Wait I have that ticket ZUN gave me. May as well use it to pass some time."

"Okay how about some nice relaxation in my room?"

I open up the door to see an old man. "Well, well, well. Would you like to battle?"

"Very well."


"Well if it isn't Rai?"

"Ren. Once again you just suddenly appear out of nowhere. Battle?"

Round one: Aya vs Aya. My Aya wins because it's just awesome like that, I was totally betting on Aya to win that fight.

Round two: Marisa vs Iku. Iku manages to take out half of Marisa's health but it is eventually overpowered due to the difference in level. I send out Reimu to take out the rest of Ren's team.

"All right! ONCE AGAIN I HAVE PROVEN MY SUPERIORITY! Time to look at the deck."

-At the deck-

I've always wanted to do this. I stick up my hands on the very edge of the ship and shout "IS THAT SO!?" Hey wait the ship isn't moving. I'm gonna have a word with the captain.

"Hey captain" -BLAAARGH-

"Um, you okay?"

"Yes I just get seasick really easily."

How ironic.

"To show my sorry's for delaying the trip please take this HM. It teaches Cut to your Pokemon you can use it to cut down trees."


"Man, that guys puke makes me almost want to puke. I should get some fresh air outside of the ship. Whew, feel much better now! Now then back to the-HEY WAIT! NO DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND!"


"Oh wait I have a gym battle to go to. But first some exploring in the Diglett Cave."

A wild Utsuho was captured!

Now onto the gym (for real this time)

Electric types. Guess Utsuho and Reimu won't do too great. Guess Sanae'll lead the charge with Iku and my secret weapon.

"Lt. Surge I challenge you to a battle!"

"Well, well, another challenge. Hope this won't be a boring one. Go Luna Child."

Hmm, evolved no problem. Sanae can handle it. Sanae easily beats Luna Child but is badly damaged in the fight, so I switch to Iku.

Surge sends out a Marisa, unfortunately Iku is only level 24 while Marisa is 30. I try my best but the hopes are in vain and Iku is beaten. Hmm, I could just send out Sanae to take out Marisa...or I could use my secret weapon that would just be overkill.

"SCREW THIS! Go Ex Yamame!"

"N-no way how did you?"

"I got lucky in Diglett Cave and did some special training with this baby. I got a Parsee too with me."


"I admit defeat. Here is the Thunder Badge as proof of your victory."


Woohoo, hiatus is kind of over. Kind of. I'm still busy but I'm less busy so I had some free time to work on this and drafts of the later installments. :D

Yes, I got lucky and caught a Yamame AND a Parsee in the Diglett cave. Appropriately, Yamame is nicknamed Disc1Nuke! and Parsee is Paruparu. On the SS Anne I've always wondered what the point of getting the ticket to a boat you couldn't ride on and once you exit it leaves. lolwut?

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